azure Remote Jobs

839 Results


PASàPAS - Administrateur système Linux SysOps H/F

TalanLille, France, Remote

Talan is hiring a Remote PASàPAS - Administrateur système Linux SysOps H/F

Job Description

 Gérer les systèmes et le cloud de nos clients comme un pro.

???? Participer aux travaux d’industrialisation, tant dans le déploiement que dans le maintien en conditions opérationnelles :

L’administration des infrastructures multi-cloud, multi-clients, multi-OS.

L’amélioration continue de nos processus et de nos outils par l’automatisation.

Le maintien et la mise à jour des outils de production.

Le déploiement d’infrastructures autour des solutions SAP (InfraAsCode).

La rédaction de documentations.

???? Apporter des solutions innovantes aux problèmes complexes.


Ce que nous recherchons :

Minimum de 3 ans d'expérience sur tout ou une partie de nos domaines d’interventions (Linux, Unix, Cloud, Windows server).

Compétence en scripting (bash, python).

Notions de base en réseau (adressage, routage, flux)

Notions de base en cybersécurité

Notions de base en virtualisation

Expérience du RUN


Ceci est un + :

Expérience sur des solutions d’automatisation (Terraform, SALT, Ansible).

Connaissance des solutions cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure).

Connaissance de l’outil de monitoring Zabbix.

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DevOps CI/CD Engineer H/F

DevoteamLevallois-Perret, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote DevOps CI/CD Engineer H/F

Description du poste

Vos principales responsabilités en tant que Devops CI/CD Engineer 

Voici une liste non exhaustive de vos missions au quotidien, nous vous faisons confiance pour les prendre en main et les enrichir à votre façon ????

  • Accompagner nos clients dans la mise en pratique de la méthodologie DevOps : versionning et stratégie de développement, intégration continue, déploiement continu, Infrastructure as Code,

  • Implémenter chez nos clients les outils nécessaires à la mise en place des pratiques et outils DevOps (Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Gitlab CI, ... ),

  • Concevoir et mettre en œuvre des solutions techniques éditeurs ou open source dans des environnements Cloud Hybrides et veiller à l’efficacité de ces dernières,

  • Intervenir dans des écosystèmes techniques DevOps et des plateformes de CI/CD complexes pour des milliers d’utilisateurs, 

  • Contribuer à des missions intégrées aux équipes Client pour développer des applications adaptées à la méthodologie DevOps,

  • Sensibiliser et accompagner nos clients dans l’approche Site Reliability Engineering (S.R.E.).

  • Animer des formations et des ateliers sur les bonnes pratiques DevOps.

Où réaliserez-vous vos missions ? Chez des clients grands comptes de la banque, de l’assurance, de l’industrie, du retail, de la défense, du luxe ou encore de l’énergie, porteurs de projets innovants.

L’accompagnement et la formation

Pour réussir ce nouveau challenge My Devoteam Academy vous proposera des actions de formation et des certifications avec nos partenaires, mais aussi un système de parrainage et un dispositif d’évaluation personnel régulier, notamment :

  • Évoluer dans un environnement agile et ambitieux grâce au développement continu

  • Vous ’intégrer dans les communautés technologiques 

  • Contribuer à améliorer la base de connaissances internes, les assets techniques existants et les supports de bonnes pratiques

  • Déployer votre esprit intrapreneur et créatif en identifiant des projets de transformation digitale auprès de nos clients (avant-vente, réponse à appel d’offres…).



Ce que vous apporterez à la Tribu ?

[Les compétences idéales] 

Diplômé.e d’une école d’ingénieurs ou d’un Master 2 en informatique, vous êtes doté.e d’un excellent relationnel, d’un sens prononcé du service et de la qualité. Vous aimez travailler en équipe, et vous parlez couramment français et anglais.

Vous avez minimum 2 années d’expérience professionnelle en tant que DevOps/SRE, et êtes issu.e du monde du développement ou de l'administration système. 

Vous êtes passionné.e par l’automatisation et l’amélioration continue et avez développé des compétences en scripting.  Vous avez déjà expérimenté la mise en place d’outils de l’écosystème DevOps CI/CD, idéalement en production.

Plus globalement, vous avez pu pratiquer toute ou partie des technologies de la Tribu:

  • Système : Linux

  • Cloud : AWS, AZURE, GCP

  • Scripting & programmation : Python, Bash, Shell…

  • Infrastructure As Code : Terraform, Ansible…

  • Collaboration : Jira, Confluence…

  • CI/CD : Gitlab, GitHub, Jenkins…

  • Containers : Docker, Kubernetes

  • Versionning : Git


[Cherries on the cake ????]

  • vous avez eu une expérience en implémentation de plateformes de CI/CD avec des composants “Enterprise” (GitLab Ultimate, Ansible Tower, etc…)

  • vous avez des connaissances et de la pratique en conteneurisation et sur un Cloud provider !

Et qu’est ce que Devoteam vous offre en échange?

  • Un CDI, pour se projeter ensemble sur le long terme

  • Un salaire attractif en lien avec votre expérience et les tendances du marché

  • Une base de travail en Ile de France et un accord télétravail permettant une meilleure flexibilité 

  • Des avantages comprenant mutuelle, prévoyance santé, CSE, mais aussi des compensations de vos frais internet et installations relatives au télétravail

  • Des challenges organisés tout au long de l’année avec de très jolis gains (voyages, matériels technologiques, accès à des événements….)

  • Un plan de carrière personnalisé avec des formations et certifications en lien avec votre trajectoire en bénéficiant des cursus, labs, formateurs de Devoteam

  • De multiples possibilités de mobilité, géographique mais aussi inter communauté, vous permettant d’évoluer en fonction de vos appétences technologiques ou métier mais aussi selon des projets plus personnels 

  • Un esprit de communauté fort autour de vos technologies de prédilection, au travers d’événements internes vous permettant d’interagir, célébrer et continuer d’apprendre

  • Une réelle possibilité de rayonner et partager vos connaissances et votre vision par le biais de conférences, meetups ou articles 

  • Plus de 30 clubs Happiness@Devoteam qui te permettent de partager et laisser libre cours à tes passions (gaming, paintball, running, art, football, musique, gastronomie, yoga, …)

Intéressé.e ????‍♀️????‍♂️?

N’attendez plus et postulez à l’offre!

La suite du process se déroulera en toute confidentialité et bienveillance: rencontre avec l’équipe Recrutement, Sales et managériale, avec au moins un rendez-vous en présentiel pour venir découvrir nos locaux et sentir de plus près la bonne humeur et l’énergie de nos équipes ????

Nous veillons à vous faire vivre des process de recrutement les plus dynamiques possibles et nous engageons à vous faire un retour sous 72h après chaque étape.


Le Groupe Devoteam oeuvre pour l'égalité des chances, pour la promotion de ses collaboratrices et de ses collaborateurs au mérite et lutte activement contre toute forme de discrimination. Nous sommes persuadés que la diversité contribue à la créativité, au dynamisme et à l'excellence de notre organisation.
Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

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Ingénieur Modern Workplace H/F - M Cloud

DevoteamLevallois-Perret, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Ingénieur Modern Workplace H/F - M Cloud

Description du poste

Vos principales responsabilités en tant qu’Ingénieur M365 : 

#Intune #SCCM #Powershell #Infrastructure #Active Directory #Azure

Vos principales responsabilités en tant qu’Ingénieur Modern Workplace : 

L’ingénieur Workplace fera partie de l’équipe Infrastructure Windows, contribuant à l’intégration et au déploiement de l’appareil géré par les différents outils de déploiement, soutenant l’intégration des entités du groupe par le biais des activités de configuration de profil et d’intégration d’applications. Pouvant travailler en mode projet ainsi qu’en mode Régie.

Voici une liste non exhaustive de vos missions au quotidien, nous vous faisons confiance pour les prendre en main et les enrichir à votre façon

  • Collaborer à la conception et au déploiement de projets stratégiques, notamment sur la convergence des postes de travail…

  • Participer à la mise en place des infrastructures et rédiger la documentation associée Devenir le référent technique sur la partie Poste de travail et Infrastructure, proposer des solutions innovantes pour répondre aux besoins métiers

  • Expertise approfondie du packaging des technologies Windows du déploiement et de l'automatisation.

  • Gestion, administration et support/analyse N3 des postes de travail et des infrastructures

  • Création, installation, paramétrage et support N3 des équipements infrastructure en fonction des projets + rédaction des procédures.

  • Installation et paramétrage des composants sécurité (en collaboration avec des ingénieurs SécuOp/CyberSécu)

  • Mise en place et évolution continue de la supervision Infra et Poste de travail avec le maintien et la mise à jour de la documentation

  • S'assurer de la formalisation et du suivi des collaborateurs de son équipe et être force de proposition dans l'amélioration continue des process

Où réaliseriez-vous vos missions ? Chez des clients grands comptes de la banque, de l’assurance, du retail, de la Défense ou du luxe, porteurs de projets innovants.


Ce que vous apporterez à la Tribu ?

[Les compétences idéales] 

Diplômé.e d’une École d’Ingénieur ou d’un Master 2 en IT, vous avez acquis au moins 3 ans d’expérience en tant qu’Ingénieur Modern Workplace et maitrisez tout ou partie des technos suivantes:

  • Excellente connaissance des Outils d'Infrastructure comme SCCM.

  • Excellente compréhension Active Directory/EntraID.

  • Expérience de l'utilisation d'Intune Autopilot/White glove/windows Hello.

  • Expérience dans les processus de synchronisation Azure Active Directory.

(administrateur de politiques, SSO, gestion Intune)

  • Solide connaissance des scripts PowerShell

  • Solide connaissance des applications : Gestion de parc et Services management (ITSM)

  • Solide connaissance de la méthodologie Agile/Scrum

Vous êtes aguerri(e) aux méthodologies agiles et parlez couramment français et anglais.

Vous êtes capable de qualifier et d’expliciter un besoin client, possédez de solides capacités d’animation et avez l’âme d’un(e) leader!

Vous êtes ouvert(e) au changement, force de proposition et êtes un véritable moteur au sein d’une équipe.

Vous êtes convaincu(e) par la culture Cloud/IA et souhaitez affirmer vos convictions.

[Cherries on the cake????]

  • Vous avez des certifications MS-102, MS-900

  • SC-100, AZ-500 est un plus.

  • Expérience dans des environnements cloud Azure, AWS, Google …

Et qu’est ce que Devoteam vous offre en échange?

  • Un CDI, pour se projeter ensemble sur le long terme

  • Un salaire attractif en lien avec votre expérience et les tendances du marché

  • Une base de travail en Ile de France et un accord télétravail permettant une meilleure flexibilité 

  • Des avantages comprenant mutuelle, prévoyance santé, CSE, mais aussi des compensations de vos frais internet et installations relatives au télétravail

  • Des challenges organisés tout au long de l’année avec de très jolis gains (voyages, matériels technologiques, accès à des événements….)

  • Un plan de carrière personnalisé avec des formations et certifications en lien avec votre trajectoire en bénéficiant des cursus, labs, formateurs du premier partenaire AWS en France

  • De multiples possibilités de mobilité, géographique mais aussi inter communauté, vous permettant d’évoluer en fonction de vos appétences technologiques ou métier mais aussi selon des projets plus personnels 

  • Un esprit de communauté fort autour de vos technologies de prédilection, au travers d’événements internes vous permettant d’interagir, célébrer et continuer d’apprendre

  • Une réelle possibilité de rayonner et partager vos connaissances et votre vision par le biais de conférences, meetups ou articles 

  • Plus de 30 clubs Happiness@Devoteam qui te permettent de partager et laisser libre cours à tes passions (running, art, football, musique, gastronomie, yoga, …)

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Azure Engineer

Bachelor's degreeterraformsqlansibleazurekubernetespython

Vodastra is hiring a Remote Azure Engineer

Azure Engineer - Vodastra - Career Page

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Application Architect-III (Hybrid)


Serigor Inc. is hiring a Remote Application Architect-III (Hybrid)

Application Architect-III (Hybrid) - Serigor Inc. - Career PageSee more jobs at Serigor Inc.

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Principal Scrum Master

Logic20/20 Inc.Dallas, TX, Remote

Logic20/20 Inc. is hiring a Remote Principal Scrum Master

Job Description

We are looking for a scrum master to step into a high visibility role, helping members of small sprint teams become more agile. Acting as a change agent and servant leader, you’ll expand team knowledge, model best practices, and accelerate development to push forward business transformation and agility. You’ll coach leadership and team members to organize around value while addressing challenges and optimizing delivery. Along the way, you’ll support quality execution and foster professional growth for you and the team.

Our mission is to:

  • Deliver with a team well-versed in Agile scrum methodology and drive industry best practices
  • Provide high-value development with a focus on delivering the client’s business objectives
  • Coach cross-functional groups to help promote self-management and higher productivity
  • Communicate with the business and third-party stakeholders to better understand the bigger picture and translate it into technical requirements

About the team

The Logic20/20 Digital Transformation team applies design thinking and next-gen technologies to solve our clients’ toughest business challenges. You’ll work side-by-side with architects, managers, and engineering consultants to gain a 360-degree perspective of the challenge at hand while contributing your unique perspective to develop innovative solutions.

About you

  • You have deep knowledge of Agile methodologies and enjoy coaching others to better understand and adopt Agile Scrum practices.
  • You have a broad delivery capability that spans strategy, technology, and/or business, with a strong focus on technical implementations or enhancements.
  • You can mentor junior resources to help them grow as professionals and as future leaders.
  • You have experience in end-to-end delivery of custom and packaged technology solutions.
  • You have experience in compliance and quality assurance regarding various delivery phases (e.g. estimation and scope planning, design and code reviews, test plan development, triage, various testing stages, formal reviews, and signoffs).


  • 5+ years of experience as a Scrum Master for a delivery team or multiple teams that were actively applying Scrum principles, practices, and theory
  • 3+ years of experience within scaled Agile frameworks such as Scrum@Scale, SAFe, LeSS
  • Experience applying Agile methodologies in a hardware environment
  • Experience supporting hardware and/or IT infrastructure teams
  • Multiple Agile Scrum or Scrum Master certifications, such as CSM, PSM, etc. 
  • Strong presentation, coaching, and public speaking skills
  • Demonstrated ability to identify business and technical impacts of user requirements and incorporate them into the project plan
  • Understanding of and experience in a variety of delivery lifecycle methodologies (Agile, SDLC, Waterfall)
  • Proficient in MS Project and various PM tools (such as Azure AD, Jira, ClickUp, or VSO)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering, related field, or equivalent experience
  • Experience in the utilities industry is preferred

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Automation Tester

Default PortalLondon, GB Remote

Default Portal is hiring a Remote Automation Tester

At Amber Labs, we are a cutting-edge UK and European technology consultancy that prioritises empowering autonomy, promoting experimentation, and facilitating rapid learning to provide exceptional value to our clients. Our company culture is centred around collaboration, where all colleagues, regardless of their role, work together to minimise risk and shorten delivery times. Our team consists of highly-skilled cross-functional consultants, analysts, and support staff.

ROLE: Automation Tester
CLEARANCE: Eligible for SC Clearance

As a Test Engineer you will be responsible for writing, debugging and refactoring test code. You will work closely with our software developers to reach a common understanding of the code base and test coverage at unit level. You will collaborate with analysts to make sure the required business scenarios are covered in the acceptance and test scripts. You will also work on both functional and non-functional areas of an application. coach and mentor testers.


We rely heavily on

  • JIRA as our bug tracking software
  • Python, Java and JavaScript to write automation tests
  • JMeter for load tests
  • Selenium/Web Driver for end to end testing
  • Fiddler, Burp and Developer Tools to analyse packets
  • SOAP UI for API inspection
  • Jenkins for deployment
  • Dynatrace for application monitoring
  • Azure for most of our infrastructure
  • Postgres and Redis as our databases.
  • Macs to do all of the above
  • In addition, we use a range of other technologies and continue to evolve by employing new technologies that help us deliver better services to our users

What are we looking for?

Demonstrable knowledge of business domains and/or systems you tested
A proven track record in defining and implementation of test tooling, test environments and test data required for all phases of testing. Good understanding of test types and concepts
Experience in writing automated testing programs/scripts, ideally in our core technology stack
Experience in load testing tools
Knowledge of REST web services and API inspection tools
Awareness of packet analyzers
Experience in using bug tracking software
Show where you have identified issues and risks associated with work whilst being able to analyse and report test activities and results
Have been exposed to the application of Agile principles in practice
Some experience in design and execution of non-functional test cases in a range of environments
A strong understanding of the Software Development Lifecycle


  • Join a rapidly expanding startup where personal growth is a part of our DNA.
  • Benefit from a flexible work environment focused on deliverable outcomes.
  • Receive private medical insurance through Aviva.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a company pension plan through Nest.
  • 25 days of annual leave plus UK bank holidays.
  • Access Perkbox, a global employee rewards platform offering discounts, perks, and wellness resources.
  • Participate in a generous employee referral program.
  • A highly collaborative and collegial environment with opportunities for career advancement.
  • Be encouraged to take bold steps and embrace a mindset of experimentation.
  • Choose your preferred device, PC or Mac.

Diversity & Inclusion:

Here at Amber Labs, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion includes:

  • Valuing the unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds of all employees and creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.
  • Prohibiting all forms of harassment, bullying, discrimination, and victimisation and promoting a culture of dignity and respect for all.
  • Educating all new hires on our Diversity and Inclusion policies and ensuring they are aware of their rights and responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive workplace.
  • By taking these steps, we are dedicated to building a workplace that reflects and celebrates the diversity of our employees and communities.

What Happens Next?

Our Talent Acquisition team will be in touch to advise you on the next steps. We have a two-stage interview process for most of our consultants. In certain cases, we may include a third and final stage, which is a conversation with the company Partners. This will only be considered if deemed necessary.

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Sr Frontend / Fullstack Programmer

People Can FlyWarszawa, Poland, Remote
Bachelor's degreejiranosqlDesignazurejavacsslinuxangularpythonAWSjavascriptbackendfrontendNode.js

People Can Fly is hiring a Remote Sr Frontend / Fullstack Programmer

Job Description

As a Senior Fullstack Software Engineer at People Can Fly, you will play a crucial role in developing end-to-end solutions for our online gaming platforms. You will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining both frontend and backend components, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. Your expertise in both frontend and backend technologies will be instrumental in delivering innovative features and functionalities that enhance the gaming experience for our players.

  • Design, develop, and maintain frontend and backend components for online gaming platforms, ensuring high performance, scalability, and reliability.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to translate business requirements into technical solutions, balancing user needs with technical constraints.
  • Implement responsive and intuitive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • Develop server-side applications and APIs using technologies such as Node.js, Python, or Java, ensuring secure and efficient communication between frontend and backend systems.
  • Integrate third-party services and APIs to enhance platform capabilities and functionality.
  • Write clean, maintainable code and conduct thorough code reviews to ensure code quality and adherence to best practices.
  • Troubleshoot and debug issues across the full stack, identifying root causes and implementing effective solutions.
  • Stay updated on emerging technologies and industry trends, actively contributing to the evolution of our development processes and practices.


  • 5+ years of frontend / backend development experience.
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field.
  • Proven experience as a Fullstack Software Engineer, with a strong portfolio showcasing your proficiency in both frontend and backend development.
  • Proficiency in frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frontend frameworks.
  • Experience with server-side development using languages such as Node.js, Python, Java, or similar.
  • Solid understanding of databases and data modeling concepts, with experience working with relational and/or NoSQL databases.
  • Familiarity with cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.
  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail, with the ability to analyze complex technical challenges and implement effective solutions.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a team environment.
  • Experience in the gaming industry or a passion for gaming is a plus.

Nice to have:

  • Understanding of DevOps principles, experience with GitHub Actions or similar tools
  • Prior experience with Grafana or similar services
  • Familiarity with cloud technologies
  • Experience using Linux system
  • Familiarity with backend technologies
  • Good mentoring skills
  • Experience working with project management software (Jira, Confluence, etc.)

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Snowflake DBA

Derex Technologies IncNashville, TN, Remote

Derex Technologies Inc is hiring a Remote Snowflake DBA

Job Description

Position: Snowflake DBA

Location: Nashville, TN / REMOTE work

Start Date: ASAP


Required skill:

  • Must be US based resource working in US only.
  • Snowflake and Azure certified.
  • Proficiency at query, index and performance tuning, stores procedures, and SQL coding.
  • Strong DBA administration skills for all DB maintenance plan activities including backups, indexing, integrity, and consistency checks, etc.
  • Experience in troubleshooting and resolving database problems, performance tuning and optimization.
  • Knowledge of Snowflake security features including access control, authentication, authorization, encryption, masking, secured view, etc.






Derex Technologies INC

Contact :973-834-5005Ext 206


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Dynamics CE Consultant (remote*/Costa Rica-based)

HitachiSan José, Costa Rica, Remote
Bachelor's degree5 years of experiencesqlsalesforceDynamicsDesignazure

Hitachi is hiring a Remote Dynamics CE Consultant (remote*/Costa Rica-based)

Job Description

*Please note: While this position primarily operates on a remote/virtual basis, there will be occasions where your presence is required at the office. Therefore, you MUST reside in Costa Rica and be authorized to work here to accommodate these in-person responsibilities as needed.


  • Engage in Dynamics CRM implementations, nurturing the project through all phases from discovery and planning to deployment, ensuring a smooth and inclusive journey for all stakeholders.
  • Serve as a beacon of CRM/CE knowledge, offering insights and guidance to customers and team members, ensuring solutions are tailored to meet client aspirations and needs effectively.
  • Play an active role in uncovering clients' sales, marketing, and customer service needs through empathetic discovery meetings, ensuring a deep understanding of their requirements.
  • Guide and facilitate the design process for key modules, collaborating closely with the Development Team to craft, detail specifications for, and implement customizations. This includes nurturing any custom code or data migration requirements with a focus on utilizing SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • Conduct end-user training sessions with a nurturing approach, fostering learning and competency. Create and maintain comprehensive knowledge transfer documentation to empower clients and ensure sustained success.
  • Innovate and continuously enhance CRM implementation standards and tools, ensuring they are not only effective but also intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Present tailored demonstrations of the technology solution, ensuring they resonate on a personal level and clearly illustrate the value and relevance to the client's unique context.
  • Perform all responsibilities in a manner that reflects and upholds the core values and strengths of the organization, fostering trust and respect within the team and with clients.


  • Possess a deep understanding and expertise in CRM industry practices and products, nurturing client relationships with this knowledge.
  • 3 to 5 years of experience, or involvement in 3+ CRM projects, such as Microsoft CRM, Salesforce, Saleslogix, Onyx, etc., with a requirement of 4+ years or 5+ projects for a Senior CRM Consultant role.
  • Have a good grasp of relational database concepts, fostering the ability to manage and interpret complex information effectively.
  • Exhibit excellent presentation and communication abilities, leading discussions and information sessions with clarity and confidence.
  • Demonstrate exceptional organizational and multitasking talents, coupled with a keen eye for quality, self-motivation, and a heartfelt drive for professional excellence.
  • Be open to domestic and international travel, as necessary, up to 50%, with the understanding that "some" travel will be essential.
  •  Microsoft CRM Application certification would be a valuable asset.
  • Experience with Microsoft SharePoint and Business Intelligence is considered advantageous.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer Engineering, or a related field is preferred, underscoring a strong theoretical and practical foundation.
  • Experience with Azure DevOps or similar project management and continuous integration tools.

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Project Assurance Consultant

HitachiParis, France, Remote

Hitachi is hiring a Remote Project Assurance Consultant

Description du poste

We are growing our Project Management team and looking for Project Assurance Consultants to join us on our exciting journey and be part of the Hitachi Solutions family.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Ensure effective governance is applied as agreed in the project charter and propose any necessary improvements. Including:
    • Effective commercial controls process
    • Effective RAID management process
    • Effective Deliverable tracking and Traceability of project artefacts
    • Effective project financial management
  • Ensure that the project/programme is complying to Hitachi internal governance processes
  • Ensure the project plan is consistent and up to date; Escalate to the project manager and project director of any non-compliances
  • Responsible for making updates to detailed large Microsoft project plan(s) as and when requested by the Regional Project or Programme Manager
  • Build relationship with client Project management team and help define governance processes.
  • Manages project support functions for the team including logging, tracking and reporting of project actions, issues and risks
  • Responsible for producing project reports, and circulating project reports as per the schedule
  • Provide guidance on the standard methodology tools/templates to be used by the project team
  • Support the creation of the relevant Azure Dev Ops environments and LCS
  • Support the Regional Project or Programme Manager in the creation of a revenue recognition estimate or time and materials invoices in accordance with the published schedule
  • Responsible for producing KPI reports as per the published internal schedule
  • Responsible for liaising with resourcing team on resource requirements for their specific projects, and either securing the necessary resource, or escalating to the Regional Project or Programme Manager in the case of a resource conflict or shortfall.
  • Ensure that the standard methodology tools and templates are made available via Teams
  • Manages the project library on Teams
  • Ensures that the approved standard project control procedures are followed on the project
  • Records and distributes actions (and minutes where agreed in project charter) at meetings when requested by the Regional Project or Programme Manager
  • Maintains the project contact list and holiday calendar, ensure holidays are managed with minimum impact on the project activities
  • Mentors and develops Junior members of the team
  • Create and maintain Dynamics 365 project structures to support the project ongoing basis
  • Actively avoid requirement for WIP adjustments by communicating with project team and performing timesheet checks.
  • Compliance with training objective requirements as advised by Hitachi University Training Agenda or the Human Resources function.
  • Policy compliance with specific emphasis on Hitachi Solutions Europe Ltd's Export Control Policy;
  • Ensure policy compliance for self and project team regarding Hitachi Solution Europe Ltd's Timesheet & Expense Policy.
  • Statutory compliance with respect to export compliance legislation & GDPR requirements.
  • Certification compliance with any ISO certification(s) held by Hitachi Solutions Europe Ltd.
  • Compliance with the Hitachi Group Code of Conduct

Key Accountabilities :

  • Accountable to the project manager or programme manager, and reporting to the Regional PMO Leadership.
  • Project Assurance Consultant is accountable to ensure the project/programme adheres to the Hitachi best practice and agreed programme governance policies and processes documented in project/programme charter
  • The Project Assurance Consultant will be accountable for one or more projects depending the size and complexity of projects.
  • Ensure that all internal published controls and processes are followed
  • Ensure that all internal project reports are prepared and distributed as per the published schedule


Key competencies:

  • Ability to build strong relationships with client and Hitachi team members
  • Good understanding of project governance best practice
  • Excellent organisational skills
  • Team player with positive attitude
  • Pro-active nature with attention to detail
  •  Ability to produce high quality and professional written documentation including project reports and presentations slides

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Solutions Engineer, Strategic Accounts

CloudflareHybrid or Remote

Cloudflare is hiring a Remote Solutions Engineer, Strategic Accounts

About Us

At Cloudflare, we are on a mission to help build a better Internet. Today the company runs one of the world’s largest networks that powers millions of websites and other Internet properties for customers ranging from individual bloggers to SMBs to Fortune 500 companies. Cloudflare protects and accelerates any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare all have web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Cultures list and ranked among the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company. 

We realize people do not fit into neat boxes. We are looking for curious and empathetic individuals who are committed to developing themselves and learning new skills, and we are ready to help you do that. We cannot complete our mission without building a diverse and inclusive team. We hire the best people based on an evaluation of their potential and support them throughout their time at Cloudflare. Come join us! 

Available locations: Atlanta, GA or Raleigh, NC or Washington, DC

What you'll do as a Solutions Engineer, Strategic Accounts 

The Solution Engineering organization is responsible for the technical sale of the Cloudflare solution portfolio, ensuring maximal business value, fit-for-purpose solution design and adoption roadmap for our customers. 

Reporting to the Senior Director of Solution Engineering, the Strategic Accounts Solutions Engineer is a Senior level role. You are a customer facing technologist within the Cloudflare Solutions Engineering team. You have strong experience in large account pre-sales management as well as excellent verbal and written communications skills suited for executive-level engagement. You arecomfortable speaking about the Cloudflare vision and mission with C-level customer executives.Your role will be to build passionate champions within the technology ranks at your accounts, drive sales for identified opportunities, and leverage your relationships with these technical champions to build a revenue pipeline where no opportunities yet exist.

You will work within a high-profile pursuit team dedicated to certain strategic accounts, working closely with the strategic account executives attached to these accounts.

Specifically, we are looking for you to:

  • Build and maintain long term technical relationships with the technical buyers (executives, managers and individual contributors) at your assigned accounts, becoming a trusted advisor to those stakeholders.
  • Deeply understand the business-critical issues that your accounts are facing, and provide meaningful solution designs to facilitate technical validation of Cloudflare as a part of the customer’s infrastructure, including the coordination of Cloudflare colleagues throughout the sales and procurement cycle.
  • Identify and drive technical conversations in every possible line of business within the accounts, engaging key technical buyers with the purpose of uncovering new areas of potential revenue & showing value to all possible parts of your accounts.
  • Empower customers in their security and network transformation journeys, helping them to define strategies and architect necessary security controls aligned with Cloudflare product suites.
  • Be the voice of the customer internally at Cloudflare, engaging with and influencing Cloudflare’s Product and Engineering teams to meet your customers’ needs.
  • Represent and evangelize Cloudflare externally at Developer, Community, Technology, Cybersecurity and other industry events with thought leadership and expertise.

Examples of desirable skills, knowledge and experience

  • Polished communication and executive presentation skills with ability to drive a discussion with a broad range of stakeholders (from the web developer to the CISO).
  • Relationship building: a proven track record of building deep technical relationships with engineers and senior executives in large and strategic accounts. Experience in managing various stakeholder relationships to build consensus on security solutions/projects.
  • Experience managing technical sales within large accounts.
    • Developing champion-style relationships
    • Driving technical wins
    • Assisting with technical validation
  • A deep understanding of core industry components of Cloudflare solutions (and a desire to learn more):
    • Internet security technologies including DDoS and DDoS mitigation, Firewalls, TLS, VPN, DLP
    • Networking technologies including TCP, UDP, DNS, IPv4 + IPv6, BGP routing, GRE, SD-WAN, MPLS, Global Traffic Management
    • HTTP technologies including reverse proxy (e.g., WAF and CDN), forward proxy (secure web gateway), serverless application development
    • Zero-trust network access (ZTNA & SASE) concepts including identity management and authentication
    • Cloud computing technologies such as AWS, GCP, Azure and others
    • Some scripting or programming experience with one or more of JavaScript, Python, Golang, BASH
    • Understanding of, or experience with, regulatory requirements such as FedRAMP, GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOC-2, ISO/IEC.

What Makes Cloudflare Special?

We’re not just a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company. We’re a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company with a soul. Fundamental to our mission to help build a better Internet is protecting the free and open Internet.

Project Galileo: We equip politically and artistically important organizations and journalists with powerful tools to defend themselves against attacks that would otherwise censor their work, technology already used by Cloudflare’s enterprise customers--at no cost.

Athenian Project: We created Athenian Project to ensure that state and local governments have the highest level of protection and reliability for free, so that their constituents have access to election information and voter registration.

Path Forward Partnership: Since 2016, we have partnered with Path Forward, a nonprofit organization, to create 16-week positions for mid-career professionals who want to get back to the workplace after taking time off to care for a child, parent, or loved one. We released help fix the foundation of the Internet by building a faster, more secure and privacy-centric public DNS resolver. This is available publicly for everyone to use - it is the first consumer-focused service Cloudflare has ever released. Here’s the deal - we don’t store client IP addresses never, ever. We will continue to abide by our privacy commitmentand ensure that no user data is sold to advertisers or used to target consumers.

Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? We’d love to hear from you!

This position may require access to information protected under U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Please note that any offer of employment may be conditioned on your authorization to receive software or technology controlled under these U.S. export laws without sponsorship for an export license.

Cloudflare is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.  We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all people and place great value in both diversity and inclusiveness.  All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to their, or any other person's, perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, or any other basis protected by law.We are an AA/Veterans/Disabled Employer.

Cloudflare provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.  Please tell us if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, changing the application process, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.  If you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job, please contact us via e-mail athr@cloudflare.comor via mail at 101 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94107.

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Senior Engineering Manager

EcoVadisBarcelona, Spain, Remote

EcoVadis is hiring a Remote Senior Engineering Manager

Job Description

Our Technology and Platform Services department designs and secures the platform that underpins all of our offerings, achieving scalability and continuous improvement through innovation and collaboration.

EcoVadis is currently seeking a motivated Senior Engineering Manager to join our growing product engineering team. The Senior Engineering Manager is responsible for the good functioning and performance of the team, from both an individual and collective view. The role will manage and support the team to meet challenging business goals and time frames.

The Senior Engineering Manager is also responsible for the quality of what the team delivers, and must therefore introduce good practices as necessary, for various aspects of the job. You will collaborate with other engineering managers to ensure that development processes are optimal.

Some of the responsibilities will include, but will not be limited to:

  • Lead, mentor and grow multiple cross functional teams
  • Maintain and improve the development process with operational excellence in mind
  • Set clear expectations and create a positive work environment 
  • Work closely with engineering managers to assure operational excellence and well-being of teams
  • Work with Product Owners & Product Managers to understand business needs and priorities
  • Coordinate and communicate seamlessly across engineering and product leadership teams
  • Follow evidence based approach when taking decisions
  • Maintain an on-going overview of staffing and teams technology capabilities
  • Work closely with tech leaders, promoting craftsmanship, availability and scalability 
  • Identify and manage risks throughout product development process


  • 8+ years in software engineering
  • 3+ years as a software engineering leader/manager
  • Experience with leading other leaders/managers
  • Excellent communication skills including mentoring, coaching and conflict handling 
  • Experience and passion for hiring, growing and guiding people
  • Experience working in Agile environments
  • Good knowledge of modern web application development (Azure, .NET & React is a plus) 
  • Self-driven and team player
  • Ability to work well in an international and multicultural environment in a fast-growing company
  • Good verbal and written communication skills in English and Spanish (C1/C2)

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Site Reliability Engineer

ExperianSandton, South Africa, Remote

Experian is hiring a Remote Site Reliability Engineer

Job Description

Why this role is critical to us

  • As part of the next phase in our growth, we are looking to expand our Site Reliability Engineering team to offer round the global cover. As an organisation we are fully convinced that everything should be automated and that software should run software and believe in the Site Reliability Engineering model. We have established a platform using cutting edge technology, such as Kubernetes, containers, pipelines and monitoring. The candidate will be a forward-looking engineer with an understanding of how SRE will enable operations in the future. You will have broad operations and automation interests and not shy away from the operational aspects of life and understand that the best way to build reliability is to break things often.
  • The ideal candidate will have experience of operations, a passion for automation and an interest in software development or they will have experience of software development, a passion for automation and an interest in operational excellence. If you have incident manager skills and are able to manage rationally and calmly during a crisis that would be an added bonus. There is an expectation to work occasional peak weekends as well as some on call requirements. This is the beginning of a growing team and we are looking for individuals to grow with it.
  • You will lead the team’s technical vision bridging the gap across platforms, infrastructure, automation and software.
  • You will be able to review and design non functional requirements, prioritise key areas of operational architecture and guide both operational staff and software feature engineers on SRE best practice.

What you’ll need to bring to the party

  • Excellent communication skills-written and verbal
  • Highly organised and with good attention to detail
  • Customer orientated
  • Working across boundaries - geographically, teams, language and cultural
  • Curious and willing and able to learn new technologies and practices
  • Cloud aware, you understand how cloud technologies differ from other technical approaches and are able to explain these to others.
  • Lives and breathes availability and operational excellence in technology


What you’ll be doing

  • Uptime of Experian Platforms Software: ExperianOne – Experian’s Cloud SaaS offering for Decision Analytics and Fraud specific platforms.
  • A proactive approach to spotting problems, areas for improvement, and performance bottlenecks
  • Partner with development teams or equivalent to improve services through rigorous testing and release procedures
  • Run the production environment by monitoring availability and taking a holistic view of system health
  • Think about systems - edge cases, failure modes, behaviours, specific implementations
  • Make monitoring and alerting alert on symptoms and not on outages
  • Responding to incidents and restoring service
  • Over time, gaining a good enough understanding of the systems to efficiently triage issues and find owners for problem resolution
  • An ability to identify an issue or a manual process and ensure that they never occur again: solving, improving, documenting
  • Incident management; able to co-ordinate others and be co-ordinated during service disruptions with a focus on restoring availability
  • Ability to write complex queries using various tools
  • Ability to identify high level root cause from symptoms, e.g. Networks, Application, Compute, Storage.
  • Understanding of Kubernetes, Infrastructure as Code, High availability principles.
  • Excellent communication skills in English with colleagues across the globe.
  • Strong relationships with other members of the SRE team in EMEA & APAC and also with Global SRE team around the globe
  • Working relationships with colleagues in other departments, third parties who support backing applications.
  • Collaborative relationships with developers, security and architects to influence them to build resilient, maintainable solutions
  • Proficiency in one programming or scripting language and willingness to apply software development best practices to an operational role



  • Matric
  • IT related qualification
  • More than 5 Years’ experience in supporting complex, highly scaled systems in production
  • Linux knowledge, experience troubleshooting and predicting issues in advance
  • Networking, troubleshooting and monitoring
  • Cloud Native application designs for high performance, scalability and resilience
  • Incident Management and co-ordination, Blameless PIRs
  • Experience in-Kubernetes, OpenShift, EKS, Splunk, Dynatrace, Thousand Eyes, ServiceNow, Jira, Jenkins, Python
  • Experience in- Java, Cassandra, Redis, RunDeck, MongoDB, Apigee, Okta, PostGres, AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Infrastructure as Code, Git Ops.

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Senior Cloud Engineer


eCapital Freight Factoring Corp. is hiring a Remote Senior Cloud Engineer

Senior Cloud Engineer - eCapital - Career PageCurious, passionate, and driven to learn ne

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Senior Software Engineer

AcquiaRemote - India

Acquia is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

Acquia empowers the world’s most ambitious brands to create digital customer experiences that matter. With open source Drupal at its core, the Acquia Digital Experience Platform (DXP) enables marketers, developers, and IT operations teams at thousands of global organizations to rapidly compose and deploy digital products and services that engage customers, enhance conversions, and help businesses stand out.

Headquartered in the U.S., Acquia has been named a top software company by The Software Report and rated a leader by the analyst community. Acquia’s CoE is a Great Place to Work certified organization. We are Acquia. We are building for the future and we want you to be a part of it!

Acquia’s products run 100% on Amazon Web Services using EKS, EC2, CloudFormation, Terraform and various other technologies and best practices. Since each product is built and maintained by its own engineering team, the ideal candidate for this position would need to be proactive in familiarizing themselves with those services and have the ability to coordinate and collaborate with multiple teams.

About the Team: The Observability team plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning and performance optimization of all our systems. We are a dynamic team of engineers dedicated to providing centralized Observability solutions to empower all teams within the company. We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our team. As a Senior Engineer, you will play a key role in designing, implementing, and maintaining systems and tools to ensure the reliability, performance, and scalability of our infrastructure and applications.

As a Senior Software Engineer, you will…

  • Lead the design and implementation of observability solutions, including monitoring, logging, and tracing systems along with a wide range of core internal systems. Work with your team to develop far reaching modules that have scalability and availability at their core
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams in deciding, developing integrations with other subsystems and best practices for both current and future infrastructure needs at a scale.
  • Develop and maintain monitoring dashboards and alerts to provide actionable insights into the system health and performance.
  • Automate the observability process to improve efficiency and scalability.
  • Conduct in-depth performance analysis and troubleshooting to identify and resolve issues proactively, ensuring minimal impact on operations.
  • Maintain an understanding of system functionality and architecture, with a strong focus on the operational aspects of the service (availability, performance, change management, emergency response, capacity planning, etc)
  • Stay abreast of industry trends and emerging technologies in observability, and make recommendations for adoptions to enhance our systems.
  • Provide product support to internal and external stakeholders
  • Work in a team environment where your team owns and operates the services you build

You’ll enjoy this role if you…

  • Like solving complex challenges for scalable, low latency systems
  • Enjoy solutioning for a Cloud native environment
  • Enjoy collaborating with multiple stakeholders
  • Have a passion for DevOps & SRE practices

What you’ll need to be successful…

  • Have 5+ years of software development experience with time spent working on Cloud technologies (AWS, Google Compute, Azure) at large scale. AWS with Kubernetes is greatly preferred.
  • Proficiency in programming languages such as Golang, PHP, Ruby or similar.
  • Comfortable navigating & troubleshooting unix/linux based operating systems.
  • Strong understanding of monitoring and logging technologies, such as Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Fluentd, Collectd, Grafana, ELK Stack, or similar.
  • Familiarity with Sumo Logic, New Relic, Dynatrace, Cloudwatch, Splunk, Nagios.
  • Strong interest in building and operating distributed systems and/or service oriented architectures.
  • Passion for Devops processes and tools (Jenkins), distributed configuration management systems (Ansible, Puppet) and maintaining infrastructure as code (Terraform, Cloudformation)
  • Excellent problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and ability to work independently as well as part of a team.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills, with ability to effectively interact with stakeholders across different teams and levels.

Extra credit if you…

  • Certifications in relevant technologies (AWS, CKAD, CKA, etc)
  • Have hands on experience with Docker, K8s or equivalent
  • Have a mindset to automate repetitive tasks  

Individuals seeking employment at Acquia are considered without regard to race, color, religion, caste, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Whatever you answer will not be considered in the hiring process or thereafter.

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Network Engineer


Dataprise is hiring a Remote Network Engineer

Network Engineer 2 - Career Page

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Applications Engineer

Apex Clean EnergyCharlottesville, VA, Remote

Apex Clean Energy is hiring a Remote Applications Engineer

Job Description

Role Overview

Apex is seeking an entry level Applications Engineer to develop and administer SCADA applications in support of its remote operating center. This position will be responsible for configuration, reliability of servers, workstations, and applications within the Process Control Network (PCN), Process Information Network (PIN), Remote Operations Control Center (ROCC), and the Dev/Test environment.  The position will work closely with the Construction and Engineering Teams during construction of Apex’s wind, solar and storage assets in the implementation of the core SCADA and IT infrastructure.

The Application Engineer position requires communication and collaboration skills as well as the ability to work well under pressure, multitask, and shift priorities on the go. The successful candidate will be well organized, with solid analytical skills, strong attention to detail, and the ability to synthesize and conceptualize complex ideas. A passion for renewable energy is a plus.

  • Hours: Full Time
  • Department: Project Management
  • Travel: Occasional (0 - 5%)
  • Location: Apex Headquarters, Charlottesville, VA

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Implement and manage Apex Asset Management’s operational technology infrastructure including point-to-point networks, edge or field computing, and remote-operations control center devices and systems.
  • Review of Process Control and data acquisition block diagrams and communication specification to integrate new wind and/or solar assets and to ensure proper connectivity and compatibility between systems.
  • Creation and modification of data historian points, configurations, and operations.
  • Resolve various networking, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) and Human Machine Interface (HMI) and other industrial computing and processing issues.
  • Application development and administration with data and analytics platforms
  • Work with Information Technology and Data Integration teams on strategy, governance, best practices, and other opportunities to improve and advance operations through information technology, digitalization, and computer science at Apex.
  • Implement and maintain backup and disaster recovery processes.
  • Collaborate daily with customers, contractors, and partners to determine specific project needs and requirements and implement solutions.
  • Evaluate new technology for the purpose of possible integration into Process Control network.
  • Create and maintain technical documentation, document management systems and knowledge base.
  • Other duties as required.
  • Install, configure, maintain, troubleshoot, and upgrade applications and operating systems.
  • Potential on-call support for trouble shooting through a rotational schedule.


Success Profile

To succeed as an Application Engineer at Apex Clean Energy, you’ll need to excel within the following criteria:

  • Associate degree or equivalent work experience
  • Familiarity/Experience/Capability with IoT Systems, PLC devices, HMI, and other devices used in remote control, monitoring and data acquisition
  • Experience with Inductive Automation Ignition Software is preferred, but can provide training.
  • Azure Cloud Services and Infrastructure (other clouds +)
  • Ability to manage multiple projects, activities, and tasks simultaneously
  • Highly developed verbal and written communication skills
  • Critical thinking and ability to troubleshoot
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Windows servers and desktop products (HP server exp. preferred)
  • Knowledge of programming languages and databases (Python, SQL)
  • Experience with Virtual Machine technologies (VMWare)
  • Ability to work in Charlottesville, Virginia; occasional travel

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Senior Software Development Engineer in Test

Bachelor's degreeDesignFirebasemobileazureiosgitc++androiddockerlinuxjenkinspythonAWS

Mozilla is hiring a Remote Senior Software Development Engineer in Test

To learn the Hiring Ranges for this position, please select your location from the Apply Now dropdown menu.

To learn more about our Hiring Range System, please click this link.

Why Mozilla?

Mozilla Corporation is the non-profit-backed technology company that has shaped the internet for the better over the last 25 years. We make pioneering brands like Firefox, the privacy-minded web browser, and Pocket, a service for keeping up with the best content online. Now, with more than 225 million people around the world using our products each month, we’re shaping the next 25 years of technology and helping to reclaim an internet built for people, not companies. Our work focuses on diverse areas including AI, social media, security and more. And we’re doing this while never losing our focus on our core mission – to make the internet better for people. 

The Mozilla Corporation is wholly owned by the non-profit 501(c) Mozilla Foundation. This means we aren’t beholden to any shareholders — only to our mission. Along with thousands of volunteer contributors and collaborators all over the world, Mozillians design, build and distributeopen-sourcesoftware that enables people to enjoy the internet on their terms. 

About this team and role:

This is a hybrid (test operations, SRE)-type role in support of scalable build & test automation as well as architecting test strategy for all mobile platforms. In this senior role, you will be joining a team of quality owners dedicated to applying the highest industry-standard test engineering practices for all our Mozilla mobile products.

What you’ll do: 

  • Enjoy working collaboratively with a broad range of project teams inside and outside Mozilla including mobile developers, product, localization, release engineering, IT, operations as well as Firebase community and Bitrise support staff.
  • Contribute to the team in a spirit of mutual respect and support, look for opportunities to both learn and mentor as the need arises. 
  • Design, build and maintain test infrastructure to support scalable and robust test automation.
  • Provide architectural guidance for manual testing strategies focused on user experience. 
  • Ensure our CI/CD build & test pipelines and monitoring tools remain reliable for maintaining product integrity for all iOS and Android products.

What you’ll bring: 

  • 5+ years of experience in iOS and/or Android test automation.
  • Fluency in Python, Bash and Linux OS.
  • Proficiency with XCode and/or Android Studio.
  • Adept with Git standard usage and code reviews.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to architect test strategy and provide gap analysis.
  • TestOps or SRE, SDET experience.
  • Commitment to our values:
    • Welcoming differences
    • Being relationship-minded
    • Practicing responsible participation
    • Having grit

Bonus Points for:

  • Experience with GCP, AWS or Azure cloud services
  • Experience with Jenkins, Github Actions, CircleCI, workflows, or some other CI/CD tools
  • Experience developing mobile applications
  • Experience with Docker and containers
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, or equivalent experience.

What you’ll get:

  • Generous performance-based bonus plans to all eligible employees - we share in our success as one team
  • Rich medical, dental, and vision coverage
  • Generous retirement contributions with 100% immediate vesting (regardless of whether you contribute)
  • Quarterly all-company wellness days where everyone takes a pause together
  • Country specific holidays plus a day off for your birthday
  • One-time home office stipend
  • Annual professional development budget
  • Quarterly well-being stipend
  • Considerable paid parental leave
  • Employee referral bonus program
  • Other benefits (life/AD&D, disability, EAP, etc. - varies by country)

About Mozilla 

Mozilla exists to build the Internet as a public resource accessible to all because we believe that open and free is better than closed and controlled. When you work at Mozilla, you give yourself a chance to make a difference in the lives of Web users everywhere. And you give us a chance to make a difference in your life every single day. Join us to work on the Web as the platform and help create more opportunity and innovation for everyone online.

Commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Mozilla understands that valuing diverse creative practices and forms of knowledge are crucial to and enrich the company’s core mission.  We encourage applications from everyone, including members of all equity-seeking communities, such as (but certainly not limited to) women, racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations,gender identities, and expressions.

We will ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment, as appropriate. Please contact us at to request accommodation.

We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race (including hairstyle and texture), religion (including religious grooming and dress practices), gender, gender identity, gender expression, color, national origin, pregnancy, ancestry, domestic partner status, disability, sexual orientation, age, genetic predisposition, medical condition, marital status, citizenship status, military or veteran status, or any other basis covered by applicable laws.  Mozilla will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics or any other unlawful behavior, conduct, or purpose.

Group: D


Req ID: R2521

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BlueVoyant is hiring a Remote Technical Solutions Architect East Coast

Technical Solutions Architect East Coast - BlueVoyant - Career Page

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