mongodb Remote Jobs

162 Results


Senior Full-Stack Developer (Angular + Node.js)

HOS247 LLCMill Valley, CA, Remote

HOS247 LLC is hiring a Remote Senior Full-Stack Developer (Angular + Node.js)

Job Description

This is a full-time remote Full Stack Developer position in Minsk, Belarus. We are expanding our team with developers who can help us improve and expand our existing line of products. You will collaborate directly with our CTO and iterate on solutions.

Our primary requirement is for a full-stack developer with at least three years of Angular 2+ and Node.js experience.



  • At least 5+ years of experience in web development
  • Angular with at least 3 years of experience
  • Node.js with at least 3 years of experience
  • Intermediate English (our dev team is Russian-speaking, but documentation is in English)

Preferred but not required:

  • Ionic
  • CouchDB (or MongoDB)

See more jobs at HOS247 LLC

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Développeur Senior Java (H/F)

Business & DecisionBordeaux, France, Remote

Business & Decision is hiring a Remote Développeur Senior Java (H/F)

Description du poste

Au sein de la Direction Produits d'Orange Digital&Data et dans le cadre du développement de notre activité Messaging, vous serez intégré à notre équipe Produit composée de DevOps. Vous serez acteur dans les choix d'architecture, la conception, la construction et la vie d'une gamme de produits de messaging distribuée par le réseau commercial Orange. Le projet consiste à développer une gamme de produits SaaS qui permettent à nos clients et à leurs contacts la capacité d'échanger des messages le plus rapidement possible par le canal le mieux adapté ; nous nous appuyons sur notre excellence technologique pour tirer profit de l'évolution des différents canaux de communication dans le respect des plus hautes exigences éthiques.

Vos principales missions seront les suivantes :

  • Assurer la cohérence et l'évolutivité de l'architecture des produits dans un contexte exigeant en terme de volumétrie et de performance applicative,
  • Concevoir fonctionnellement et techniquement des services proposés dans nos produits,
  • Développer ces services et assurer la qualité des produits dans la durée,
  • Capitaliser des bonnes pratiques techniques ou méthodologiques,
  • Contribuer à de l'expertise technique transverse au sein de l'entreprise,
  • Participer à la vie de l'équipe, contribuer à son amélioration en continu, vivre l'agilité.


De formation supérieure (Bac+5) type école d'ingénieurs ou informatique, vous disposez d'une expérience significative dans le domaine.

  • Vous êtes passionné par le développement logiciel,
  • Vous avez une compréhension profonde des architectures applicatives et êtes convaincu du bien-fondé de l'agilité,
  • Vous avez déjà contribué à des projets d'envergure en équipe,
  • Vous voulez cultiver votre excellence technique tout en vous sentant investi du devenir d'un produit,
  • Vous aimez apporter votre hauteur de vue sur les sujets pour proposer la meilleure solution en termes technique, fiabilité, qualité, coût et temps,
  • Vous aimez impulser une dynamique de groupe,
  • Les tests et l'intégration continue feront partie intégrante de votre quotidien pour assurer la qualité de vos développements : Sonar, Maven, Git-lab, conteneurs, stockage objet, micro-services, Kubernetes/Docker.

Compétences techniques :

  • Java, Angular, Golang, NATS, RabbitMQ, Spring, Web Services, REST, Json,
  • Architectures cloud natives : conteneurs, stockage objet, micro-services, Kubernetes/Docker,
  • SGBD relationnel / Hibernate, MongoDB, MySQL, CockroachDB, Elasticsearch,
  • Intégration continue, GitlabCI,
  • Linux.

See more jobs at Business & Decision

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(Senior) DevOps Engineer (m/w/d) / Remote möglich

Ebreuninger GmbHDortmund, Germany, Remote

Ebreuninger GmbH is hiring a Remote (Senior) DevOps Engineer (m/w/d) / Remote möglich


Unsere verteilten Teams arbeiten hybrid mit ihren Kolleg:innen zusammen und haben die Möglichkeit entweder remote oder von einem unserer Bürostandorte in Stuttgart, Düsseldorf und München zu arbeiten bzw. sich zu Teammeetings vor Ort zu treffen.

  • Als Mitglied eines unserer erfahrenen Entwicklerteams entwirfst, planst und entwickelst Du kundenzentrierte und wertschöpfende neue Features für einen kompletten Produktbereich unserer E-Commerce & Multichannel-Plattform.
  • Basierend auf einer hoch-modernen Microservices-Architektur trägst Du mit Deinem Team die Verantwortung über den Code und entscheidest über Technologien und Tools, um Large-Scale-Applikationen abzuliefern sowie auf PaaS/SaaS Cloud (AWS) zu betreiben.
  • Du betreibst (z.B. Monitoring, Logging, Dashboarding, Alerting, Backup, Restore, etc.) deine ausschließlich selbst genutzte Infrastruktur (z.B. Kafka, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch), sowie die von deinem Team geschriebenen Anwendungen auf Kubernetes.
  • Mit deinem Team entscheidest du, wie euer Self-contained System aussehen soll, angefangen von Tools und Technologien (z.B. Testing, Persistenz, Messaging, Datenbanken, Monitoring), über Solution Architecture (z.B. Event-driven, ETL, Lambda), bis hin zu betrieblichen Prozessen wie On-Call Duty und Incident Handling.
  • Basierend auf der Customer-Journey von Breuninger übernimmst Du gemeinsam mit Deinem vertikalen Team innerhalb eines agilen Umfelds Verantwortung für den gesamten Entwicklungszyklus, angefangen bei der Vision, der fachlichen Roadmap, dem Architekturdesign über Testing und Implementierung bis hin zur Maintenance.
  • Du informierst Dich bei Meetups, Konferenzen oder in Fachbüchern stets über aktuelle Trends in Softwaredesign, Architektur und Infrastruktur, bringst diese ins Team ein und trägst somit zu einer kontinuierlichen Verbesserung bei.


  • Du verfügst über sehr gute Kenntnisse in mindestens einer objektorientierten und/oder funktionalen Programmiersprache (Java/Kotlin/Scala/Clojure/Python, etc.).
  • Du konntest bereits Erfahrungswerte im Betrieb von Cloud Infrastructure (AWS, GCP) sowie Einsatz von Kubernetes und Docker sammeln.
  • Zudem hast Du Erfahrung mit relationalen und/oder NoSQL Datenbanken.
  • In deiner Kommunikation bist du stark und legst Wert auf gutes Feedback, Constructive Disagreement sowie das Hören und Verfolgen unterschiedlicher Vorschläge.
  • Das Lösen von Problemen gemeinsam mit anderen Teammitgliedern bereiten Dir Spaß.
  • Du übernimmst gerne Verantwortung für Deine Entscheidungen und hast Freude daran, Dich in die Bedürfnisse Deiner Kunden hineinzudenken.
  • Du hast eine hohe Affinität zu agilen Methoden (Scrum, Kanban) sowie Opensource Technologien und bist vertraut mit Ansätzen aus Domain-Driven Design.
  • Idealerweise fühlst du dich auch im Frontend wohl und hast keine Scheu unsere Weboberfläche mit deinem Team weiterzuentwickeln.

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Stagiaire de Fin d’Etudes Consultant Data Engineer - Paris - 2024 H/F

MAZARSCourbevoie, France, Remote

MAZARS is hiring a Remote Stagiaire de Fin d’Etudes Consultant Data Engineer - Paris - 2024 H/F

Description du poste

L’équipe Data Services de Mazars, c’est plus de 60 consultants spécialistes de la data, répartis sur 2 hubs (Paris La Défense, New-York).  Ils couvrent l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de la donnée : Data Strategy et qualification de cas d’usage, Gouvernance et qualité des données, Data Visualisation, Data Science, Data Engineering et Data Architecture.

Nous sommes convaincus que le Data Engineering est la pierre angulaire de cette industrie. Nous mobilisons, pour servir nos clients, une stack technologique riche et variée, tant sur les outils open-sources (Python, Pandas, PySpark, FastAPI, Vim, SQL/NoSQL, ...) que sur les solutions du marché (Snowflake, AWS, Azure, ...).

Notre équipe de Data Engineers travaille au quotidien avec les membres de Mazars R&D et nos Data Analysts. Pour nos clients, nous produisons des solutions qui intégrent le DevOps (GitLab, Ansible, Docker, Terraform, ...) dès la phase de conception.

Vous serez formé(e) à nos méthodologies et aurez l’opportunité de travailler au sein d’équipes pluridisciplinaires, y compris les équipes de R&D qui développent et maintiennent nos outils d’Analytics ainsi que notre infrastructure interne (GitLab-CI, VMs OpenNebula, CephFS, etc...).

Vous interviendrez de façon opérationnelle sur des missions de conseil data ambitieuses et innovantes pour nos clients du CAC40 et SBF120, en France et à l’international.

Vous participerez notamment à :

· L’amélioration de la performance opérationnelle de nos clients au travers de l’exploitation et la valorisation de données sur des cas d’usage métier concrets (stratégie, marketing et vente, R&D, finance, RSE, etc..).

· Le développement de bout en bout de flux de données, de l’extraction / transformation jusqu’à leur consommation (API, BI / Visualisation, ...)

· Le déploiement et l’intégration continus de pipelines sur plusieurs paradigmes : serverless cloud (AWS Lambdas, Azure Functions, GC Functions, Kubernetes) ou cloud privé (OpenNebula, CloudStack, CephFS)

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

· ACCOMPAGNEMENT PAR DES EXPERTS : Les Associés en charge de l’équipe Data Services cumulent une expertise rare dans leurs domaines respectifs, e.g. équipe pionnière du MLOps (CI/CD opérationnelle depuis 2013). Ils participent activement à la mise en place des activités les plus pointues du cabinet et de la création de start-up technologiques acquises par Mazars. Cet environnement à la fois exigeant et formateur vous propulsera au top des bonnes pratiques coding et opérationnelles pour assurer un delivery projet de qualité !

· AUTONOMIE ET AMBITION : Écosystème jeune, dynamique et très responsabilisant, aux fortes ambitions de croissance. Venez vous impliquer dans le développement du Lab Mazars et construire l’offre de service en conseil data du cabinet !

· HACKING SPIRIT : Veille technologique omniprésente, à la pointe des technologies open-source les plus performantes du moment. Nos consultant(e)s se forment en permanence pour élargir leur socle de compétences.

· CABINET INTERNATIONAL : Rejoindre Mazars c’est intégrer un cabinet aux dimensions internationales et bénéficier d’opportunités d’évolution de carrière : bootcamp data, learning center de pointe (Mazars Academy, LinkedIn learning, etc.) et mobilités internationales.

Venez partager avec nous cette fierté que nous avons d’apporter des réponses pertinentes à nos clients. Vous vous dépassez sur des sujets techniques variés et ambitieux, au sein d’une équipe humaine et bienveillante !


De formation Bac+5 type école d’ingénieur généraliste ou spécialisée, ou d’un 3ème cycle dans un domaine connexe à la data (systèmes d’informations, traitements de données, big data, statistiques, génie logiciel, etc.) :

Vous avez déjà montré un intérêt pour le domaine du développement applicatif intégrant une composante Data, à travers des stages, cours ou projets personnels impliquant le développement back-end et/ou front-end d’une application.

Vous avez une expérience pratique et une bonne connaissance de :

- Un ou plusieurs langages de programmation analytique (Python, R, Haskell, Rust, etc.)

- Une ou plusieurs couches de persistance (MySQL, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, S3, Node4j)

Vous n’envisagez pas de travaux sérieux en dehors d’un système Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS), ou sans système de contrôle de version (Git), et l’utilisation d’une chaîne d’intégration vous parait naturelle

Vous pensez que l’écosystème tech open-source est un puissant terrain de jeu à la pointe de la technologie, qui met à disposition l’ensemble des outils nécessaires à la réalisation des projets les plus ambitieux.

Vous souhaitez travailler avec les utilisateurs métiers et les clients pour comprendre leurs besoins.

Vous êtes curieux (se), autonome, entreprenant(e) et savez faire preuve d’initiatives.

Vous maîtrisez l’anglais oral et écrit.

Une première expérience des technologies suivantes est un plus :

- Sensibilisation à la qualité logicielle et aux chaînes d’intégration continue (DevOps)

- Sensibilisation à l’interaction avec des équipes fullstack (RestAPI, VueJS, ReactNative)

- Expérience sur l’un des fournisseurs de cloud (Azure, AWS, GCP)

- Chaîne d’analyse prédictive (scikit-learn, TensorFlow, etc.)

- Outil de Business Intelligence (Power BI, Qlik, Tableau, etc.)

Vous serez basé(e) à Paris, avec d’éventuels déplacements en province et à l’étranger.

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Senior Software Developer in Test, Caper

InstacartUnited States - Remote

Instacart is hiring a Remote Senior Software Developer in Test, Caper

We're transforming the grocery industry

At Instacart, we invite the world to share love through food because we believe everyone should have access to the food they love and more time to enjoy it together. Where others see a simple need for grocery delivery, we see exciting complexity and endless opportunity to serve the varied needs of our community. We work to deliver an essential service that customers rely on to get their groceries and household goods, while also offering safe and flexible earnings opportunities to Instacart Personal Shoppers.

Instacart has become a lifeline for millions of people, and we’re building the team to help push our shopping cart forward. If you’re ready to do the best work of your life, come join our table.

Instacart is a Flex First team

There’s no one-size fits all approach to how we do our best work. Our employees have the flexibility to choose where they do their best work—whether it’s from home, an office, or your favorite coffee shop—while staying connected and building community through regular in-person events. Learn more about our flexible approach to where we work.




About the Role 

You will be joining a dynamic team consisting of manual and automation test engineers working on cutting-edge technology. You will be instrumental in building and maintaining automation frameworks across all of our products. You will be Identifying a variety of automation tools and evaluating which brings the most value for our products not only from a software perspective but also from a hardware perspective. You will be a key player in laying down our foundational building blocks to increase our automation coverage and streamline our continuous integration process to achieve quicker release cycles. You will establish best practices and standards throughout our QA department. You will closely collaborate, actively participate, and have a voice on our team to ensure our products are delivered with the highest quality possible.



About the Team 

Caper is one of the critical pillars of Instacart’s new Connected Store technology. Caper offers smart shopping carts powered by deep learning and computer vision to enable a seamless grab-and-go retail experience.



About the Job 

  • Spearhead the development of automated functional integration tests and E2E tests across all our products utilizing open-source test frameworks.
  • A Hands-on self-motivated engineer capable of working collaboratively in building a continuous integration environment. 
  • Perform complex database queries and manipulations for test, staging, etc.
  • Perform functional, regression, integration, smoke, E2E, load and performance testing.
  • Assist with manual testing as needed.
  • Develop trained data, test data, and model validations for machine learning tests.
  • Will work closely with engineering, product management, cross-department partner teams within an Agile environment using JIRA as our backbone for collaboration.
  • Be a strong voice of reason exercising clear judgment making data-informed decisions in order to improve and maintain the utmost quality within our products.
  • Daily “bug hunting” – always on the lookout for defects, usability improvements, cosmetic “eye sores”, etc. and properly track them for resolution.



About You

Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience.
  • 5+ years of working as a SDET/SDE, with 3+ years in a leading role and/or independent contributor.
  • Minimum 3-year experience with automation tools such as Appium, Expresso Selenium, Selendroid (or similar for Android app test automation).
  • Minimum 3-year experience with IntelliJ, TestNG, and Jenkins.
  • Must have built an automation framework from scratch.
  • Experience programming with Java,  Python, shell and/or C++.
  • Experience interacting with RESTful API and skilled in Rest Assured, Postman (or similar)
  • Experience with System Design.
  • Experience working with MongoDB and MySQL.
  • Solid understanding of GIT.
  • Strong analytical skills, self-motivation, attention to detail and leadership ability.
  • Ideally able to work 2-3 days a week from our SF or NY office.



Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience automating tests for android applications, Web Applications & Services.
  • Experience in establishing and maintaining full CI/CD pipelines.
  • Experience with Gitlab.
  • Knowledge of basic software engineering practices surrounding coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build process, and test.
  • Experience with AI and ML test principles and strategies.
  • Exposure to GCP and microservices.
  • Familiar with JIRA and TestRail.
  • Highly effective communication, both oral and written.


Instacart provides highly market-competitive compensation and benefits in each location where our employees work. This role is remote and the base pay range for a successful candidate is dependent on their permanent work location. Please review our Flex First remote work policyhere.

Offers may vary based on many factors, such as candidate experience and skills required for the role.Additionally, this role is eligible for a new hire equity grant as well as annual refresh grants. Please read more about our benefits offeringshere.

For US based candidates, the base pay ranges for a successful candidate are listed below.

$153,000$170,000 USD
$147,000$163,000 USD
$140,000$156,000 USD
All other states
$127,000$141,000 USD

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Manager, Software Engineering

ClassyRemote, US

Classy is hiring a Remote Manager, Software Engineering

Classy, an affiliate of GoFundMe, is a Public Benefit Corporation and giving platform that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about. Classy's platform provides powerful and intuitive fundraising tools to convert and retain donors. Since 2011, Classy has helped nonprofits mobilize and empower the world for good by helping them raise over $5 billion. Classy also hosts the Collaborative conference and the Classy Awards to spotlight the innovative work nonprofits are implementing around the globe. For more information,

About the role:

Classy's Product Technology team is hiring a Senior Software Development Manager to lead a team of engineers to build and maintain our fundraising products, analytics platform, and visualization tools. The ideal candidate is comfortable with people management and experienced with multiple front end frameworks and solid understanding of best practices.  We want to talk to you if you can see beyond the donation experience and love transforming designs and mockups into highly-scalable, fault-tolerant, and seamless user experiences.

What you’ll accomplish:

  • Partner with senior management to own and drive core business initiatives.
  • Drive the strategy and roll-out of our Foundations roadmap.
  • Evaluate technical solutions that contribute to the exciting growth phase of the company.
  • Manage and coach engineers to become proficient developers using best software development practices and processes.
  • Analyze, design, and develop software that delivers clean, maintainable code within a large, complex, and established code base.
  • Learn and grow your skills by working collaboratively with experienced and engaged developers to design new features and re-architect existing ones

What you bring (Required):

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or a related field, or equivalent work experience.
  • 4+ years directly managing engineers at any level (new graduates to leads), including distributed teams
  • Direct responsibility for delivering features on a defined roadmap
  • 6+ years of professional software development experience with server-side, web-based technologies (full stack preferred)
  • 3+ years of experience developing web-based applications in an AWS infrastructure
  • Excellent understanding of distributed software architecture with experience debugging distributed systems with high data loads.
  • Advanced proficiency with Javascript Frameworks - React, Angular, and server side backends in Node.js, PHP, and Linux.
  • Familiarity with GraphQL, Elasticsearch, Docker, AWS (EC2, ECS, Lambda, SNS).
  • Ability to understand product requirements and translate them into technical solutions.
  • Experience with Scrum/Agile development methodologies.
  • Proficiency in schema design in relational or NoSQL databases (MySQL, MongoDB).
  • An innate sense of quality, and sharp engineering skills with strong computer science fundamentals.

What would be awesome to have (Preferred):

  • Experience with refactoring complex single page apps and/or migrating from one framework to another (i.e. Angular > React)
  • Experience building PCI compliant systemsBulk of experience working with Atlassian products (Jira and Bitbucket)

Why you’ll love it here: 

  • Market competitive pay
  • Rich healthcare benefits, including employer paid premiums for medical/dental/vision (100% for employee only plans and 85% for employee + dependent plans) and employer HSA contributions. 401(k) retirement plan with company matching
  • Hybrid workplace with fully remote flexibility for many roles
  • Monetary support for new hire setup, hybrid work & wellbeing, family planning, and commuting expenses
  • A variety of mental and wellness programs to support employees  
  • Generous paid parental leave and family planning stipend
  • Supportive time off policies including vacation, sick/mental health days, volunteer days, company holidays, and a floating holiday
  • Learning & development and recognition programs
  • Gives Back Program where employees can nominate a fundraiser every month for a donation from the companyInclusion, diversity, equity, and belonging are vital to our priorities and we continue to evolve our strategy to ensure DEI is embedded in all processes and programs at GoFundMe. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion team is always finding new ways for our company to uphold and represent the experiences of all of the people in our organization.
  • Employee resource groups
  • Your work has a real purpose and will help change lives on a global scale.
  • You’ll be a part of a fun, supportive team that works hard and celebrates accomplishments together.
  • We live by our core values: consider everything, do the right thing, spread empathy, delight the customer, and give back.We are a certified Great Place to Work, are growing fast and have incredible opportunities ahead!Our commitment to Sustainability. Classy exists to create a sustainable world for all. 

Dedication to Diversity 

Classy is working toward building a more diverse and inclusive environment that is representative of individuals of all backgrounds, experiences, and lifestyles, allowing all employees to feel comfortable being their true, authentic selves in a space that enables productivity and meaningful work.

The total annual salary for this full-time position is $192,000 - $260,000  + equity + benefits.  As this is a remote position, the salary range was determined by role, level, and possible location across the US. Individual pay is determined by work location and additional factors including job-related skills, experience, and relevant education or training. 

Your recruiter can share more about the specific salary range based on your location during the hiring process.

If you require a reasonable accommodation to complete a job application or a job interview or to otherwise participate in the hiring process, please contact us at

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Web Backend Developer (Remote)


City State Entertainment, LLC is hiring a Remote Web Backend Developer (Remote)

Job Description

City State Entertainment is looking for an ASP.NET developer to help create Camelot Unchained. You'll take part in the development of an API that securely provides important gameplay data and functionality in real-time to both the game UI and the public. As part of this position you will work closely with both gameplay and UI developers to help facilitate the flow of information through the API layer.


  • Expose data from deep in the gameplay server to secure web APIs

  • Support, guide, and feed our in-game HTML-based UI

  • Create features behind public webpages to engage and support our community

  • Provide hooks for systems like crafting and guilds to be accessible everywhere

  • Collaborate closely in a small, gamer-focused and developer-driven team



  • Fluency in .NET development using C#

  • Experience with recent ASP.NET WebAPI versions

  • Experience creating secure & robust but remixable REST APIs

  • A passion for gaming, especially MMORPGs

  • A relentless focus on the end-user experience

  • Comfortable with code versioning tools such as git

  • Minimum 3 years experience in web backend development using any technologies


Big Bonuses

  • Experience with GraphQL

  • Experience with SignalR or WebSockets

  • Experience with SSO systems

  • Experience with JavaScript / TypeScript and front-end web development

  • Willingness to engage the user and mod-maker communities

  • Familiarity with APIs from other games


Smaller Bonuses

  • Experience with MongoDB or other document-oriented data stores

  • Experience with persistent data structures & functional programming

  • Experience with AWS or Google Cloud hosting

  • Experience with analytics

  • Experience with native development in C++

  • Prior game development experience

  • Degree in computer science or related field

See more jobs at City State Entertainment, LLC

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Senior Data Engineer - AWS (Remote)

Fannie MaeReston, VA, Remote
agileBachelor degreesqloraclemongodbuiscrummysqlpythonAWS

Fannie Mae is hiring a Remote Senior Data Engineer - AWS (Remote)

Job Description

As a valued colleague on our team, you will contribute to developing data infrastructure and pipelines to capture, integrate, organize, and centralize data while testing and ensuring the data is readily accessible and in a usable state, including quality assurance.

The Senior Data Engineer role will offer you the flexibility to make each day your own, while working alongside people who care so that you can deliver on the following responsibilities:

  • Identify customer needs and intended use of requested data in the development of database requirements and support the planning and engineering of enterprise databases.
  • Maintain comprehensive knowledge of database technologies, complex coding languages, and computer system skills.
  • Support the integration of data into readily available formats while maintaining existing structures and govern their use according to business requirements.
  • Analyze new data sources and monitor the performance, scalability, and security of data.
  • Create an initial analysis and deliver the user interface (UI) to the customer to enable further analysis.




Minimum Required Experiences:

  • 2+ years with Big Data Hadoop cluster (HDFS, Yarn, Hive, MapReduce frameworks), Spark, AWS EMR
  • 2+ years of recent experience with building and deploying applications in AWS (S3, Hive, Glue, AWS Batch, Dynamo DB, Redshift, AWS EMR,  Cloudwatch, RDS, Lambda, SNS, SWS etc.)
  • 2+ years of Python, SQL, SparkSQL, PySpark
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and strong verbal & written communication skills
  • Ability to work independently as well as part of an agile team (Scrum / Kanban)

Desired Experiences:

  • Bachelor degree or equivalent
  • Knowledge of Spark streaming technologies 
  • Experience in working with agile development teams
  • Familiarity with Hadoop / Spark information architecture, Data Modeling, Machine Learning (ML)
  • Knowledge of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG)


  • Skilled in cloud technologies and cloud computing
  • Programming including coding, debugging, and using relevant programming languages
  • Experience in the process of analyzing data to identify trends or relationships to inform conclusions about the data
  • Skilled in creating and managing databases with the use of relevant software such as MySQL, Hadoop, or MongoDB
  • Skilled in discovering patterns in large data sets with the use of relevant software such as Oracle Data Mining or Informatica
  • Experience using software and computer systems' architectural principles to integrate enterprise computer applications such as xMatters, AWS Application Integration, or WebSphere
  • Working with people with different functional expertise respectfully and cooperatively to work toward a common goal
  • Communication including communicating in writing or verbally, copywriting, planning and distributing communication, etc.


  • Skilled in AWS Analytics such as Athena, EMR, or Glue
  • Skilled in AWS Database products such as Neptune, RDS, Redshift, or Aurora
  • Skilled in SQL
  • Skilled in AWS Compute such as EC2, Lambda, Beanstalk, or ECS
  • Skilled in Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings, development, and networking platforms
  • Skilled in AWS Management and Governance suite of products such as CloudTrail, CloudWatch, or Systems Manager
  • Skilled in Python object-oriented programming

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UI Architect (10 to 13 years)

McFadyen DigitalBengaluru, India, Remote

McFadyen Digital is hiring a Remote UI Architect (10 to 13 years)

Job Description


Are you a technology leader capable of conceptualizing, building, and implementing application architecture, as well as owning the efforts of application strategies and roadmap efforts?  Are you passionate about software UI architecture and driven to deliver exceptional solutions?  Can you help Fortune 500 retailers navigate the next generation of digital commerce, marketplace, and platform business strategies?  Are you skilled in a variety of retail and distribution functional areas?  As a UI Architect, you will be responsible for ensuring the success of our retail and B2B customers by applying your engineering expertise and domain knowledge. 


Top five Responsibilities: 

  • Architect, Develop and deploy front-end features  

  • Collaborate with the respective stake holders to deliver the optimal solution 

  • You must have a deep understanding of web service technologies (HTTP, REST, JSON) and design principles. 

  • Able to research and adopt new technologies quickly in a very dynamic working environment. 

  • Recommend processes, services, software, and other tools to support business objectives pertinent to user interfaces as well as infrastructure technologies. 

Additional Responsibilities: 

  • Familiarity with consuming service-oriented architecture layers and APIs. 

  • Good experience with highly scalable applications 

  • Extensive knowledge in JavaScript Design & Architectural Patterns 

  • Up-to-date with latest news and technologies about Frontend and Backend 

  • Familiarity with OWASP security 

  • Experience of headless commerce implementation 

  • Adheres to appropriate processes, architectural artifact requirements and architectural best practices 

  • Create solution requirement document, architectural artifacts, and technical plans 

  • Excel in delivering high-value solutions in dynamic and ambiguous environments 

  • Ensure document standards are effectively implemented by the development teams and understood by technology partners 

  • Advanced knowledge of unit testing best practices and Continuous Integration processes (CI/CD) 

  • Collaborate closely with external clients, product managers, software developers and designers of multiple disciplines 

  • Mentor feature teams and remove technical impediments in UI development as shared resource. 

  • Provide optimal solutions for independent deplorability of UIs - like Micro frontends etc. 



  • Masters or Equivalent Degree in CS/EE. 

  • Overall 10+ years of frontend development experience in client-side UI development. 

  • Technology 

  • Experience on the following core languages: JavaScript, HTML 5 & CSS 

  • Strong skills in programming structures, algorithms, design patterns, and standard (W3C) Web UI APIs 

  • Oriented to details and software best practices & patterns 

  • Experience with RESTful backend applications (like NodeJS/Express) 

  • Experience with GraphQL tools (like Apollo) 

  • Knowledge of the following types of frameworks/libraries/languages: 

  • Web Application Platforms: 

  • Experience with React or other Single Page Application libraries. 

  • ES6+, TypeScript. 

  • Async Module Definition (like AMD, requireJS, commonJS). 

  • CSS Pre-Processors (like SASS, LESS). 

  • Application state management (like Redux). 

  • Reactive Programming (like RxJS) 

  • Build tools like Webpack, Gulp, Grunt 

  • Minification, Aggregation, and Fingerprinting (Gulp/Grunt) 

  • Node (NPM) 

  • Experience with frameworks for Server Side Rendering (_NextJS, Express) 

  • Server-Side Rendering (like Express) 

  • API documentation using Swagger 

  • Platforms: 

  • NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis) 

  • Testing frameworks (Jasmine, Karma, Protractor) 

  • Docker & Kubernetes, CircleCI, AWS, Heroku 

  • Other 

  • Cross-browser techniques. 

  • Experience with different databases (SQL/NoSQL) 

  • Experience with PWA (Progressive Web Apps) 

  • Debugging with tools like (Chrome Dev Tools, Web Inspector). 

  • Responsive design implementation across devices, platforms, screens, etc. 

  • Browser performance auditing and tuning. 

  • Demonstrated skills using distributed code repositories (Git, Perforce, BitBucket) with code reviews. 

  • Experience with UNIX systems and terminal 

  • Experience working within Scrum / Kanban. 

  • Web Accessibility. 

  • What we can offer you: 

  • A career with thought leaders who literally wrote the book on Marketplace Best Practices 

  • A career in the fast-paced world of retail eCommerce, digital marketplaces and platform businesses  

  • A career with first-movers who are deploying new business models and strategies worldwide 

  • A career in a flat management structure without a rigid hierarchy and bureaucracy 

  • A career in a culture that rewards creativity and innovation, risk-taking and teamwork  

See more jobs at McFadyen Digital

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Lead Full Stack Developer

Default PortalLondon, GB Remote

Default Portal is hiring a Remote Lead Full Stack Developer

Amber Labs was founded on three key principles:

1. A people-first internal culture, with diverse investments and exciting opportunities for our team, and a partnership structure that ensures everyone has a chance to share in the success of the company.

2. Constant iteration to identify opportunities to develop artifacts, accelerators, and automation solutions that allow for rapid deployment of highly technical cloud or on-premises solutions for our clients.

3. Consistent investment in our ADM (Amber Labs Delivery Methodology, underpinned by Agile Methodology) to ensure maximum velocity, quality, and value.

ROLE: Lead Full Stack Developer
CLEARANCE: Must be a UK Citizen OR have been in the UK for 5 years

Tech Stack:

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Nunjucks
  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • MongoDB


As a Tech Lead/Developer at our company, you will play a crucial role in leading and contributing to the development of innovative solutions within our dynamic tech environment. Your responsibilities will include:

  1. Technical Leadership: Provide guidance and leadership to the development team, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software solutions.
  2. Full-Stack Development: Utilize your expertise in JavaScript, TypeScript, Nunjucks, Java 17, Spring Boot, and MongoDB to contribute to the full-stack development lifecycle.
  3. Solution Architecture: Collaborate with stakeholders to design and implement scalable and efficient technical solutions aligned with business objectives.
  4. Code Reviews and Quality Assurance: Conduct thorough code reviews to maintain code quality standards and ensure best practices. Implement and enforce quality assurance processes.
  5. Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative and innovative team culture, working closely with cross-functional teams to deliver impactful software solutions.
  6. Continuous Learning: Stay abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices to enhance the team's technical capabilities.


  • Proven experience as a Tech Lead or Senior Developer.
  • In-depth knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, Nunjucks, Java 17, Spring Boot, and MongoDB.
  • Strong leadership skills with the ability to guide and mentor a development team.
  • Experience in solution architecture and design.
  • Excellent problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities.
  • Effective communication skills to collaborate with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.


  • Join a rapidly expanding startup where personal growth is a part of our DNA.
  • Benefit from a flexible work environment focused on deliverable outcomes.
  • Receive private medical insurance through Aviva.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a company pension plan through Nest.
  • 25 days of annual leave plus UK bank holidays.
  • Access Perkbox, a global employee rewards platform offering discounts, perks, and wellness resources.
  • Participate in a generous employee referral program.
  • A highly collaborative and collegial environment with opportunities for career advancement.
  • Be encouraged to take bold steps and embrace a mindset of experimentation.
  • Choose your preferred device, PC or Mac.

Diversity & Inclusion:

Here at Amber Labs, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion includes:

  • Valuing the unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds of all employees and creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.
  • Prohibiting all forms of harassment, bullying, discrimination, and victimisation and promoting a culture of dignity and respect for all.
  • Educating all new hires on our Diversity and Inclusion policies and ensuring they are aware of their rights and responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive workplace.
  • By taking these steps, we are dedicated to building a workplace that reflects and celebrates the diversity of our employees and communities.

What Happens Next?

Our Talent Acquisition team will be in touch to advise you on the next steps. We have a two-stage interview process for most of our consultants. In certain cases, we may include a third and final stage, which is a conversation with the company Partners. This will only be considered if deemed necessary.

See more jobs at Default Portal

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Consultant Data Architect/Engineer H/F - Innovative Tech

DevoteamLyon, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Consultant Data Architect/Engineer H/F - Innovative Tech

Description du poste

L'équipe lyonnaise n’attend que vous pour relever de nouveaux défis autour de l’écosystème Data.

Ensemble vous accompagnerez nos clients dans la transformation de leur Système d’information et la mise en place de solutions BIG DATA.

Pour  nos clients, la transformation digitale induit une modification profonde des processus métier poussée par le développement des nouvelles technologies. Ce changement de modèle à plusieurs objectifs : accroître l'efficacité, optimiser les coûts et créer de nouveaux produits et services innovants pour les clients.

Notre offre data se décompose en deux offres distinctes: une offre orientée Data Foundation en amont de la pipeline data et une offre Data for Business qui se positionne sur l’analyse de données au profit du métier.  

Que vous soyez Data Architect ou Data Engineer, nous vous proposons d’intégrer une équipe d’ingénieurs expérimentés et multi-compétences.

Au sein de nos clients issus de différents secteurs d'activité (Industrie, Services, Transport, Banque, Assurances, Énergie) et en fonction de vos compétences, les missions que vous serez amené(e) à réaliser pourront concerner:

- La conception et mise en place de chaîne de processing Big Data

- La conception et le développement des modules de traitements de données - ETL  (transformation, extraction, stockage)

- Le développement d’API

- La participation aux déploiements des solutions dans une démarche Agile / DevOps

- La mise en place de solutions d’automatisation

- etc.  

Pour réussir ces différents challenges, nous vous proposerons des actions de formation, des parrainages, des certifications sur les outils concernés et un dispositif d’évaluation personnel régulier.


Diplômé(e) d’une école d’ingénieurs ou d’un Master 2 en informatique, vous êtes doté(e) d’un excellent relationnel, d’un sens prononcé du service et de la qualité. Vous aimez travailler en équipe, and you are fluent in english, of course !  

Vous possédez idéalement un minimum de deux ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine.

Vous maîtrisez à minima SQL, Python et Git, et vous êtes à l'aise avec au moins 2 technologies de la liste suivante:

MongoDB / Snowflake / Databricks / Hadoop / Spark / Scala / Apache / Matillion / Talend / Kafka / SAP / Power BI / Kubernetes / Docker / Cloudera / Cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure)

Vous êtes dé de vous investir dans des projets challengeants et gagner rapidement en responsabilités et en compétences.

Une activité sur des projets Open Source serait un plus.

Alors n’hésitez plus ! 

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Senior DevOps Engineer

BloomreachRemote Central and Eastern Europe, Slovakia, Czech Republic

Bloomreach is hiring a Remote Senior DevOps Engineer

Bloomreach is the world’s #1 Commerce Experience Cloud, empowering brands to deliver customer journeys so personalized, they feel like magic. It offers a suite of products that drive true personalization and digital commerce growth, including:

  • Discovery, offering AI-driven search and merchandising
  • Content, offering a headless CMS
  • Engagement, offering a leading CDP and marketing automation solutions

Together, these solutions combine the power of unified customer and product data with the speed and scale of AI optimization, enabling revenue-driving digital commerce experiences that convert on any channel and every journey. Bloomreach serves over 850 global brands including Albertsons, Bosch, Puma, FC Bayern München, and Marks & Spencer. Bloomreach recently raised $175 million in a Series F funding round, bringing its total valuation to $2.2 billion. The investment was led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management with participation from Bain Capital Ventures and Sixth Street Growth. For more information, visit


Are you looking for a cutting-edge tech stack to work with on a daily basis? We are currently expanding our Infrastructure team and are looking for a new colleague to join as a DevOps / Infrastructure Engineer. The salary starts from €3,500 based on your experience level, and you can work from home or one of our Central Europe offices on a full-time basis. Are you ready to grow with us?

What tech stack do we have for you?

  • Python, Golang
  • Kubernetes, Terraform, Gitlab
  • Google Cloud, GCP Bigtable, GCP BigQuery, GRPC  
  • MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, Influxdb, Etcd, Kafka
  • Victoria Metrics, Grafana, Sentry

Minimum requirements:

At least 3 years of production experience with:

  • Kubernetes - we are looking for engineer that not only deployed applications to a cluster, but who also understands what is happening behind the scenes and can operate 24x7 production 
  • GCP (preferred)/AWS/Azure - our solution is built on top of GCP platform. Candidate should be comfortable working with public cloud, understand the risks and benefits associated with running applications in the public cloud, be familiar with infrastructure as a code principle and have ability to make design choices between using cloud managed solutions versus self hosted alternatives
  • Python/Go - you should be a solid programmer capable of developing custom tooling

If you don’t meet these requirements, don’t worry we are also looking for Junior DevOps engineers.

How to know if you are good fit:

The qualifications outlined below serve as a guide to determine if your skills and experience align with the requirements of this position:

  • Continuous Learning: You have a keen interest in Kubernetes and related technologies, demonstrated by your active engagement in reading and staying updated about them.
  • Conference Participation: You have participated in DevOps related conferences, showcasing your commitment to continuous learning and networking in the field.
  • Configuration Proficiency: You have hands-on experience configuring pod/container security context, network policies, roles and role bindings, pod affinity, host path, pod disruption budgets, priority classes, node taints, to name a few.
  • Resource Optimization: You have analyzed resource usage of applications hosted on a cluster and implemented or suggested changes to resource requests/limits, Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPAs), or Vertical Pod Autoscalers (VPAs).
  • Cluster Management: You have a deep understanding of the clusters you manage, including the types of machines used in node pools, the reasons for their selection, the enabled or disabled cluster features, the cluster version, and the node autoscaling setup. You have successfully upgraded Kubernetes cluster versions without causing interruptions to live applications hosted on the cluster.
  • Terraform Proficiency: You have written a Terraform module with multiple interconnected resources. 
  • Monitoring and Alerting: You have experience setting up monitoring systems and configuring alerts. On-duty experience is preferred, along with experience with Grafana and Prometheus.
  • DevOps and CI/CD Experience: You have experience with DevOps, Orchestration/Configuration Management, and Continuous Integration technologies such as Terraform, GitLab, Ansible, Docker, etc.
  • Team Onboarding and Training: You have experience with onboarding and training new team members, demonstrating your leadership skills and commitment to team growth.

About your team:

The Infrastructure team operates and maintains Bloomreach Engagement core infrastructure built on Google Cloud with security, high availability, costs, and scalability in mind.Our vision is to identify and implement opportunities to achieve a robust, reliable, and efficient infrastructure and development platform. We strongly support DevOps culture: each team is responsible for releasing, operating, and monitoring their own applications.

The role of the Infrastructure Team is to provide a strong foundation upon which all teams can build, for example, manage big infrastructure components like Kubernetes, databases, and cloud components in Google Cloud. An important role of the team is also providing support for developers, reviewing design proposals, validating the performance and availability of applications, and sometimes even developing new core application components like logging or authorization.

Tasks and responsibilities:

In the position of DevOps Engineer, you’d be expected to work with other Engineering teams to design sustainable infrastructure, microservice solutions, and an efficient and robust production environment. Additionally, you’ll be working on a variety of tasks and projects, including automating tools and infrastructure to reduce manual work, monitoring applications and participating in an on-call rotation as required. 

The ideal candidate will be passionate about learning new things, creative, willing to take the initiative, and able to think outside the box to solve problems strategically.


More things you'll like about Bloomreach:


  • A great deal of freedom and trust. At Bloomreach we don’t clock in and out, and we have neither corporate rules nor long approval processes. This freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility. We are interested in results from day one. 

  • We have defined our5 valuesand the 10 underlying key behaviors that we strongly believe in. We can only succeed if everyone lives these behaviors day to day. We've embedded them in our processes like recruitment, onboarding, feedback, personal development, performance review and internal communication. 

  • We believe in flexible working hours to accommodate your working style.

  • We work remote-first with several Bloomreach Hubs available across three continents.

  • We organize company events to experience the global spirit of the company and get excited about what's ahead.

  • We encourage and support our employees to engage in volunteering activities - every Bloomreacher can take 5 paid days off to volunteer*.
  • TheBloomreach Glassdoor pageelaborates on our stellar 4.6/5 rating. The Bloomreach Comparably page Culture score is even higher at 4.9/5

Personal Development:

  • We have a People Development Program -- participating in personal development workshops on various topics run by experts from inside the company. We are continuously developing & updating competency maps for select functions.

  • Our resident communication coachIvo Večeřais available to help navigate work-related communications & decision-making challenges.*
  • Our managers are strongly encouraged to participate in the Leader Development Program to develop in the areas we consider essential for any leader. The program includes regular comprehensive feedback, consultations with a coach and follow-up check-ins.

  • Bloomreachers utilize the $1,500 professional education budget on an annual basis to purchase education products (books, courses, certifications, etc.)*


  • The Employee Assistance Program -- with counselors -- is available for non-work-related challenges.*

  • Subscription to Calm - sleep and meditation app.*

  • We organize ‘DisConnect’ days where Bloomreachers globally enjoy one additional day off each quarter, allowing us to unwind together and focus on activities away from the screen with our loved ones.

  • We facilitate sports, yoga, and meditation opportunities for each other.

  • Extended parental leave up to 26 calendar weeks for Primary Caregivers.*


  • Restricted Stock Units or Stock Options are granted depending on a team member’s role, seniority, and location.*

  • Everyone gets to participate in the company's success through the company performance bonus.*

  • We offer an employee referral bonus of up to $3,000 paid out immediately after the new hire starts.

  • We reward & celebrate work anniversaries -- Bloomversaries!*

(*Subject to employment type. Interns are exempt from marked benefits, usually for the first 6 months.)

Excited? Join us and transform the future of commerce experiences!

If this position doesn't suit you, but you know someone who might be a great fit, share it - we will be very grateful!

Any unsolicited resumes/candidate profiles submitted through our website or to personal email accounts of employees of Bloomreach are considered property of Bloomreach and are not subject to payment of agency fees.


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Junior DevOps Engineer

BloomreachRemote Central & Eastern Europe, Slovakia, Czechia

Bloomreach is hiring a Remote Junior DevOps Engineer

Bloomreach is the world’s #1 Commerce Experience Cloud, empowering brands to deliver customer journeys so personalized, they feel like magic. It offers a suite of products that drive true personalization and digital commerce growth, including:

  • Discovery, offering AI-driven search and merchandising
  • Content, offering a headless CMS
  • Engagement, offering a leading CDP and marketing automation solutions

Together, these solutions combine the power of unified customer and product data with the speed and scale of AI optimization, enabling revenue-driving digital commerce experiences that convert on any channel and every journey. Bloomreach serves over 850 global brands including Albertsons, Bosch, Puma, FC Bayern München, and Marks & Spencer. Bloomreach recently raised $175 million in a Series F funding round, bringing its total valuation to $2.2 billion. The investment was led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management with participation from Bain Capital Ventures and Sixth Street Growth. For more information, visit


Are you looking for a cutting-edge tech stack to work with on a daily basis? We are currently expanding our Infrastructure team and are looking for a new colleague to join as a DevOps / Infrastructure Engineer. The salary starts from €2,000 based on your experience level, and you can work from home or one of our Central Europe offices on a full-time basis. Are you ready to grow with us?

What tech stack do we have for you?

  • Python, Golang
  • Kubernetes, Terraform, Gitlab
  • Google Cloud, GCP Bigtable, GCP BigQuery, GRPC  
  • MongoDB, Redis, Elasticsearch, Influxdb, Etcd, Kafka
  • Victoria Metrics, Grafana, Sentry

Minimum requirements:

  • We value and expect good problem-solving skills and proactive initiative, especially in conducting independent research to overcome challenges and innovate.
  • A keen interest in Kubernetes and related technologies.
  • Experience or interest in public cloud platforms, preferably GCP.
  • Interest in coding with Python and/or GoLang.
  • Availability to work reduced 3/4 hours schedule or full time.
  • Graduate degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field is preferred but not mandatory.

About your team:

The Infrastructure team operates and maintains Bloomreach Engagement core infrastructure built on Google Cloud with security, high availability, costs, and scalability in mind.Our vision is to identify and implement opportunities to achieve a robust, reliable, and efficient infrastructure and development platform. We strongly support DevOps culture: each team is responsible for releasing, operating, and monitoring their own applications.

The role of the Infrastructure Team is to provide a strong foundation upon which all teams can build, for example, manage big infrastructure components like Kubernetes, databases, and cloud components in Google Cloud. An important role of the team is also providing support for developers, reviewing design proposals, validating the performance and availability of applications, and sometimes even developing new core application components like logging or authorization.

Tasks and responsibilities:

In the position of DevOps Engineer, you’d be expected to work with other Engineering teams to design sustainable infrastructure, microservice solutions, and an efficient and robust production environment. Additionally, you’ll be working on a variety of tasks and projects, including automating tools and infrastructure to reduce manual work, monitoring applications and participating in an on-call rotation as required. 

The ideal candidate will be passionate about learning new things, creative, willing to take the initiative, and able to think outside the box to solve problems strategically. 

Already have more experience? Don’t worry we are also looking for Senior DevOps engineers.


More things you'll like about Bloomreach:


  • A great deal of freedom and trust. At Bloomreach we don’t clock in and out, and we have neither corporate rules nor long approval processes. This freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility. We are interested in results from day one. 

  • We have defined our5 valuesand the 10 underlying key behaviors that we strongly believe in. We can only succeed if everyone lives these behaviors day to day. We've embedded them in our processes like recruitment, onboarding, feedback, personal development, performance review and internal communication. 

  • We believe in flexible working hours to accommodate your working style.

  • We work remote-first with several Bloomreach Hubs available across three continents.

  • We organize company events to experience the global spirit of the company and get excited about what's ahead.

  • We encourage and support our employees to engage in volunteering activities - every Bloomreacher can take 5 paid days off to volunteer*.
  • TheBloomreach Glassdoor pageelaborates on our stellar 4.6/5 rating. The Bloomreach Comparably page Culture score is even higher at 4.9/5

Personal Development:

  • We have a People Development Program -- participating in personal development workshops on various topics run by experts from inside the company. We are continuously developing & updating competency maps for select functions.

  • Our resident communication coachIvo Večeřais available to help navigate work-related communications & decision-making challenges.*
  • Our managers are strongly encouraged to participate in the Leader Development Program to develop in the areas we consider essential for any leader. The program includes regular comprehensive feedback, consultations with a coach and follow-up check-ins.

  • Bloomreachers utilize the $1,500 professional education budget on an annual basis to purchase education products (books, courses, certifications, etc.)*


  • The Employee Assistance Program -- with counselors -- is available for non-work-related challenges.*

  • Subscription to Calm - sleep and meditation app.*

  • We organize ‘DisConnect’ days where Bloomreachers globally enjoy one additional day off each quarter, allowing us to unwind together and focus on activities away from the screen with our loved ones.

  • We facilitate sports, yoga, and meditation opportunities for each other.

  • Extended parental leave up to 26 calendar weeks for Primary Caregivers.*


  • Restricted Stock Units or Stock Options are granted depending on a team member’s role, seniority, and location.*

  • Everyone gets to participate in the company's success through the company performance bonus.*

  • We offer an employee referral bonus of up to $3,000 paid out immediately after the new hire starts.

  • We reward & celebrate work anniversaries -- Bloomversaries!*

(*Subject to employment type. Interns are exempt from marked benefits, usually for the first 6 months.)

Excited? Join us and transform the future of commerce experiences!

If this position doesn't suit you, but you know someone who might be a great fit, share it - we will be very grateful!

Any unsolicited resumes/candidate profiles submitted through our website or to personal email accounts of employees of Bloomreach are considered property of Bloomreach and are not subject to payment of agency fees.


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MERN Developer - Individuals with Disabilities ( 3 Years - 4 Years)


Mindbowser Info Solutions Pvt Ltd is hiring a Remote MERN Developer - Individuals with Disabilities ( 3 Years - 4 Years)

Job Description


  • Develop and maintain web applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js).

  • Collaborate with designers and backend developers to implement user-friendly, responsive web interfaces.

  • Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code while following best practices.

  • Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members.

  • Debug and troubleshoot issues, ensuring the performance, security, and scalability of applications.

  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies to continuously improve skills and knowledge.

  • Contribute to the technical documentation of projects.

  • Meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality software solutions.


  • 3-4 years of professional experience as a MERN Stack Developer.

  • Proficiency in ReactJS and its associated libraries and tools.

  • Proven experience in building and deploying web applications using React.

  • Strong knowledge of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

  • Familiarity with version control systems, particularly Git.

  • Understanding of RESTful APIs and asynchronous programming.

  • Experience with responsive web design principles.

  • Exceptional problem-solving and debugging skills.

  • Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.

  • Self-motivated and capable of working independently as well as within a team.

  • Bonus points for experience with additional technologies like Redux, GraphQL, or Webpack.



  •  Excellent communication required
  • Job type - Permanent role - Fulltime

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Développeur Java (H/F)

Business & DecisionBordeaux, France, Remote

Business & Decision is hiring a Remote Développeur Java (H/F)

Description du poste

Au sein de la Direction Produits d'Orange Digital&Data et dans le cadre du développement de notre activité Messaging, vous serez intégré à notre équipe Produit composée de DevOps. Vous serez acteur dans les choix d'architecture, la conception, la construction et la vie d'une gamme de produits de messaging distribuée par le réseau commercial Orange. Le projet consiste à développer une gamme de produits SaaS qui permettent à nos clients et à leurs contacts la capacité d'échanger des messages le plus rapidement possible par le canal le mieux adapté ; nous nous appuyons sur notre excellence technologique pour tirer profit de l'évolution des différents canaux de communication dans le respect des plus hautes exigences éthiques.

Vos principales missions seront les suivantes :

  • Assurer la cohérence et l'évolutivité de l'architecture des produits dans un contexte exigeant en terme de volumétrie et de performance applicative,
  • Concevoir fonctionnellement et techniquement des services proposés dans nos produits,
  • Développer ces services et assurer la qualité des produits dans la durée,
  • Capitaliser des bonnes pratiques techniques ou méthodologiques,
  • Contribuer à de l'expertise technique transverse au sein de l'entreprise,
  • Participer à la vie de l'équipe, contribuer à son amélioration en continu, vivre l'agilité.


De formation supérieure (Bac+5) type école d'ingénieurs ou informatique, vous disposez d'une expérience significative dans le domaine.

  • Vous êtes passionné par le développement logiciel,
  • Vous avez une compréhension profonde des architectures applicatives et êtes convaincu du bien-fondé de l'agilité,
  • Vous avez déjà contribué à des projets d'envergure en équipe,
  • Vous voulez cultiver votre excellence technique tout en vous sentant investi du devenir d'un produit,
  • Vous aimez apporter votre hauteur de vue sur les sujets pour proposer la meilleure solution en termes technique, fiabilité, qualité, coût et temps,
  • Vous aimez impulser une dynamique de groupe,
  • Les tests et l'intégration continue feront partie intégrante de votre quotidien pour assurer la qualité de vos développements : Sonar, Maven, Git-lab, conteneurs, stockage objet, micro-services, Kubernetes/Docker.

Compétences techniques :

  • Java, Angular, Golang, NATS, RabbitMQ, Spring, Web Services, REST, Json,
  • Architectures cloud natives : conteneurs, stockage objet, micro-services, Kubernetes/Docker,
  • SGBD relationnel / Hibernate, MongoDB, MySQL, CockroachDB, Elasticsearch,
  • Intégration continue, GitlabCI,
  • Linux.

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UI Architect

McFadyen DigitalFlorianópolis, Brazil, Remote

McFadyen Digital is hiring a Remote UI Architect

Job Description

Are you a technology leader capable of conceptualizing, building, and implementing application architecture, as well as owning the efforts of application strategies and roadmap efforts?   
Are you passionate about software UI architecture and driven to deliver exceptional solutions?   
Can you help Fortune 500 retailers navigate the next generation of digital commerce, marketplace, and platform business strategies?   
Are you skilled in a variety of retail and distribution functional areas?   
As a UI Architect, you will be responsible for ensuring the success of our retail and B2B customers by applying your engineering expertise and domain knowledge.  


Top 5 responsibilities   

  • Architect, Develop and deploy front-end features.   
  • Collaborate closely with designers, technical leads, application architects, software developers, DevOps engineers, and business stakeholders to deliver the optimal solution.  
  • Must have a deep understanding of web service technologies (HTTP, REST, JSON) and design principles.  
  • Able to research and adopt new technologies quickly in a very dynamic working environment.  
  • Recommend processes, services, software, and other tools to support business objectives pertinent to user interfaces as well as infrastructure technologies. 

Additional Responsibilities  

  • Familiarity with consuming service-oriented architecture layers and APIs.  
  • Good experience with highly scalable applications.  
  • Collaborate with delivery teams throughout the design and development phases to guarantee compliance with UI architectural standards and best practices.  
  • Adept with core development, design and direction of application architecture and alignment of architecture with business.  
  • Extensive knowledge in JavaScript Design & Architectural Patterns.  
  • Design and develop proof of concept prototypes for advanced features and designs.  
  • Evaluate and improve software development and delivery processes with an emphasis on performance optimization approaches.  
  • Providing technical oversight and performing code reviews for multiple development efforts.  
  • Up to date with latest news and technologies about Frontend and Backend.  
  • Familiarity with OWASP security.  
  • Experience of headless commerce implementation.  
  • Create solution requirement document, architectural artifacts, and technical plans.  
  • Excel in delivering high-value solutions in dynamic and ambiguous environments.  
  • Ensure document standards are effectively implemented by the development teams and understood by technology partners.  
  • Advanced knowledge of unit testing best practices and Continuous Integration processes (CI/CD).  
  • Collaborate closely with external clients, product managers, software developers and designers of multiple disciplines.  
  • Promoting cross-team synergy and alignment to optimize code-sharing, improve site performance, and increase speed to market. 
  • Mentor feature teams and remove technical impediments in UI development as shared resource.  
  • Provide optimal solutions for independent deplorability of UIs - like Micro frontends etc.  


Top 5 Qualifications   

  • Experience in the following core languages: JavaScript, HTML 5 & CSS.  
  • Strong skills in programming structures, algorithms, design patterns, and standard (W3C) Web UI APIs.  
  • Oriented to details and software best practices & patterns.  
  • Experience with RESTful backend applications (like NodeJS/Express).  
  • Experience with GraphQL tools (like Apollo). 

Other Qualifications  

  • Master’s or Equivalent Degree in CS/EE.  
  • Overall 12+ years of front-end development experience in client-side UI development.  

Knowledge of the following types of frameworks/libraries/languages:  
Web Application Platforms:  

  • Experience with React or other Single Page Application libraries.  
  • ES6+, TypeScript.  
  • Async Module Definition (like AMD, requireJS, commonJS).  
  • CSS Pre-Processors (like SASS, LESS).  
  • Application state management (like Redux).  
  • Reactive Programming (like RxJS).  
  • Build tools like Webpack, Gulp, Grunt.  
  • Minification, Aggregation, and Fingerprinting (Gulp/Grunt).  
  • Node (NPM).  
  • Experience with frameworks for Server-Side Rendering (NextJS, Express).  
  • Server-Side Rendering (like Express).  
  • API documentation using Swagger.  


  • NoSQL (MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis).  
  • Testing frameworks (Jasmine, Karma, Protractor).  
  • Docker & Kubernetes, CircleCI, AWS, Heroku.  


  • Cross-browser techniques.  
  • Experience with different databases (SQL/NoSQL).  
  • Experience with PWA (Progressive Web Apps).  
  • Debugging with tools like (Chrome Dev Tools, Web Inspector).  
  • Responsive design implementation across devices, platforms, screens, etc.  
  • Browser performance auditing and tuning.  
  • Demonstrated skills using distributed code repositories (Git, Perforce, BitBucket) with code reviews.  
  • Experience with UNIX systems and terminal.  
  • Experience working within Scrum / Kanban.  
  • Web Accessibility.  

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Software Developer

Default PortalUnited Kingdom Remote

Default Portal is hiring a Remote Software Developer

The Company:

At Amber Labs, we are a cutting-edge UK and European technology consultancy that prioritises empowering autonomy, promoting experimentation, and facilitating rapid learning to provide exceptional value to our clients. Our company culture is centred around collaboration, where all colleagues, regardless of their role, work together to minimise risk and shorten delivery times. Our team consists of highly-skilled cross-functional consultants, analysts, and support staff.

Our clients have the opportunity to earn R&D credits that can be used towards our areas of expertise: Data, Governance, and Cloud Engineering, allowing us to drive customer-focused innovation. Our work extends across both the public and private sectors, providing our colleagues with a diverse and interesting landscape of experience.

The Role:

We are seeking an experienced Full-Stack Developer with a strong background in Public Sector projects (GDS), exceptional communication skills, and proficiency in a range of technologies including Node.JS, HTML, AWS, Java, JavaScript, Docker, and MongoDB.

Key Responsibilities:

  1. Public Sector Expertise (GDS):
    • Leverage your experience in Public Sector projects, aligning with Government Digital Service (GDS) standards to deliver solutions that meet regulatory requirements and user expectations.
  2. Communication Skills:
    • Demonstrate excellent communication skills, collaborating effectively with cross-functional teams, stakeholders, and clients to articulate technical concepts and project progress.
  3. Full-Stack Development:
    • Engage in end-to-end development using Node.JS, HTML, AWS, Java, JavaScript, Docker, and MongoDB to create scalable and robust applications.
  4. AWS Cloud Services:
    • Utilize AWS cloud services to design, deploy, and manage scalable, secure, and high-performance applications.
  5. Java Expertise:
    • Apply your expertise in Java to develop server-side logic, ensuring seamless integration with front-end elements.
  6. Front-End Development (HTML, JavaScript):
    • Drive the development of user-friendly interfaces using HTML and JavaScript, ensuring an optimal user experience.
  7. Containerization (Docker):
    • Implement containerization strategies using Docker to enhance application portability and efficiency in deployment.
  8. Database Management (MongoDB):
    • Manage and optimize MongoDB databases, ensuring data integrity and efficient retrieval for application functionality.

Qualifications and Skills:

  • Proven experience in Full-Stack Development, with a focus on Node.JS, HTML, AWS, Java, JavaScript, Docker, and MongoDB.
  • Demonstrated expertise in Public Sector projects, adhering to GDS standards.
  • Strong communication skills with the ability to convey technical concepts to diverse audiences.
  • Proficiency in AWS cloud services for scalable and secure application deployment.
  • Experience in Java for server-side development and integration.
  • Front-end development skills using HTML and JavaScript for intuitive user interfaces.
  • Knowledge of containerization principles, particularly with Docker.
  • Database management skills, with a focus on MongoDB.


  • Join a rapidly expanding startup where personal growth is a part of our DNA.
  • Benefit from a flexible work environment focused on deliverable outcomes.
  • Receive private medical insurance through Aviva.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a company pension plan through Nest.
  • 25 days of annual leave plus UK bank holidays.
  • Access Perkbox, a global employee rewards platform offering discounts, perks, and wellness resources.
  • Participate in a generous employee referral program.
  • A highly collaborative and collegial environment with opportunities for career advancement.
  • Be encouraged to take bold steps and embrace a mindset of experimentation.
  • ·Choose your preferred device, PC or Mac.

Diversity & Inclusion:

Here at Amber Labs, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion includes:

Valuing the unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds of all employees and creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.

Prohibiting all forms of harassment, bullying, discrimination, and victimisation and promoting a culture of dignity and respect for all.

Educating all new hires on our Diversity and Inclusion policies and ensuring they are aware of their rights and responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive workplace.

By taking these steps, we are dedicated to building a workplace that reflects and celebrates the diversity of our employees and communities.

This role at Amber Labs is a permanent position, and all employees are required to meet the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). Please be advised that, at this time, we are unable to consider candidates who require sponsorship or hold a visa of any type.

What Happens Next?

Our Talent Acquisition team will be in touch to advise you on the next steps. We have a two-stage interview process for most of our consultants. In certain cases, we may include a third and final stage, which is a conversation with the company Partners. This will only be considered if deemed necessary.

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Software Engineer (Front End)

ThrotleRed Bank, NJ, Remote
3 years of experiencesqloracleDesignansiblemongodbhtml5apijavapostgresqllinuxpythonAWSjavascript

Throtle is hiring a Remote Software Engineer (Front End)

SOFTWARE ENGINEER (Hybrid Position-In Office Tuesday through Thursday)
The Software Engineer will be part of the team responsible for designing, developing, and operating the applications that make Throtle’s data onboarding solution work.  The ideal candidate can work with teammates in troubleshooting problems, designing solutions, and assessing situations in real time.  Our team is empowered to keep our fast-paced, high-volume processing environment operational for our clients and partners.
  • Create tools and solutions to manage and monitor our rapidly growing operations.
  • Be involved in real-time assessment of issues and help develop solutions
  • Build and design solutions that mitigate risk and increase efficiencies
  • Automate processes and sub-processes to enable greater scale and speed
  • Maintaining our existing code.  
  • Take part in performance & capacity monitoring and planning
  • At least 2-3 years of experience 
  • Significant proficiency in one or more of these languages- Java, Python, Golang
  • Experience with databases – PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Proficiency in Restful API Development 
  • Experience interacting with AWS CLI and AWS Console
  • Knowledge of software architecture, data structures, modern design patterns and network protocols 
  • Ability to identify problems, and effectively communicate solutions to peers and management
  • Experience with data flow and queue management using tools like Kafka and Flume Experience in front end technologies including JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5 to include libraries such as React Js and Angular. 
  • Experience in Linux SysAdmin
  • Exposure to NoSQL/Big Data: Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB
  • Hands on experience with a CI/CD environment
  • Experience with configuration management and automation tools like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet.
About Throtle:
Throtle is a leading identity company trusted by the world’s top brands and agencies located in Red Bank, NJ. At Throtle, we empower brands at scale with true individual-based marketing using a data-centric identity and onboarding approach.
Throtle is a company that truly values its employees and their work-life balance. We offer a comprehensive, competitive, and inclusive set of health, financial and other benefits that support your total well-being:

  • Competitive compensation.
  • Comprehensive benefits include Medical, Dental, and Vision.
  •  Life insurance.
  • Long-Term Disability
  • A generous PTO program.
  • A 401k plan supported by a company match.
  • Half Day Summer Fridays (close at 1 p.m. Memorial Day to Labor Day).
  • Early Fridays (office closes at 3 p.m.). 
  • Hybrid Schedule (Mondays and Fridays WFH)
  • The office is closed between Christmas and New Year.
  • Company-sponsored lunch at least 1x a month. 
    And much MORE!

    Throtle is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.

Flexible work from home options available.

Compensation: $100,000.00 - $130,000.00 per year

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Software Engineer (back end)

ThrotleRed Bank, NJ, Remote
3 years of experiencesqloracleDesignmongodbapijavapostgresqlAWSbackend

Throtle is hiring a Remote Software Engineer (back end)

SOFTWARE ENGINEER (Hybrid Position-In Office Tuesday -Thursday)

The Software Engineer will be part of the team responsible for designing, developing, and operating the integrations that make Throtle’s data onboarding solution work.  The ideal candidate can work with teammates in troubleshooting problems, designing solutions, and assessing situations in real time.  Our team is empowered to keep our operations and client-facing systems highly available for our clients and internal teams.
  • Create tools and solutions to manage and monitor external integrations 
  • Be involved in real-time assessment of issues and help develop solutions
  • Automate processes and sub-processes to enable greater scale and speed
  • Maintaining our existing code.  
  • Take part in performance & capacity monitoring and planning
  • At least 2-3 years of experience in backend software development 
  • Significant proficiency in one or more of these languages- Java, Golang
  • Experience in interacting with, and managing external APIs
  • Proficiency in Restful API Development 
  • Experience in containerization and scalable solutions 
  • Management of databases – PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Experience interacting with AWS CLI, AWS Console, and AWS S3
  • Knowledge of software architecture, data structures, modern design patterns, and network protocols 
  • Ability to identify problems, and effectively communicate solutions to peers and management
  • Hands-on experience with a CI/CD environment
  • Exposure to NoSQL/Big Data: Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB
  • Experience with high-volume transaction environments
About Throtle:
Throtle is a leading identity company trusted by the world’s top brands and agencies located in Red Bank, NJ. At Throtle, we empower brands at scale with true individual-based marketing using a data-centric identity and onboarding approach.
Throtle is a company that truly values its employees and their work-life balance. We offer a comprehensive, competitive, and inclusive set of health, financial, and other benefits that support your total well-being:

  • Competitive compensation.
  • Comprehensive benefits include Medical, Dental, and Vision.
  •  Life insurance.
  • Long-Term Disability
  • A generous PTO program.
  • A 401k plan supported by a company match.
  • Half Day Summer Fridays (close at 1 p.m. Memorial Day to Labor Day).
  • Early Fridays (office closes at 3 p.m.). 
  • Hybrid Schedule (Mondays and Fridays WFH)
  • The office is closed between Christmas and New Year.
  • Company-sponsored lunch at least 1x a month. 
    And much MORE!

    Throtle is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.

Flexible work from home options available.

Compensation: $100,000.00 - $130,000.00 per year

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MERN Stack Developer (3 years- 4 years)


Mindbowser Info Solutions Pvt Ltd is hiring a Remote MERN Stack Developer (3 years- 4 years)

Job Description


  • Develop and maintain web applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js).

  • Collaborate with designers and backend developers to implement user-friendly, responsive web interfaces.

  • Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code while following best practices.

  • Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback to team members.

  • Debug and troubleshoot issues, ensuring the performance, security, and scalability of applications.

  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies to continuously improve skills and knowledge.

  • Contribute to the technical documentation of projects.

  • Meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality software solutions.


  • 3-4 years of professional experience as a MERN Stack Developer.

  • Proficiency in ReactJS and its associated libraries and tools.

  • Proven experience in building and deploying web applications using React.

  • Strong knowledge of front-end technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

  • Familiarity with version control systems, particularly Git.

  • Understanding of RESTful APIs and asynchronous programming.

  • Experience with responsive web design principles.

  • Exceptional problem-solving and debugging skills.

  • Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.

  • Self-motivated and capable of working independently as well as within a team.

  • Bonus points for experience with additional technologies like Redux, GraphQL, or Webpack.


M Tech/MCA/BE/B-Tech in CS, IT, EC

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