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Motion Global

Motion Global is hiring a Remote Graphic Design - Traineeship [Portugal - Remote]

Graphic Design - Traineeship [Portugal - Remote] - Motion Global - Career Page

Motion Global is hiring a Remote Marketplace Customer Service Representative (Nigeria - Remote)

Marketplace Customer Service Representative (Nigeria - Remote) - Motion Global - Career Page /* Basic CMS Settings */ .jobs-navbar, .jobboard .modal-custom .modal-header {background-color: #FF9800;} .page-header .brand-text, .page-header .brand-text a {color: #FF9800;} .page-title {color: #000000 !important;} #resumator-view-more-opportunities a, .job-board-list .jobs-list .list-group-item .list-group-item-heading a, .job-details .job-description a {color: #FF9800} @media (max-width: 850px) {.job-header .job-attributes li .fa {color: #FF9800}} @media (max-width: 850px) {.job-header .job-attributes-container .fa {color: #FF9800}} #resumator-submit-resume, #resumator-btn-send-forward, #resumator-mobile-apply-button, #resumator-back-to-job-list-button {background-color: #FF9800} .job-details .job-application-form .form-group .form-control:focus {border-color: #FF9800} /* Advanced CMS Declarations */ /* Basic CMS Settings */ body { background-color: #f4f4f4; } a, .resumator-job-title a { color: #; 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font-size:12px; } #link_show_advanced_search, #resumator_btn_send_email, #btn_cancel_search{ font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; border: none; padding-top: 1px; padding-right:12px; color: #fff !important; display: inline-block; font-size: 1em; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; line-height: 21px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #000; font-size:12px; } #resumator-company-website a{ font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font-weight: bold; border: none; padding: 10px 12px; color: white; display: inline-block; font-size: 1em; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; line-height: 21px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff6600; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 8px; font-size:16px; } #resumator-company-website { padding-right: 5%; } #resumator-submit-resume:hover, #resumator-cancel-resume:hover, #resumator_btn_apply_now:hover, #btn_search_jobs:hover, #link_show_advanced_search:hover, #btn_advanced_search_jobs:hover, #btn_cancel_search:hover, #resumator_btn_send_email:hover, #resumator-btn-send-forward:hover, #resumator-btn-cancel-forward:hover, #resumator-company-website a:hover{ color: white; border: none; background-color: #000000; } #resumator-site-wrapper{ width: 100%; } #resumator-content-left-wrapper { margin-left: 0px !important; } #resumator-content-right-wrapper { width: 450px; float: right; padding-right: 5%; } #resumator-body p.caption, #resumator-body p.caption a { font-size: 12px !important; line-height: 14px !important; padding-top:8px !important; font-style:italic !important; } #resumator-jobboard-home-content h2 { font-size: 26px !important; line-height: 33px !important; font-family: gotham, Helvetica, "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif !important; } .rtop, .rbottom { display: none !important; } #resumator-site-header { background-color: rgb(255,255,255); width: 100% !important; margin: 0px 0px 40px 0px !important; padding: 8px 0 18px !important; padding-right: 5% !important; padding-left: 5% !important; border-bottom: 4px solid rgb(234, 234, 235); border-bottom: 4px solid rgba(45, 53, 56, .10) !important; text-align: left !important; } #resumator-body div.job-photos, #resumator-body div.job-photos-large { margin-top: 20px !important; 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Motion Global is hiring a Remote Marketplace Customer Service Representative (Philippines - Remote)

Marketplace Customer Service Representative (Philippines - Remote) - Motion Global - Career Page /* Basic CMS Settings */ .jobs-navbar, .jobboard .modal-custom .modal-header {background-color: #FF9800;} .page-header .brand-text, .page-header .brand-text a {color: #FF9800;} .page-title {color: #000000 !important;} #resumator-view-more-opportunities a, .job-board-list .jobs-list .list-group-item .list-group-item-heading a, .job-details .job-description a {color: #FF9800} @media (max-width: 850px) {.job-header .job-attributes li .fa {color: #FF9800}} @media (max-width: 850px) {.job-header .job-attributes-container .fa {color: #FF9800}} #resumator-submit-resume, #resumator-btn-send-forward, #resumator-mobile-apply-button, #resumator-back-to-job-list-button {background-color: #FF9800} .job-details .job-application-form .form-group .form-control:focus {border-color: #FF9800} /* Advanced CMS Declarations */ /* Basic CMS Settings */ body { background-color: #f4f4f4; } a, .resumator-job-title a { color: #; } #resumator-job-overview h2 strong, #resumator-resumes-title { color: #; } #resumator-company-name h1 { color: #; } /* Advanced CMS Declarations */ #resumator-jobboard-home-content { width:550px !important; } body { background-color: #f4f4f4 !important; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight: 700 !important; font-family: gotham, Helvetica, "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif !important; } ul, ol { margin: 0 0 8px 20px !important; } .tagline { font-family: gotham, Helvetica, "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif !important; } .resumator-department-heading h4{ font-size: 24px !important; margin-top: 25px !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; } .resumator-department-heading { font-size: 14px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; font-style: italic !important; font-weight: bold !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; } #resumator-jobs-title { display: none !important; } .resumator-job-title { border: none !important; display: block !important; margin-top: 10px !important; 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border: 1px solid grey !important; margin-right: 57px !important; visibility: hidden !important; } #resumator-job-experience { display: none; } #resumator-jobboard-logo{ margin-left: 10px; } #resumator-submit-resume, #resumator-cancel-resume, #resumator-btn-send-forward, #resumator-btn-cancel-forward{ font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font-weight: bold; border: none; padding: 10px 12px; color: white !important; display: inline-block; font-size: 1em; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; line-height: 21px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff6600; font-size:16px; } #btn_search_jobs, #resumator_btn_apply_now, #btn_advanced_search_jobs{ font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font-weight: bold; border: none; padding-top: 1px; padding-right:12px; color: white !important; display: inline-block; font-size: 1em; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; line-height: 21px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff6600; font-size:12px; } #link_show_advanced_search, #resumator_btn_send_email, #btn_cancel_search{ font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font-weight: normal; border: none; padding-top: 1px; padding-right:12px; color: #fff !important; display: inline-block; font-size: 1em; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; line-height: 21px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #000; font-size:12px; } #resumator-company-website a{ font-family: "Helvetica", Arial, Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font-weight: bold; border: none; padding: 10px 12px; color: white; display: inline-block; font-size: 1em; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; line-height: 21px; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #ff6600; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 8px; font-size:16px; } #resumator-company-website { padding-right: 5%; } #resumator-submit-resume:hover, #resumator-cancel-resume:hover, #resumator_btn_apply_now:hover, #btn_search_jobs:hover, #link_show_advanced_search:hover, #btn_advanced_search_jobs:hover, #btn_cancel_search:hover, #resumator_btn_send_email:hover, #resumator-btn-send-forward:hover, #resumator-btn-cancel-forward:hover, #resumator-company-website a:hover{ color: white; 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} div.resumator-field-wrapper { background-color: #ffffff; border-bottom: none; border-top: none; } .resumator-label {margin-bottom: 8px; } div#resumator_con

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Motion Global is hiring a Remote Marketplace Customer Service Representative (South Africa - Remote)

Marketplace Customer Service Representative (South Africa - Remote) - Motion Global - Career Page /* Basic CMS Settings */ .jobs-navbar, .jobboard .modal-custom .modal-header {background-color: #FF9800;} .page-header .brand-text, .page-header .brand-text a {color: #FF9800;} .page-title {color: #000000 !important;} #resumator-view-more-opportunities a, .job-board-list .jobs-list .list-group-item .list-group-item-heading a, .job-details .job-description a {color: #FF9800} @media (max-width: 850px) {.job-header .job-attributes li .fa {color: #FF9800}} @media (max-width: 850px) {.job-header .job-attributes-container .fa {color: #FF9800}} #resumator-submit-resume, #resumator-btn-send-forward, #resumator-mobile-apply-button, #resumator-back-to-job-list-button {background-color: #FF9800} .job-details .job-application-form .form-group .form-control:focus {border-color: #FF9800} /* Advanced CMS Declarations */ /* Basic CMS Settings */ body { background-color: #f4f4f4; } a, .resumator-job-title a { color: #; } #resumator-job-overview h2 strong, #resumator-resumes-title { color: #; } #resumator-company-name h1 { color: #; } /* Advanced CMS Declarations */ #resumator-jobboard-home-content { width:550px !important; } body { background-color: #f4f4f4 !important; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight: 700 !important; font-family: gotham, Helvetica, "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif !important; } ul, ol { margin: 0 0 8px 20px !important; } .tagline { font-family: gotham, Helvetica, "Lucida Grande", Verdana, sans-serif !important; } .resumator-department-heading h4{ font-size: 24px !important; margin-top: 25px !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; } .resumator-department-heading { font-size: 14px !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; font-style: italic !important; font-weight: bold !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; } #resumator-jobs-title { display: none !important; } .resumator-job-title { border: none !important; display: block !important; margin-top: 10px !important; 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