tableau Remote Jobs

367 Results


Data Analyst (Manifest)

GenesisUkraine Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Data Analyst (Manifest)

Boosters — це українська продуктова компанія. Ми створюємо продукти в сферах EdTech та life-improvement, які несуть цінність для22 мільйонів людей в усьому світі. Наші додатки регулярно потрапляють в ТОПи рейтингів в своїх категоріях.

Можливо ти вже бачив(ла) Avrora, Manifest чи Promova.

Наша головна перевага — це люди. Ми працюємо з тими, хто щодня прагне до самовдосконалення та ставить собі за мету перемагати разом з нами. В команді вже більше 100 людей, і ми не плануємо зупинятися.

Наразі ми шукаємо Data Analystв командуManifest. Основна мета цієї ролі — знаходити корисні інсайти та на основі них надавати дієві рекомендації щодо стратегії зростання бізнесу та продукту Manifest. Допомагати командам маркетингу та продукту приймати правильні та своєчасні рішення на основі даних та інсайтів для росту бізнес-показників щомісячно, бути драйвером змін та брати на себе відповідальність за їх імплементацію та результати.

Manifest — це продукт для жінок, який допомагає їм змінити своє життя на краще. Він включає в себе не лише мобільний додаток з афірмаціями та мотивацією, але й ширший план трансформації, який допомагає жінкам зосередитися на своїх бажаннях та цілях. Мета команди на наступні 2 роки — стати трансформаційним продуктом для жінок номер 1 в світі через розширення можливостей продукту та забезпечення більш глибокого користувацького досвіду.

Твоя зона впливу:

  • Аналіз маркетингових та продуктових показників, генерування ідей для покращення продукту та оптимізації залучення в нього користувачів;
  • Revenue stream management: аналіз прогнозованого доходу та потенційних можливостей щодо його збільшення (включно з аналізом даних по підписках, встановленням їхніх цін та довжини, а також виявленням факторів та тенденцій, що впливають на прогноз їхньої окупності);
  • Підготовка аналітичних репортів та побудова відповідних дешбордів, в тому числі з візуалізацією (як маркетингових, так і продуктових / монетизиційних).

Для цього тобі знадобиться:

  • Досвід на аналогічній посаді від 1 року;
  • Навички роботи з Tableau, Power Bi або іншим аналітичним пакетом;
  • Data-driven підхід до роботи;
  • Високий рівень навичок пріоритезації задач та тайм менеджменту;
  • Досвід роботи з Jira;
  • Високий рівень навичок в Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets;
  • Уміння зануритись у питання глибоко, самостійно розібратись та презентувати результати;
  • Уважність до деталей, системний підхід.

Ми пропонуємо:

  • Роботу над продуктом, що швидко зростає та має великі маркетинг бюджети, відкриваючи широкі можливості для пошуку інсайтів і впровадження змін;
  • Філософію та умови для твого постійного росту та розвитку;
  • Великий простір для втілення власних ідей і впливу на продукт та маркетинг.

Корпоративні бенефіти:

  • Компенсація додаткового навчання на зовнішніх тренінгах і семінарах та Business і Management School для співробітників;
  • Велика електронна бібліотека та доступ до платних онлайн-курсів і конференцій, внутрішні бесіди і воркшопи, курси англійської;
  • Корпоративний лікар та медичне страхування.

Процес інтервʼю:

  • Pre-screen з рекрутером (40 хвилин);
  • Тестове завдання;
  • Інтервʼю з СЕО Manifest (1 година);
  • Bar-raising (1 година).

Більше деталей про процес та вакансію можна дізнатись в нашого рекрутера – Нурлани. А якщо виникли питання про цілі та плани розвитку продукту, сміливо пиши Валерії, СЕО Manifest.

Залишай своє резюме і давай створювати юнікорн разом! ????

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Junior+/Middle Product Analyst | 6037

GenesisKyiv, UA Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Junior+/Middle Product Analyst | 6037


Ми – Venture Partnership 6037. Ми будуємо унікальну модель роботи з перспективними продуктами: інвестуємо у проєкти на ранніх етапах, масштабуємо та допомагаємо створювати успішні компанії.

Наша місія – трансформувати Україну: державу-аутсорс у державу-продукт, побудувавши найбільший продуктовий портфель.

Ми будуємо екосистему, в якій щорічно з'являються та тестуються 100+ продуктів та шукаємо тих, хто готовий співпрацювати, експериментувати та допомагати розвивати стартап-культуру за межами Кремнієвої долини.

Компанію створили у 2022 році. За останній 2 роки вона виросла з 3 до 50+ людей в команді. Наразі більшість наших співробітників знаходяться у безпеці, ми зберегли усі робочі місця, на додаток — продовжуємо посилювати нашу команду.

Наша позиція:

  • Ми проти війни та невиправданої агресії.
  • Ми евакуювали співробітників компанії та їх близьких із зон бойових дій, допомогли в пошуку житла і забезпечили фінансовою підтримкою.
  • Ми продовжуємо стабільно працювати для майбутнього України.

Зараз шукаємо Junior+/Middle Product Analyst-а, який(-а) допомагатиме продуктовим командам приймати правильні рішення щодо покращення продуктів, а також будуватиме аналітичні системи, як дадуть змогу генерувати гіпотези щодо вузьких місць в роботі продуктів.

Тобі варто про це знати:

  • Нашим продуктом користуються 500 тисяч жінок.
  • За цим стоїть команда стилістів, яка наразі налічує 30+ спеціалістів.
  • За рік наш продукт виріс у 10 разів, і це тільки початок.

Тобі точно до нас, якщо ти хочеш:

  • Впливати на продукт. Ми працюємо з тисячами користувачів і це відкриває величезний простір для експериментів.
  • Розвиватися. За пів року роботи у нашій команді можна дізнатися в 10 разів більше, ніж в іншому місці. Ми активно ділимося експертизою та сприяємо розвитку команди.
  • Втілювати свої ідеї в життя. Ми завжди відкриті до нових ідей та охоче допоможемо в їх реалізації.

Якими будуть твої основні задачі:

  • Аналізувати результати А/В тестів;
  • Створювати дашборди з продуктовими метриками;
  • Створювати предиктивні моделі для продуктових та платіжних метрик.

Що потрібно, щоб до нас приєднатися:

  • Від 1 року комерційного досвіду на позиціях аналітика;
  • Знання SQL та Python і вміння застосувати ці навички при обробці великих обʼємів даних;
  • Досвід візуалізації даних за допомогою Tableau;
  • Відмінні аналітичні навички, вміння швидко рахувати та логічно мислити.

Буде плюсом:

  • Бажання глибоко досліджувати точки зацікавлення;
  • Наполегливість і вміння закінчувати почате;
  • Розуміння роботи бізнесу та процесів в продукті.

Що ми пропонуємо?

  • Можливість долучитися до створення українських продуктів та допомагати економіці нашої країни;
  • Автономну роботу — ніякої бюрократії, швидке ухвалення рішень;
  • Швидку прокачку знань у продакт аналітиці – з нами ти зможеш спробувати всі напрями цієї позиції за короткий проміжок часу;
  • Великий простір для втілення власних ідей та впливу на продукт.

Корпоративні бенефіти:

  • Компенсація додаткового навчання на зовнішніх тренінгах і семінарах та Business і Management School для співробітників;
  • Велика електронна бібліотека та доступ до платних онлайн-курсів і конференцій, внутрішні бесіди та воркшопи;
  • Корпоративний лікар та медичне страхування;
  • Ти можеш працювати віддалено, але ми будемо раді бачити тебе в офісі.

З ким ти будеш працювати?

У команді зараз 50+ людей. Найбільше ти взаємодіятимеш із командою аналітики та продукту.

Процес інтерв’ю: Дзвінок з рекрутером → тестове завдання → інтервʼю з командою → фінальне інтервʼю → оффер.

Приєднуйся до нашої команди мрійників, інноваторів та тих, хто змінює світ.

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Senior Financial and Data Analyst (Remote First/Hybrid)

Oxfam AmericaNew York, NY, Remote

Oxfam America is hiring a Remote Senior Financial and Data Analyst (Remote First/Hybrid)

Job Description

The Senior Financial and Data Analyst is a key member of the finance team, providing foundational business partnering for annual and project budgeting/forecasting. The position will co-develop data-driven reporting and analysis for the business and support standard reporting efforts to Oxfam International (OI), including specifically the annual CONSOL (Common Oxfam Norms, Standards & Objects in Ledgers) submission. The ideal candidate thrives in delivering solutions to complex problems and has an affinity for data analysis and developing financial management reporting in support of decision making and impact. The candidate is a strong team player comfortable working in an international, fast paced, and dynamic environment where the tasks may get reprioritized constantly.


Budgeting Support (40%)

  • Work with the Associate Director of Financial Planning and Analysis to develop and maintain financial models for financial planning purposes in accordance with annual targets set by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
  • Partner closely with countries, budget managers, divisional leadership, and the Strategy team throughout the annual planning process to understand operational resource needs.
  • Support budget managers through the bottom-up process to prepare department and project budgets, to address resource requirements of divisional and cross-functional annual operating plans.
  • Assist in on-boarding of new budget managers.
  • Support directors and budget managers to ensure that annual and project budgets are complete, accurate, and conform with OUS policies, procedures, and donor-approved restricted project budgets.
  • Work with the Associate Director of Financial Planning and Analysis to analyze the budget and prepare financial reporting as needed, at the direction of the CFO, to support Board approval of annual budget.
  • Work with Associate Director of Financial Planning and Analysis, Award Management and Compliance, and key stakeholders to develop and maintain client-centric analytical tools, financial models, and business processes to streamline and improve reporting and budgeting procedures.

Reporting & Analysis (35%)

  • Develop and produce the monthly management reporting package, at direction of CFO, for executive management, including monthly dashboards and variance analyses.
  • Provide decision/analytical support and ad-hoc management information reporting as assigned.
  • Provide a positive redundancy for timely and accurate annual and periodic CONSOL-compliant reports to support decision-making by OI and OUS management.
  • Run ad-hoc reports as needed in from the financial system (UBW and Power Bi), including standard reports as well as advanced queries to support analyses and/or client needs.

Business Intelligence and Budgeting Systems Analysis (25%)

  • Drive medium to large scale projects for the creation and maintenance of business intelligence reports and services to address emerging needs.
  • Analyze data and communicate insights and metrics needed to support top business goals with key partners.
  • Interact with partners to comprehend day-to-day operations and pain points, detail, and report business requirements to management, and provide recommendations how to increase efficiency of business applications.
  • Partner with colleagues within Finance and with TIM creating test plans and validating data and processes related to system enhancements.
  • Deliver training and knowledge transfer on business applications for Unit4 Planner, Dashboard reporting etc. as assigned.
  • High-level Customer Service
  • Demonstrate customer service leadership in representing FP&A products and services to stakeholders and responding to requests promptly, anticipating others’ needs, and collecting feedback for meaningful continuous improvement.


  • Be a key touch point for the business and demonstrate a broad understanding of key strategic and operational issues facing the Oxfam America and the Oxfam confederation as a whole.
  • Be able to interact will all levels of the organization and have excellent analytical and communication skills.
  • Stay abreast of professional standards, trends and issues affecting this set of responsibilities, demonstrating continuous learning of the field.
  • Periodic travel to OUS (domestic) offices may be required (less than 10% of the time)
  • Will work effectively and collaboratively in support of building a team-based, problem-solving work culture treating all persons with dignity and respect and will be familiar with and committed to Oxfam America’s mission, values, and goals.
  • Will have a fundamental understanding of gender justice and diversity within key areas of responsibility and a commitment to promoting gender justice, racial equity, and diversity in our workplace and programs.
  • Within key areas of responsibility, will have a commitment to and be accountable for activities contributing towards a safe and accountable workplace environment, projects and relationships for staff, partners, and the communities we serve.


  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance,
  • Professional certification such as CPA, CFA, or CFM or advanced degree preferred
  • Four to six years of progressively responsible experience in budgeting, forecasting, financial analysis, variance, and trend analyses, as well as financial management reporting.
  • Exceptional analytical skills and the ability to see both the big picture and to dive into the details as needed.
  • Outstanding verbal and written communication skills; ability to communicate effectively with people at all levels of the organization.
  • Ability to package management information in a professional and visually appealing executive reporting manner; advanced PowerPoint skills.
  • Strong technology skills and working knowledge/direct experience using financial systems and business intelligence tools (Power BI, Tableau, Salesforce, or ERP dashboards).
  • Data modeling experience; must have proficiency in Excel (pivot tables, lookups, functions, links, charts, graphs, etc.).
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team and to make and meet deadlines.
  • Innovative thinking to work effectively cross-functionally in a matrixed environment.
  • Focus Oxfam Competencies: Agility, Systems Thinking, Humility, and Comfort with Complexity and Ambiguity.


  • Proficiency in SQL or Python for data analysis
  • Experience working in either a non-profit and/or an international organization is desired
  • Experience with Unit4 Business Systems, Salesforce, and Oracle

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Analyst 4, Programming

Western DigitalBengaluru, India, Remote

Western Digital is hiring a Remote Analyst 4, Programming

Job Description

Looking for Sr. Data Warehouse Engineer with excellent track record in implementing data warehouse & ETL solutions using ODI

Core Tech Skills: ODI, PL/SQL, Data warehouse

Role & Responsibilities:

  • As part of Devops  team, he/she will be involved in design, architect and implement ETL solutions using Oracle Data Integrator application
  • Work with Devops team to manage installed applications & Support existing daily data loads
  • Reengineer and automate processes
  • Work on user requirements and enhance installed base


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering / IT (or) Equivalent
  • 7 - 10 years of work experience involving Design and modelling of Data warehouse solutions
  • 7+ years of hands-on ODI implementation experience
  • Experience in supporting large Data Warehouses. Very strong in DW and Dimensional Model Concepts
  • Improves BI Solutions by studying current practices; designing modifications.
  • Solid understanding of Business Intelligence (BI) tools, Data Warehouse (DW), Data Modeling, Core ERP Processes, Master Data Management (MDM) concepts, and SQL
  • 5+ years of Implementation experience on ODI 11g and/or 12c
  • Proficient in ETL design, star schema creation, building hierarchies, dimensions, measures and subject areas, and federation 
  • Expertise using Topology, Knowledge Modules, Change Data Capture, Metadata, Web Services
  • Experience in performance tuning, partitioning strategies
  • Good understanding of Oracle database management such materialized view, explain plan etc.
  • Exposure to OLAP/BI tools such as OBIEE, Power BI, Tableau
  • Experience creating and reviewing ETL design and mapping specifications documents
  • Expertise in Advanced PL/SQL
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Experienced with multi-national and distributed development environments

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Sr. Instructional Designer - Data Science / AI

CodecademyUS Remote
Bachelor's degreetableausqlDesigngitrubyjavac++pythonjavascriptPHP

Codecademy is hiring a Remote Sr. Instructional Designer - Data Science / AI

We are NYC based, but remote friendly unless specified. 

Hello, World! Codecademy is on a mission to build inspiring careers in technology through engaging, accessible, and interactive online coding education.

Our learnershave gone on to start new jobs, launch new companies, and lead new lives thanks to their work with Codecademy, and our platform has transformed the way businesses develop and retain their teams.

Since 2011, our team has grown to over 200 employees serving 50+ million learners from 190+ countries.We’ve raised over $82Min venture capital funding from top investors including Prosus, Owl Ventures, Union Square Ventures, Y Combinator, and more--which gives us the capital to get stuff done in an impactful way.

Join us to help build a business that empowers tens of millions of people to lead better lives!


The Senior Instructional Designer, Data Science is responsible for designing and authoring educational content, creating educational products, and ensuring that learner outcomes can be successfully achieved.

Opportunity Highlights:

  • Lead the strategy around what Data Science / AI content we produce and how best to maintain existing offerings, including Data Scientist, Data Analyst, and Machine Learning/AI Engineer Career Paths, as well as Skill Paths and Courses (Analyze Data with Python, Build a Machine Learning Model, and Intro to PyTorch and Neural Networks).
  • Design and develop new content related to our Data Science / AI domain, ensuring that Codecademy continues to offer new and relevant curriculum.
  • Design specific content offerings that include interactive lessons, videos, quizzes, projects, and outcome-oriented learning paths.
  • Review, provide feedback to, and mentor a network of 3rd party authors who contribute content to Codecademy. 
  • Act as a Data Science / AI subject matter expert for Codecademy, including advising stakeholders on relevant industry background and best practices.
  • Research industry standards and emerging technology, in addition to educational techniques and philosophies, and apply them to curricula.
  • Research the learner experience, identify weaknesses in curriculum, and make improvements to existing content.
  • Collaborate with:
    • Designers, engineers, product managers, and marketers to design, create, market, and improve Codecademy's curricula. 
    • Customer Support, Curriculum Quality, and Product teams to gain insight into the learner experience and make data-based improvements to curricula.
    • Product and Engineering teams to create and improve the content authoring process and tools and make improvements to our learning environment.

Skills & Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree or practical experience required.
  • 4+ years of professional experience as a teacher or instructional designer designing and delivering technical educational material. 
  • Software development experience in one or more general purpose programming languages, including, but not limited to: Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, C++, C#, PHP, or Go.
  • Experience with developer tools such as Git, GitHub, and the command line.
  • Experience with popular Data Science libraries and technologies like Pandas, SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PyTorch
  • Experience with BI data analysis tools like R, Excel, Tableau, Looker • Experience with data pipelines, cloud, databases, SQL
  • Experience with machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Interest and ability to learn programming languages, libraries, and frameworks quickly.

Target salary range for this job requisition is anticipated to be $80,000 - $100,000.  

Codecademy from Skillsoft! 


Skillsoft delivers online learning, training, and talent solutions to help organizations unleash their edge. Leveraging immersive, engaging content, Skillsoft enables organizations to unlock the potential in their best assets – their people – and build teams with the skills they need for success. Empowering 36 million learners and counting, Skillsoft democratizes learning through an intelligent learning experience and a customized, learner-centric approach to skills development with resources for Leadership Development, Business Skills, Technology & Development, Digital Transformation, and Compliance.

Skillsoft partners to thousands of leading global organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies. The company features award-winning systems that support learning, performance and success including Skillsoft learning content and the Percipio intelligent learning experience platform.

Learn more at

Equal Employment Opportunity

At Codecademy, we are committed to teaching people the skills they need to upgrade their careers. Codecademy aims to educate a richly diverse demographic of learners with our product and in order to accomplish this, we believe our team should reflect that rich diversity. Our company celebrates diversity in all of its forms-- race, gender, color, national origin, marital status, sexuality, religion, veteran status, age, ability, disability status-- and works to create an inclusive workplace where people of all backgrounds and beliefs are empowered to better their futures.


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Senior Manager, Partner Sales Engineering

snowflakecomputingRemote, Germany

snowflakecomputing is hiring a Remote Senior Manager, Partner Sales Engineering

Build the future of data. Join the Snowflake team.

Snowflake's sales engineering team is actively seeking a Regional Manager to lead a highly skilled team of Partner Sales Engineers that supports our growth & strategic SI partners (GSI & RSI) in Germany. Our SI partners play a key role in bringing our customers' data-backed ambitions to life by implementing and harnessing the power of the Snowflake Data Cloud for cutting edge workloads and use cases. Through our partnership, we enable companies to empower their employees with the data they need when and how they need it to better engage their customers, optimize their operations, and transform their products.

In this role, you will lead a team of Partner Sales Engineers as well as work directly with Snowflake's partner management, sales, sales engineering, marketing, and professional services teams and SI partners to develop initiatives and programs to establish new and strengthen existing Snowflake practices, build relationships between Snowflake and our SI partners' technical sales resources, and develop and evangelize SI service offerings and joint solutions to address customer needs and market opportunities.

Reporting to the Director of EMEA Partner Sales Engineering, you will play a hands-on role in building a team of Partner Sales Engineers and owning the P&L responsibilities for the group.


  • Build and lead a team of Partner Sales Engineers who serve as the technical sales leaders and trusted advisors for our partners
  • Team with the Partner Management, Sales, Pre-Sales, Marketing, and Services teams and SI partners to develop initiatives and programs to strengthen our partner’s Snowflake practices and develop service offerings and joint solutions to address customer needs and market opportunities
  • Provide guidance to the larger Snowflake team on best practices for engaging with and leveraging Snowflake’s Partner Network
  • Interpret complex problems, create simple solutions, and collaborate closely with the larger Snowflake team and our partners to deliver winning solutions 
  • Collaborate and maintain a close working relationship with the Partner Management, Sales, Pre-Sales, Marketing, and Services teams 
  • Play an active role in sourcing and screening potential candidates and managing the interview process 
  • Act as a player/coach working with your team on and delivering compelling presentations and strategic support to our Snowflake Partner Network


  • 10+ years of industry experience in a pre-sales/customer facing capacity with 4+ years of direct line management experience (hiring, training and retaining top talent)
  • Broad range of experience with large-scale database or data warehouse technologies and/or business intelligence technology
  • Understanding of cloud architectures and services involving SaaS solutions with any of the popular cloud providers (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure)
  • Outstanding presenting skills to both technical and executive audiences, whether impromptu on a whiteboard or using presentations and demos
  • Ability to connect a customer’s specific business problems and Snowflake’s solutions
  • Experience architecting solutions with vendor technologies such as Tableau, Informatica, Thoughtspot, Qlik, Fivetran, AWS Sagemaker, Dataiku, Collibra, Immuta, etc.
  • Hands-on expertise with SQL and SQL analytics
  • University degree in computer science, engineering, mathematics or related fields, or equivalent experience preferred


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Business Performance Specialist

Accesa - RatiodataEmployees can work remotely, Romania, Remote

Accesa - Ratiodata is hiring a Remote Business Performance Specialist

Job Description

As Business Performance Specialist, you will be responsible for developing a strong understanding of our performance across all our activities, and to develop and implement a repeatable process for monitoring and reporting it. You’ll have the opportunity to work across teams, getting to know all that is going on in the organization, acting as a business partner for all the business units and also challenging them on how they assess and improve their performance. You will be responsible for creating material reporting on the organization's performance for our management.

You will also be instrumental in preparing analysis supporting key management decisions, including forecasts for business cases, using statistical and analytical techniques to understand the key drivers towards achieving value and target outputs, through profitability and operational analysis.

You will have a mentality of continuous improvement and strong analytical and interpersonal skills. You will enjoy working in a delivery focused, agile environment.


As Business Performance Specialist, you will influence decision-making through quality and depth of analytical insights and recommendations for improvement. In particular, you will focus on the following:

> Performance Reporting and Analysis

  • Analyze business processes and the corresponding metrics to support the organization in achieving it's objectives and performance targets
  • Responsible for optimizing our performance reporting structure and repeatable process
  • Optimize our OKR / KPI dashboards
  • Synthesize performance trends and business performance
  • Identify and highlight opportunities for performance improvement
  • Develop reporting material in a succinct, visual manner

> Analytical support for various forums

  • Support all business units with insights to make informed decisions towards achieving the company's objectives
  • Review, analyze and provide recommendations to business units on cost efficiency and pricing strategies and their impact on value creation
  • Report findings to management, so that timely adjustments can be made to achieve the objectives
  • Drive strategic analysis and provide recommendations for ad hoc requests, both from within the team and externally

> Building a performance focused culture

  • Work with the management and business units to ensure that the right OKRs / KPIs have been set, supporting them in translating strategic management objectives into measurable KPIs
  • Make sure that a focus on outcomes and performance are integrated into everything we do.


  • Bachelor or MSc in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration or related field
  • 5+ years of relevant working experience with a solid track record of reliably monitoring performance metrics
  • Proficiency with MSOffice, in particular Excel (advanced knowledge expected), Word and PowerPoint
  • Experience with data visualization tools (Tableau, Power BI, QlikView, etc.) is a plus
  • Awareness of data visualization principles
  • Experience with reporting / financial systems
  • Affinity with both business and finance and a healthy business acumen
  • Strong analytical and numerical skills and ability to translate figures to non-financial people
  • Translates analysis and numbers into actions and right steering
  • Shows initiative, social and good relationship builder with the business
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Fluent in English
  • Preferably working from Cluj-Napoca


  • You are execution focused and have a proven record of success in complex environments
  • Results-driven, high-performing, high-quality work attitude
  • You have a high threshold for ambiguity and maintain professional demeanor under pressure
  • You are an evangelist for data-driven decision-making and relish the challenge to introduce performance management discipline into the organization

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Marketing Analytics Intern, Regional Programs (Summer 2024)

CloudflareHybrid or Remote

Cloudflare is hiring a Remote Marketing Analytics Intern, Regional Programs (Summer 2024)

About Us

At Cloudflare, we are on a mission to help build a better Internet. Today the company runs one of the world’s largest networks that powers millions of websites and other Internet properties for customers ranging from individual bloggers to SMBs to Fortune 500 companies. Cloudflare protects and accelerates any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare all have web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Cultures list and ranked among the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company. 

We realize people do not fit into neat boxes. We are looking for curious and empathetic individuals who are committed to developing themselves and learning new skills, and we are ready to help you do that. We cannot complete our mission without building a diverse and inclusive team. We hire the best people based on an evaluation of their potential and support them throughout their time at Cloudflare. Come join us! 

Location(s) Available: Austin, US

About the Role

Cloudflare is seeking a Marketing Analytics Intern for our Regional Programs team with a passion for B2B marketing and an interest in developing and executing data-driven marketing strategies. This intern will work on our Americas field marketing team, focusing on analyzing campaign performance, and industry best practices. The successful candidate will have a strong interest in analyzing and improving marketing campaign performance, channel mix, and will be eager to learn industry standards and best practices for optimizing ROI.


  • Current university student in Analytics, Marketing, Business, Economics, or other quantitative fields
  • Monitor the performance of all Americas marketing programs, including events, paid social, display, content syndication, webinars and other marketing channels.
  • Analyze attributed pipeline, efficiency (ROI), and conversion of each marketing channel. 
  • Conduct in-depth analysis into ‘time-to-pipeline’ for various marketing channels.
  • Research industry standards for various KPIs, such as MQL and MQL to pipeline conversion to establish benchmarks and identify gaps in current processes.
  • Establish standardized reporting to be leveraged by field marketers and programs team to understand the impact of various programs and make recommendations for optimizing pipeline and ROI.
  • Document Cloudflare’s workflows, data orchestration, and stakeholders involved in the sales funnel to help flag bottlenecks.
  • Partner with our field marketing, programs, and campaigns teams to understand the execution and measurement of campaigns through various channels (email, display, paid social, webinars, etc.) and surface feedback. 


  • Interest in B2B marketing for a technical buyer and audience. Basic understanding of cloud technology is a bonus.
  • Familiarity with account-based marketing and digital marketing channels.
  • Willingness to learn Salesforce, Marketo, Tableau, 6sense, Demandbase, Contentful, and other demand gen tech stack tools.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to monitor and evaluate marketing performance data.
  • Excellent written and stellar presentation skills.
  • Curiosity and eagerness to learn about industry standards, KPIs, and best practices.

What Makes Cloudflare Special?

We’re not just a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company. We’re a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company with a soul. Fundamental to our mission to help build a better Internet is protecting the free and open Internet.

Project Galileo: We equip politically and artistically important organizations and journalists with powerful tools to defend themselves against attacks that would otherwise censor their work, technology already used by Cloudflare’s enterprise customers--at no cost.

Athenian Project: We created Athenian Project to ensure that state and local governments have the highest level of protection and reliability for free, so that their constituents have access to election information and voter registration.

Path Forward Partnership: Since 2016, we have partnered with Path Forward, a nonprofit organization, to create 16-week positions for mid-career professionals who want to get back to the workplace after taking time off to care for a child, parent, or loved one. We released help fix the foundation of the Internet by building a faster, more secure and privacy-centric public DNS resolver. This is available publicly for everyone to use - it is the first consumer-focused service Cloudflare has ever released. Here’s the deal - we don’t store client IP addresses never, ever. We will continue to abide by our privacy commitmentand ensure that no user data is sold to advertisers or used to target consumers.

Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? We’d love to hear from you!

This position may require access to information protected under U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Please note that any offer of employment may be conditioned on your authorization to receive software or technology controlled under these U.S. export laws without sponsorship for an export license.

Cloudflare is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.  We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all people and place great value in both diversity and inclusiveness.  All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to their, or any other person's, perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, or any other basis protected by law.We are an AA/Veterans/Disabled Employer.

Cloudflare provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.  Please tell us if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, changing the application process, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.  If you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job, please contact us via e-mail athr@cloudflare.comor via mail at 101 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94107.

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Sr. Data Analyst II, Fraud & Identity

InstacartUnited States - Remote

Instacart is hiring a Remote Sr. Data Analyst II, Fraud & Identity

We're transforming the grocery industry

At Instacart, we invite the world to share love through food because we believe everyone should have access to the food they love and more time to enjoy it together. Where others see a simple need for grocery delivery, we see exciting complexity and endless opportunity to serve the varied needs of our community. We work to deliver an essential service that customers rely on to get their groceries and household goods, while also offering safe and flexible earnings opportunities to Instacart Personal Shoppers.

Instacart has become a lifeline for millions of people, and we’re building the team to help push our shopping cart forward. If you’re ready to do the best work of your life, come join our table.

Instacart is a Flex First team

There’s no one-size fits all approach to how we do our best work. Our employees have the flexibility to choose where they do their best work—whether it’s from home, an office, or your favorite coffee shop—while staying connected and building community through regular in-person events. Learn more about our flexible approach to where we work.


About the Role  

We are currently seeking a Sr. Data Analyst II to join the team who will leverage a combination of deep analytics skills and business acumen to identify, extract, and visualize opportunities across all areas of Fraud, which can then be used to drive meaningful improvements across various segments of the company. Additionally, the ideal candidate will possess excellent time-management skills, the ability to communicate & present information effectively to business partners at all levels, and a deep-seated passion for continuous improvement, data integrity, and scalable solutions.

About the Team 

The Fraud & Identity Ops team at Instacart is a group of experienced and results-driven professionals passionate about driving profitable growth, generating cost savings, and accelerating the company's strategic priorities through Xfn partnerships with the Product, Engineering, Legal, and CX teams. Our team manages end-to-end strategy and operation for Fraud, Abuse, Identity, and Reconciliation. We value strategic thinking, creativity, and using data and insights to build consensus. This role reports to the Director of Fraud & Identity Operations, who manages loss from transaction and account risk. This senior analyst will work closely with other members of the Product, Engineering, Ops, and other cross-functional teams at Instacart.


About the Job 

  • Contributing to a high-performance culture delivering multiple projects, and priorities in a fast-paced and growing segment of Instacart business. 
  • Contributing to the development of the strategy for reporting, testing, analyzing, and forecasting business and risk performance for the Marketplace supporting Customers, Shoppers and Retailers. Also, own data analysis and visualization as it relates to all areas of Fraud, Abuse Identity, and Reconciliation 
  • Regularly communicate associated outcomes and insights to various stakeholders at all levels, including senior management to help guide strategic decisions for improvement
  • Develop dashboards, analytical frameworks, and detailed reporting models that provide reliable, easily digestible insights to key stakeholders to help guide decisions around process, policy, systems, and service models
  • Collaborate on roadmaps with the Product, Data Science, and other Analytics teams to understand the growth and risk factors of new and future product releases
  • Develop a deep understanding of how each area of the business impacts the other, as well as the underlying correlations relating to key company metrics
  • Create automated reporting to ensure operations leaders are informed of variations and opportunities across geographies and teams
  • Analyze unstructured behavioral data to discover operational events and activities impacting fulfillment quality and customer, shopper, and retailer experience
  • Fundamentally change the way our teams across North America think about exceptional performance and customer experiences through innovative, value-added data approaches and insights
  • Regularly collaborate with other SMEs, and decision-makers to develop data-driven policies and models to improve overall fulfillment performance
  • Designing and conducting A/B and multivariate tests by developing test plans, defining success metrics, analyzing, and transforming data into actionable insights

About You


Minimum Qualifications

  • Minimum 8-10 years in analytics, business intelligence/operations, investment banking, or related environment
  • Ability to Identify potential root causes contributing to potential change(s) in metrics and provide recommendations on mitigation strategy 
  • Ability to write complex and performant queries in your dialect of SQL to extract data from our data warehouse (Hive, Snowflake, or Presto experience a plus)
  • Experience with R, Python, and/or Julia (fluency in at least one language preferred)
  • Experience with analytical visualization tools such as Tableau, Looker, Periscope or similar tools
  • Extremely strong verbal and written communication skills, including the ability to synthesize complex topics and create compelling narratives for various audiences
  • Ability to work effectively with internal stakeholders, including data scientists and data engineers. Work cross-functionally with Product, Engineering, and Operations to drive changes
  • Excellent teamwork skills and desire to help others learn
  • High level of accountability and ownership – driven and focused self-starter
  • Strategic mindset – the ability to think ahead of where the company is at now
  • Understanding of A/B testing and other forms of statistical analysis using statistical packages similar to R, SAS, or Pandas 
  • Experience in e-commerce, CNP payments, finance, SaaS, digital goods, or marketplace industry.
  • Assess and measure the impact of product changes and vendor performance
  • Experience in driving understanding of customers and their interaction with products, through in-depth analyses of user behavior and engagement

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience in Fraud, Reconciliation, Identity, or Transaction Risk field
  • Experience working with payment processing, authentication, anti-fraud systems, and tools or vendors
  • Experience in advanced reporting tools such as R Shiny, Dash, or Bokeh
  • Advanced degree in statistics or other quantitative fields
  • Experience with experimentation, Data modeling, ETL, and data pipeline development experience

Instacart provides highly market-competitive compensation and benefits in each location where our employees work. This role is remote and the base pay range for a successful candidate is dependent on their permanent work location. Please review our Flex First remote work policyhere.

Offers may vary based on many factors, such as candidate experience and skills required for the role.Additionally, this role is eligible for a new hire equity grant as well as annual refresh grants. Please read more about our benefits offeringshere.

For US based candidates, the base pay ranges for a successful candidate are listed below.

$171,000$190,000 USD
$164,000$182,000 USD
$158,000$175,000 USD
All other states
$142,000$158,000 USD

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Analytics Consultant (Alteryx/KNIME + Tableau)

phDataLATAM - Remote

phData is hiring a Remote Analytics Consultant (Alteryx/KNIME + Tableau)

Job Application for Analytics Consultant (Alteryx/KNIME + Tableau) at phData

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Operations, Data Analyst


Oscar Health is hiring a Remote Operations, Data Analyst

Hi, we're Oscar. We're hiring an Operations, Data Analyst to join our Operations Intelligence team.

Oscar is the first health insurance company built around a full stack technology platform and a focus on serving our members. We started Oscar in 2012 to create the kind of health insurance company we would want for ourselves—one that behaves like a doctor in the family.

About the role

You will partners across the organization to manage inefficiencies in the business. You will support departments in scoping, analyzing and monitoring performance of important financial and utilization metrics in service of our goals. You will collaborate independently with partners to define key questions, scope analyses and deliver results. You may be called upon to speak to prepared analysis both internally and externally. This work aims to reduce medical waste and deliver more affordable and higher-quality health care for Oscar's members.

You will report to the Senior Manager, Operations Intelligence.

Work Location:

Oscar is a blended work culture where everyone, regardless of work type or location, feels connected to their teammates, our culture and our mission.

If you live within commutable distance to our New York City office ( in Hudson Square), our Tempe office (off the 101 at University Ave), or our Los Angeles office (in Marina Del Rey), you will be expected to come into the office at least two days each week. Otherwise, this is a remote / work-from-home role.

You must reside in one of the following states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, or Washington, D.C. Note, this list of states is subject to change. #LI-Remote

Pay Transparency:

The base pay for this role in the states of California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Washington is: $80,800 - $106,050 per year. The base pay for this role in all other locations is: $72,700 - $95,445 per year. You are also eligible for employee benefits, participation in Oscar's unlimited vacation program and annual performance bonuses.


  • Analyze data to support business teams in making better informed, data-driven decisions
  • Use data to tell a story that non-technical colleagues will understand, including packaging and presenting findings
  • Oversee the creation and maintenance of essential operational and analytical dashboards, and update and enhance them as our user's needs evolve
  • Create models and tools that produce relevant insights to identify inefficiencies and generate insights to remove inefficiencies
  • Collaborate across the organization to identify actions to achieve improvements and monitor initiative impact
  • Support other projects as assigned to meet our needs
  • Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations
  • Other duties as assigned


  • 2+ years of SQL, experience with the ability to filter, aggregate, and build CTEs
  • 1+ years of technical work experience using visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI, Looker, Periscope, etc.
  • 1+ years demonstrated ability to work with large datasets and distill analyses into relevant insights with a structured and systematic thought process
  • Strong communication skills, verbal and written, around business reporting impact and requirements, as demonstrated by experience on at least 2 reporting projects requiring communication between technical and non-technical users
  • Proficiency in Google Sheets or Excel skills, with ability to use VLookup, nested if statements and connected Sheets

Bonus Points

  • 1+ years experience in preparing healthcare analytics and reporting
  • 1+ years experience managing value-based contracts at a payer or a provider organization (ACO, CIN, MSO etc.)
  • 1+ years experience developing dashboards and working with Looker, or other business intelligence/data visualization tools
  • Exposure to healthcare contract negotiations, risk adjustment, ACA marketplace, quality of care, and/or population health experience
  • 1+ years experience in healthcare, finance or the insurance industry

This is an authentic Oscar Health job opportunity. Learn more about how you can safeguard yourself from recruitment fraudhere

At Oscar, being an Equal Opportunity Employer means more than upholding discrimination-free hiring practices. It means that we cultivate an environment where people can be their most authentic selves and find both belonging and support. We're on a mission to change health care -- an experience made whole by our unique backgrounds and perspectives..

Pay Transparency: 

Final offer amounts, within the base pay set forth above, are determined by factors including your relevant skills, education, and experience.

Full-time employees are eligible for benefits including: medical, dental, and vision benefits, 11 paid holidays, paid sick time, paid parental leave, 401(k) plan participation, life and disability insurance, and paid wellness time and reimbursements.

Reasonable Accommodation:

Oscar applicants are considered solely based on their qualifications, without regard to applicant’s disability or need for accommodation. Any Oscar applicant who requires reasonable accommodations during the application process should contact the Oscar Benefits Team ( to make the need for an accommodation known.

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Manager, Attribution

MuteSixLaurel, MD, Remote
Bachelor's degreetableaupythonAWS

MuteSix is hiring a Remote Manager, Attribution

Job Description

The Manager will be an integral part of our US-based attribution modeling capabilities. This role will be responsible for leveraging data science techniques to examine marketing activities and to estimate their business impact to our clients. These projects will include, but are not limited to, Media Mix Optimization or Marketing Mix Modeling, Analysis of Covariance (test & control), Cluster Analysis, and Attribution Modeling of disaggregate event-stream data. This person will be a "player coach"; in some cases, the Manager may lead a team coordinating with some of our most important clients on data acquisition, modeling, and presentation of results on high-visibility projects. In other cases, the Manager will be hands-on keyboard helping to revise code and drive innovation. This role will work with and manage a US-based and India-based team.

Key Responsibilities

  • Coordinate and manage data collection with clients
  • Lead project teams to manage data quality and develop processes to ensure data quality
  • Manage project teams effectively to drive innovation in analytics and deliver on client expectations
  • Supervise and, as needed, conduct modeling of client data adhering to project timelines
  • Interpret and visualize model estimates and diagnostics
  • Drive process innovation and continuous improvement


  • Bachelor's degree in at least one of these fields preferred: statistics, economics, applied mathematics, optimization, computer science, physics; advanced degree preferred.
  • 4+ years of experience leveraging analytics to measure marketing effectiveness with a focus on measurement and attribution
  • Experience working with and measuring TV, digital media, and CRM data
  • Deep knowledge of statistics/data science, including regression, hierarchical or mixed regression, and machine learning techniques (Naïve Bayes, Markov Chain, Random Forest etc.)
  • Advanced modeling skills with Python and R
  • Cloud environment experience, especially GCP and AWS
  • Experience working with platforms like Databricks a plus
  • Data visualization experience with tools like Tableau or Power BI a plus
  • Understand marketing objectives and how different media channels support these objectives
  • Strong communication skills, with the ability to present information in spoken, written or visual form to a variety of audiences, from internal teams to external client executives.
  • Ability to balance and manage your project team's client engagements
  • Track record of collaboration with teammates, especially global teams, to share learnings and techniques
  • Skilled at coaching, developing, and managing a team

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Senior Marketing Operations Manager

AmperityNew York, NY; Remote; Seattle, WA

Amperity is hiring a Remote Senior Marketing Operations Manager

Amperity is more than just the leading customer data platform — THE PEOPLE bring energy, smarts, and experience from all different backgrounds, reflecting our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. THE TECHNOLOGY is multi-patented, AI-powered customer data management software that we invented to help solve problems that have been frustrating consumer brands for years. THE OPPORTUNITY is to hitch your career to a rocket ship. We're addressing a critical market need: helping hundreds of leading brands make sense of massive amounts of transactional and engagement data so that they can understand their customers and provide experiences that delight while boosting revenue and moving the business metrics that matter. Come help us make it happen!

The Role

Amperity’s Growth Marketing team is searching for a Senior Marketing Operations Manager who can drive operational efficiency with our current marketing automation, analytics tools, and reporting. This senior-level individual contributor will be hands-on and responsible for maintaining the systems, processes, and data that supports all of Amperity’s marketing programs.

Interesting Problems

  • Manage day-to-day administration of Marketo including campaign creation, audience segmentation, smart lists, analytics, and automation of programs
  • Run daily database operations and data flow into internal systems like Salesforce
  • Ensure accuracy of important system processes including lead scoring, lead routing, privacy compliance, UTM tracking, and data syncs between sales and marketing technologies
  • Own and drive the strategy and execution of lead lifecycle reporting and Martech system improvements to help operationalize and show campaign return on investment
  • Build dashboards and reporting on marketing campaign performance and pipeline attribution, while making recommendations on optimizing workflows
  • Scale campaign operations to maximize output for sales teams while maintaining data integrity across marketing tech stack
  • Build, automate, and report on performance of multi-channel campaigns (e.g. email, event, webinar, third party, direct mail, social, paid and display ads, ABM) across tools 
  • Create processes and reporting for sales and marketing teams around defining SLAs
  • Partner with Sales Operations, Campaign Managers, Field Marketing, BDR sales, and other stakeholders to maintain and evolve Marketing tools and technologies

About You

  • 8+ years of experience in Marketing Operations or Campaign Ops Management
  • 2+ years working in B2B SAAS, preferably reporting into a Marketing team
  • Advanced Marketo and Salesforce skills (Marketo certified a plus, but not required)
  • Experience with B2B marketing and sales technologies (Drift, 6Sense, Bizible, Outreach, GoToWebinar, Highspot, Marketo, etc.)
  • Data driven individual while being comfortable reporting insights to executive leadership (Tableau experience a plus!)
  • Proven success at optimizing systems, standardizing best practices and evangelizing recommendations aligned to your strategy to leadership and cross-functional
  • Highly organized and detail oriented while executing with speed and accuracy
  • Hands-on, creative problem solver who’s not afraid of ambiguity

Remote Available

Amperity has headquarters in Seattle and NYC. We are also currently hiring in CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, MA, MN, NJ, NY, OH, OR, TX, WA.


Base Salary: $130,000 - $178,000

Within our pay range, individual salaries are determined by a variety of factors including, but not limited to: business considerations, local market conditions, internal equity, as well as candidate qualifications such as skills, experience, and education/training.

Other Cash Incentives:For many of our positions, other cash incentives are also available.

Stock Options: The opportunity for ownership is an exciting part of Amperity’s total compensation package. Every employee at Amperity receives a new-hire equity grant, commensurate with the scope of their position.


We offer all the benefits you'd expect from a great place to work: 100% employee healthcare coverage, transportation subsidies, a comfortable work environment with plenty of snacks, and other employee experience perks like events and activities, both in-person and remote. We also offer self-managed PTO and the flexibility to do your best work in the way that works for you. We provide an inclusive environment where you'll be challenged to find and unlock your full potential, surrounded by a team of world-class people driving for excellence. For more details on our benefits, please see our US Benefits & Perks Guide.

Amperity is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and reproductive health choices), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, status as a protected veteran, status as someone with a disability, political views or activity, or other applicable legally protected characteristics. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.


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Manager Data Intelligence (F/H)

Business & DecisionNantes, France, Remote

Business & Decision is hiring a Remote Manager Data Intelligence (F/H)

Description du poste

Rattaché(e) au responsable de pôle Data de l’agence Conseil & Expertise de la région Grand Ouest au sein de Orange Digital Services, vous prenez en charge plusieurs missions en tant que Manager Data Intelligence avec une spécialisation datavisualisation.

L’agence Conseil & Expertise est une entité transverseau niveau de la région composée exclusivement de managers et d’experts. Nos différents rôles au service des autres agences se déclinent autour de nos 5 piliers : sécurisation du delivery, animation des experts, support avant-vente, innovation et évangélisation.

Le pôle Data de l’agence Conseil & Expertise assume un rôle clé en collaborant de façon proactive avec les agences sectorielles pour concrétiser notre vision de l’évolution des usages de la data autour des modern data stack. Notre objectif est de leur proposer les meilleures pratiques et technologies afin d’adresser les différents usages développés par nos clients : data ingestion, data storage, data gouvernance dont master data management et data cataloging, marketing digital, EPM, datascience/IA et évidemment datavisualisation. Pour adresser ce dernier usage, l’une de nos propositions de valeur est une approche Dashboard Design qui mêle storytelling et inspiration UX/UI pour permettre de replacer les besoins et usages au centre de la conception des dashboards pour les métiers.

Ce rôle est fait pour vous si :

  • Vous avez un leadership fort afin de porter une vision autour de l’offre dataviz,
  • Vous vous sentez comme un chef d’orchestre qui facilite les interactions et encourage la dynamique des équipes en s’impliquant personnellement quand cela est nécessaire,
  • Vous sentez l’énergie monter en vous à l’écoute des termes KPI, dashboard, UX, storytelling, Sankey Chart ou simplement bar chart correctement paramétré,
  • Vous avez une fibre technologique avancée.

Votre rôle, basé sur les 5 piliers de l’agence sera de :

- Réaliser des missions de conseil et delivery

Avec les technologies comme Power BI, QlikSense, Dig Dash, SAC, Looker, Tableau… mais aussi parfois Cognos ou Webi.

  • Assurer une relation de proximité avec vos clients, auprès desquels vous serez l’interlocuteur privilégié,
  • Prendre en charge des missions de conseil ou d'auditsur des sujets complexes et à forte valeur ajoutée (aide aux choix d’outils, cadrage des besoins, Proof Of concept, refonte / migration),
  • Animer des ateliers de type Dashboard Design.

- Contribuer à l’animation des experts

  • Animer et participer activement au projet agence, à son rayonnement et la capitalisation des savoir-faire, partage les bonnes pratiques, connaissances et retours d’expérience au service des collaborateurs,
  • Accompagner les experts et consultants moins expérimentés, notamment à travers la co-animation de notre communauté data intelligence ou l’organisation d’évènements internes,
  • Participer au suivi individuel de collaborateurs et exécuter un management RHavec des entretiens carrières. Vous aurez une réelle écoute des collaborateurs, de leurs interrogations, appétences, formations ou évolutions,
  • Piloter les montées en compétences et le passage des certifications de l’offre dataviz sur l’ensemble de la région,
  • Contribuer au recrutement des équipes du pôle.

- Être en support avant-vente

  • Contribuer à la rédaction des propositions commerciales et soutenir la valeur ajoutée des éléments défendus,
  • Être le relai privilégié pour la promotion de notre offre méthodologique Dashboard Design,
  • Contribuer à la mise en place de démonstrateurs et supports de présentation de nos savoir-faire,
  • Détecter les opportunités commercialesdes projets sur lesquels vous interviendrez afin de promouvoir les multiples offres du pôle et d’Orange Digital Services,
  • Accompagner les commerciaux lors des qualifications et faire remonter aux équipes Orange Digital Services les nouveaux besoins,
  • Contribuer à la cohérence et la déclinaison régionale despartenariats avec les partenaires technologiques de l’offre Data Intelligence.

- Innover

  • Participer à lacréation d’offres régionales ou nationales avec les experts Orange Digital Services pour donner suite aux retours clients, aux évolutions et aux nouveaux besoins du marché,
  • Assurer une veille constante des évolutions technologiques, conjoncturelles et fonctionnelles afin d'être réactif et proposer des offres Orange Digital Services actualisées ou nouvelles.

- Evangéliser

  • Contribuer et représenter Orange Digital Services lors de différents évènements : salons, webinaires internes et externes, ou encore contribuer à la rédaction de livres blanc, articles….


De formation informatique Bac+5, vous justifiez d'une expérience d’au moins 8 ans dans le conseil et la mise en œuvre de projets data intelligence.

  • Vous avez une forte appétence pour les sujets autour de la valorisation de données : de l’expression de besoin métier jusqu’à la concrétisation des dashboards dans les plateformes data des clients.
  • Vous êtes reconnu(e) pour votre leadership et votre capacité à créer du lien au sein de votre équipe. Vous avez une vision stratégique et savez prendre des décisions pour impulser de la croissance et atteinte vos objectifs.
  • Vous faites preuve d’autonomie et de force de proposition sur l’ensemble des tâches qui vous sont confiées. Vous souhaitez participer au transfert des connaissances techniques et fonctionnelles auprès des collaborateurs et des clients.
  • Vous avez une expérience significative sur le développement et l’animation d’une offre commerciale, vous aimez le travail en équipe et avez une forte capacité d’adaptation.
  • Votre esprit d'équipe favorisera votre intégration au sein du pôle Data de l’agence Conseil & Expertise.

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Consultant(e) Data (confirmé ou sénior)

Business & DecisionMontpellier, France, Remote

Business & Decision is hiring a Remote Consultant(e) Data (confirmé ou sénior)

Description du poste

Et si Business & Decision et Orange Business conjuguaient leurs forces pour devenir l’un des leaders européens de la Data transformation ?

Nous l’avons fait ! Notre alchimie nous positionne comme un acteur unique intervenant sur toutes les étapes du voyage de la donnée.

Depuis 30 ans, Business & Decision, entité de Digital Services s'est imposée comme un partenaire stratégique pour la transformation Data de nombreux clients, dans des secteurs très variés.

Digital Services est aujourd’hui l’ESN d’Orange Business alliant les expertises historiques Cloud et Digital d’Orange ainsi que le cœur de métier Data/IA de Business & Decision.

Son but est d’accompagner les entreprises et les acteurs publics dans leur transformation grâce aux 4000 experts présents dans plusieurs grandes villes françaises comme Montpellier, Niort, Lyon, Bordeaux, Lille et Toulouse …

L’agence Occitanie, site de Montpellier, recherche son ou sa futur Consultant(e) pour rejoindre sa team Data.

Ton quotidien ?

En intégrant Orange Business, tu bénéficies d’une grande diversité d’activités dans la Data. En voici un aperçu :

  • Au démarrage du projet :
    •  Recueillir et analyser les besoins du client
    • Rédiger les spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques
  • Pendant la phase de réalisation :
    • Modéliser des datawarehouses et datamarts
    • Développer les procédures d’alimentation (ETL)
    • Développer les visualisations de données (DataViz)
    • Réaliser la recette et les tests
    • Suivre et mettre en production

Tu interviens sur les technologies Data en pointe sur le marché (GCP, Azure, Qlik, Tableau, Power BI, Talend, Snowflake, Alteryx, Dataiku, Denodo, etc.).

Cette polyvalence te permettra de monter en compétences et d’identifier les sujets pour lesquels tu as une appétence particulière.
En fonction de ton évolution et de nos enjeux, tu évolues sur des missions transverses (avant-vente, formation, audit, etc.). Toute prise d’initiative est la bienvenue !


Tu as une expérience avérée dans la mise en œuvre de projets décisionnels.
Tu as déjà travaillé sur des sujets d'intégration de données ou sur des projets de Data visualisation et restes ouvert à l'apprentissage de nouvelles technos.
Tu souhaites partager tes compétences et bénéficier des expertises de tes coéquipiers.

Nous recrutons sur profil. Outre l’aspect technique, c’est une personnalité qui est recherchée.
N’hésite pas à postuler !

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DAS Health is hiring a Remote Director of FP&A

Director of FP&A - DAS Health - Career PageNon-citizen allowed to work for

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Data Analyst

EgnyteRemote, India

Egnyte is hiring a Remote Data Analyst


Data Analyst

Remote, India



Egnyte is a place where we spark opportunities for amazing people. We believe that every role has meaning, and everyEgnytershould be respected. With 22,000+ customers worldwide and growing, you can make an impact by protecting their valuable data. When joining Egnyte, you’re not just landing a new career, you become part of a team ofEgnytersthat are doers, thinkers, and collaborators who embrace and live by our values:

IconDescription automatically generatedInvested Relationships

IconDescription automatically generatedFiscal Prudence

IconDescription automatically generatedCandid Conversations



Egnyte is the secure multi-cloud platform for content security and governance that enables organizations to better protect and collaborate on their most valuable content. Established in 2008, Egnyte has democratized cloud content security for more than 22,000 organizations, helping customers improve data security, maintain compliance,preventand detect ransomware threats, and boost employee productivity on any app, any cloud, anywhere. For more information,


OurData Analyticsteam enables Egnytethrough buildingand managinganalytics capabilities to uncover customer,sales, marketing,product, and operational insightsandprovide reliable data for analysis anddata-drivendecisionsupport.



  • Report to the Data Analytics & Engineering organization, where you’llmanagedata resources, reportdevelopment,and automatedashboards for our businessstakeholdersinFinance, Sales,Marketing, Product,and Engineering
  • Be the lead subject matter expert about the data, tools, and modernanalytical techniques leveraged to bestanswer business questions, provide recommendations, and support strategic initiatives
  • Work with users to define business requirements for Tableau reports and dashboards
  • Explore, analyze,and interpret large volumes of data in various forms from multiple data sources
  • Build highly optimizedqueries in Big Query to performanalysis, share business insights,present data trends,orunderstand dataanomalies
  • Drive strategic businessdecision-makingthrough detailed analytics, insights,and real-time reporting
  • Partner with other data scientists, data / BI analysts, and product owners
  • Communicate activities, plans, and progress ofour analytical initiativestobusinessstakeholders
  • Understandourcore business andthekey success drivers of our customers
  • Demonstrate data analysis experienceand prior experience mining datato drive key business initiatives
  • Identify problems that can be solved byleveragingdata science
  • Comfortable presenting technical findingsand summarizingkey insights totechnical and non-technical stakeholdersat all levels, including senior management
  • Partner with Analytics Engineering and Data Engineering to support various data management, data quality, and data governance initiatives



  • 3+ years of relevant experience in a data science, business analytics, business intelligence,or comparable data engineering role, including data warehousing and business intelligence tools,techniques,and technology
  • 3-5 years of Tableau development experience
  • 3-5 years of BigQuery experience 
  • Excellent SQL and query-tuning skills
  • Experience working withdbtandsemantic models 
  • Knowledge of SaaS business, KPIs, andmetrics
  • Knowledge of Salesforce is preferred
  • Ability to learn quickly and execute tasks independently
  • Lead with ananalytical mindsetand respond quickly to requests
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office; Excel, PowerPoint a must
  • Strong writing and presentation skills to summarize key insights for technical and non-technical audiences
  • Creative and analytical problem solver who is comfortable in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to frame complex analytical problems, pull data, and dive deep into data analysis that arises with effective solutions



  • Competitive salaries
  • Company equity depending on role and level
  • Medical insurance and healthcare benefits for you and your family
  • Fully paid premiums for life insurance
  • Flexible hours and PTO
  • Mental wellness platform subscription
  • Gym reimbursement



At Egnyte, we celebrate our differences and thrive on our diversity for our employees, our products, our customers, our investors, and our communities.Egnytersare encouraged to bring their whole selves to work and to appreciate the many differences that collectively make Egnyte a higher-performing company and a great place to be.

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Ecovis France is hiring a Remote Collaborateur(rice) comptable confirmé(e)

Description du poste

Sous la responsabilité d'un chef de mission, vous prendrez en charge un portefeuille de dossiers clients composés de TPE / PME de divers secteurs  :

  • Missions d'expertise-comptable et de conseil : traitement comptable automatisé, set-up des applications IA de saisie, révision, déclarations de TVA, établissement des comptes annuels, préparation des liasses fiscales, prévisionnels, tableau de bord, assistance et conseils techniques aux clients ;
  • bonne maîtrise de l'approche client, un oeil pour le detail et une curiosité pour des nouvelles technologies et des applications de numérisation, optimisation du workflow sont indispensables ;


Titulaire d'un diplôme supérieur en comptabilité (BTS, DCG, DSCG, Master CCA), vous justifiez d'une expérience de minimum 3 ans sur des missions similaires dans un cabinet d'expertise-comptable. Vous maîtrisez les outils bureautiques courants et vous êtes familiés avec les nouvelles applications métiers connectées et intelligentes.

Curiosité, rigueur, autonomie et forte implication personnelle sont les qualités essentielles attendues.

Dynamique et enthousiaste, vous avez l'envie d'évoluer dans une structure en développement. 

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Air Quality Scientist

PSE Healthy EnergyOakland, CA Remote

PSE Healthy Energy is hiring a Remote Air Quality Scientist


PSE Healthy Energy is a non-profit energy science and policy research institute dedicated to a healthy, resilient, and equitable energy future.

Our team of public health professionals, scientists, and engineers integrate technical expertise across multiple fields to inform science-based energy policy. Our mission is to generate science-based energy and climate solutions that protect public health and the environment.

POSITION: Air Quality Scientist: Methane, Climate and Public Health

We are seeking one or more full-time Air Quality Scientists to join our passionate team of scientists, engineers, and data analysts at PSE Healthy Energy (PSE). We study cutting-edge solutions-oriented climate and energy problems in the hope to protect public health and the environment. Our research doesn’t end at publication—we embrace the scientist as a spokesperson role and level with the public through press releases/briefings and active engagement with diverse stakeholders and policymakers. We host a suite of in-house, research-grade trace gas analysis capabilities that have been deployed all over the world to better understand the climate and health pollutant emissions from gas-fired residential appliances, commercial kitchens, direct air capture facilities, and more.

The ideal candidate should be self-motivated, willing to adapt to the inevitable unforeseen challenges of primary scientific research, never afraid to bring new ideas to the table, and excited to work in a high-impact setting where there is always more to learn. The Data Scientist will be responsible for analysis and data management across a range of projects and will require collaborating with multiple team members, and responding quickly to changing research needs and priorities. The position requires the ability to work with scientific data to identify patterns and trends, establish processes to ensure data quality, and provide custom outputs for use in peer reviewed scientific publications. The ideal candidate will also have a strong background in one or more of the following areas: methane, air quality (indoor and/or outdoor), and environmental monitoring/modeling with a keen interest in the policy interface.

It is not expected that a single candidate will have expertise across all these areas—we’re seeking candidates that are particularly strong in a few areas and have some interest and capabilities in others.


  • Data Management:
    • Manage large datasets including data extraction, organization, quality control / quality assurance (QA/QC) and compliance with data privacy policies.
    • Help develop and maintain data and code management systems that can be applied across projects
  • Data Analysis:
    • Collaborate with the fieldwork team to design studies and collect data used to assess environmental conditions including greenhouse gas emissions, methane sources, health-damaging co-pollutants, and associated health risks both within the United States and internationally.
    • Analyze data to answer questions in climate, methane, air quality, and health topics, focusing on their interconnections and implications for environmental policies.
    • Utilize advanced scientific methods and technologies to analyze data, model scenarios, and evaluate the effectiveness of different policy interventions.
    • Awareness of personal data/information privacy protection, local and international data protection law/policy. Collect, handle, process, store data and information in a lawful, respectful manner.
  • Scientific communication:
    • Contribute to the communication of research findings through comprehensive reports, presentations and scientific publications that target both scientific and policy-oriented audiences as well as impacted communities.
    • Provide scientific expertise and support in the development and implementation of environmental policies, regulations, and standards related to climate, methane, air quality, and health.
  • Scientific collaboration :
    • Collaborate with national and international NGOs, governmental agencies, community partners, and other stakeholders to foster partnerships, exchange knowledge, and contribute to multi-scaled efforts to address environmental challenges.
    • Provide scientific and statistical / analysis mentorship for team members.


  • A doctoral degree OR a master's degree with 2+ years of demonstrated experience in Environmental Science, Atmospheric Science, Climate Science, Public Health, Environmental Health, Engineering, Chemistry, or a related field
  • Strong background with demonstrated experience compiling and working with, cleaning, managing and interpreting large datasets and conducting statistical analysis
  • Advanced proficiency in statistics and statistical theory
  • Advanced proficiency in one or more scientific programming languages (e.g., R, Python - PSE is programming language agnostic)
  • Flexibility and willingness to travel, up to 10% of the time, for fieldwork, conferences, and meetings
  • Experience in climate change research, methane/greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, or public health-related topics
  • Exceptional writing skills, including for scientific and non-scientific audiences
  • Ability to develop and maintain productive working relationships with a diverse set of internal and external collaborators in a fast-paced environment
  • Experience in working collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams and engaging with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds
  • Strong analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and excellent attention to detail
  • Legally authorized to work in the United States
  • A desire to learn
  • A sense of humor


  • Understanding of the complex rules and regulations surrounding air quality and permitting
  • Experience using code and data management systems including GitHub
  • Experience using Slack, Asana, Canva, and/or Tableau
  • Fluency in other languages, particularly Spanish
  • Effective scientific communication with non-technical stakeholders and audiences
  • Previous mentorship experience


Remote in the US. Note, our headquarters and sampling equipment are located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Positions may require extended work hours during projects. Role involves computer use, sitting for long periods, good hand-eye coordination, arm/hand/finger dexterity, and visual acuity for keyboard use and equipment operation.


The Air Quality Data Scientist is a full-time, exempt position. The anticipated salary range is $72,000-$95,000+, though the successful candidate could be hired above or below this range depending on qualifications and geographic location. Benefits are competitive and include health insurance, 401(k) retirement plan with employer match, 15 days of vacation, paid sick leave and 11+ paid holidays.


Applicants are encouraged to submit a resume or CV and provide a cover letter -OR- responses to the question prompts in the online application by May 30, 2024. The position will be open until filled.


PSE Healthy Energy is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We do not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity and expression, marital status, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected under federal, state, or local law.


PSE Healthy Energy participates in E-Verify. We will provide the Social Security Administration, and if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security, with information from each new employee’s Form I-9 to confirm work authorization. Please note that we do not use this information to pre-screen job applicants.

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Data Engineer Consultant - Middle East

DevoteamCité Mahrajène, Tunisia, Remote
3 years of experiencetableausqlDesign

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Data Engineer Consultant - Middle East

Description du poste


  • Collaborate with business stakeholders to understand their reporting and analytics requirements.
  • Translate business requirements into technical specifications for BI solutions.

  • Design and develop data models that support business intelligence and reporting needs.

  • Optimize data models for performance and efficiency.

  • Build, enhance, and maintain ETL processes to extract, transform, and load data into the data warehouse.

  • Ensure data integrity and accuracy throughout the ETL process.

  • Work with data warehouse technologies to organize and store data for efficient retrieval.

  • Implement best practices for data warehousing and database management.

  • Create visually appealing and insightful reports and dashboards using BI tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or similar.

  • Customize and enhance existing reports and dashboards based on user feedback.

  • Monitor and optimize the performance of BI solutions.

  • Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to data quality, performance, and functionality.

  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams including IT, data science, and business units.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, or a related field.

  • Proven 3 years of experience as a BI Engineer or similar role.

  • Strong proficiency in SQL and database management.

  • Experience with ETL tools and processes.

  • Proficiency in BI tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or similar.

  • Knowledge of data warehousing concepts and best practices.

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.

  • Certification in BI tools or data warehousing technologies.

  • Familiarity with cloud-based BI solutions.

  • Good communication skills in arabic and english

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