linux Remote Jobs

574 Results


SysOps Engineer H/F - Innovative Tech

DevoteamLevallois-Perret, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote SysOps Engineer H/F - Innovative Tech

Description du poste

Vos principales responsabilités en tant que SysOps Engineer 

Voici une liste non exhaustive de vos missions au quotidien, nous vous faisons confiance pour les prendre en main et les enrichir à votre façon ????

Déploiement et automatisation des infrastructures

  • Mettre en place les outils d’automatisation et de provisionning des infrastructures (Ansible, Jenkins, Terraform,...) et gérer leur cycle de vie avec des solutions comme GitHub, GitLab et Azure DevOps 

  • Déployer et industrialiser les architectures et les services cibles

  • Mettre en oeuvre les solutions de sauvegardes et de supervision adaptées à l’environnement client

  • Veiller à la sécurité et la fiabilité des environnements déployés

  • Analyser et proposer des axes d’amélioration sur les architectures pour optimiser les composants

Participation aux opérations de maintenance

  • Optimiser les performances des infrastructures et participer à la résolution d’incidents

  • Gérer le cycle de vie des infrastructures et des services déployés

  • Gérer les utilisateurs, les groupes, les rôles et les autorisations

  • Gérer la maintenance continue, par exemple l'automatisation des déploiements des Service Pack, les correctifs, les mises à jour de logiciels, etc.

Où réaliserez-vous vos missions ? Chez des clients grands comptes de la banque, de l’assurance, de l’industrie, du retail de la Défense, du luxe ou encore de l’énergie, porteurs de projets innovants.

???? A terme, vous avez envie d'évoluer vers un poste d’architecte infrastructure et Cloud, de Chef de Projet, de Tech Lead ou d'Expert Cloud ?

Notre stratégie pour accompagner nos consultants est de former nos équipes par des Gourous et de les certifier grâce à nos partenaires privilégiés (VMware, AWS,

Microsoft, Google, Red Hat...) ou encore sur les technologies Cloud et DevOps (Terraform, Kubernetes, Ansible,...)

Pour activer cette trajectoire, My Devoteam Academy vous proposera des actions de formation, de parrainage  et des certifications avec nos partenaires, ainsi qu’un dispositif d’évaluation personnel régulier, notamment :

Aussi, vous trouverez du soutien pour approfondir certains sujets grâce à Devolab (plateforme de labs à disposition des consultants). 



Ce que vous apporterez à la Tribu ?

[Les compétences idéales] 

Consultant.e infrastructure et automatisation, issu d’école d’ingénieurs ou en Master 2 en informatique, vous êtes doté.e d’un excellent relationnel, d’un sens prononcé du service et de la qualité. Vous aimez travailler en équipe, et parlez couramment français et anglais.

Vous avez une première expérience professionnelle sur Terraform, Ansible, PowerShell, Python ainsi qu’un socle de connaissances confirmé en environnement Windows Server, Linux et Kubernetes.

Vous souhaitez affirmer une trajectoire professionnelle vers des sujets d’automatisation d’infrastructure et de Cloud Privé ou hybride (AWS, Azure, GCP, OVH).

Et qu’est ce que Devoteam vous offre en échange?

  • Un CDI, pour se projeter ensemble sur le long terme

  • Un salaire attractif en lien avec votre expérience et les tendances du marché

  • Une base de travail en Ile de France et un accord télétravail permettant une meilleure flexibilité 

  • Des avantages comprenant mutuelle, prévoyance santé, CSE, mais aussi des compensations de vos frais internet et installations relatives au télétravail

  • Des challenges organisés tout au long de l’année avec de très jolis gains (voyages, matériels technologiques, accès à des événements….)

  • Un plan de carrière personnalisé avec des formations et certifications en lien avec votre trajectoire en bénéficiant des cursus, labs, formateurs du premier partenaire AWS en France

  • De multiples possibilités de mobilité, géographique mais aussi inter communauté, vous permettant d’évoluer en fonction de vos appétences technologiques ou métier mais aussi selon des projets plus personnels 

  • Un esprit de communauté fort autour de vos technologies de prédilection, au travers d’événements internes vous permettant d’interagir, célébrer et continuer d’apprendre

  • Une réelle possibilité de rayonner et partager vos connaissances et votre vision par le biais de conférences, meetups ou articles 

  • Plus de 30 clubs Happiness@Devoteam qui te permettent de partager et laisser libre cours à tes passions (running, art, football, musique, gastronomie, yoga, …)

​​​​Intéressé.e ????‍♀️????‍♂️?

N’attendez plus et postulez à l’offre!

La suite du process se déroulera en toute confidentialité et bienveillance: rencontre avec l’équipe Recrutement, Sales et managériale, avec au moins un rendez-vous en présentiel pour venir découvrir nos locaux et sentir de plus près la bonne humeur et l’énergie de nos équipes ????

Nous veillons à vous faire vivre des process de recrutement les plus dynamiques possibles et nous nous engageons à vous faire un retour sous 72h après chaque étape.

Le Groupe Devoteam oeuvre pour l'égalité des chances, pour la promotion de ses collaboratrices et de ses collaborateurs au mérite et lutte activement contre toute forme de discrimination. Nous sommes persuadés que la diversité contribue à la créativité, au dynamisme et à l'excellence de notre organisation.
Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

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Python DevOps Developer H/F - Innovative Tech

DevoteamLevallois-Perret, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Python DevOps Developer H/F - Innovative Tech

Description du poste

Vos principales responsabilités en tant que Python DevOps Developer 

Voici une liste non exhaustive de vos missions au quotidien, nous vous faisons confiance pour les prendre en main et les enrichir à votre façon ????

  • Comprendre le besoin utilisateur et y répondre en livrant régulièrement des fonctionnalités ayant de la valeur métier,

  • Assurer le développement d’outils visant à industrialiser/automatiser le déploiement sur les différents environnements du développement à la production (conception & structuration, qualité de code, pair-programming, revue de code…),

  • Accompagner les équipes de dev par la mise en place de pipelines CI/CD, d’Infra As code et de conteneurs pour leurs applications,

  • Accompagner les équipes de production dans la mise en place de bonnes pratiques de delivery de ces outils (gestion de sources, gestion de configuration, automatisation des tests…) ;

  • Apporter la culture du développement agile dans les différentes features teams, faciliter la coopération et l'entraide, partager la connaissance via les outils

  • Intervenir au sein d’écosystèmes techniques DevOps et des plateformes de CI/CD complexes pour des milliers d’utilisateurs 

  • Assurer une veille technologique et s'intéresser aux nouvelles pratiques émergentes

Selon les projets, voici les technologies que vous serez amené.e à rencontrer :

  • Scripting : Python, Bash, Shell

  • Programmation : Python, Django, Flask

  • Architectures orientées services (MicroServices & REST API)

  • CI/CD : Gitlab, GitHub, Jenkins, Nexus, Sonarqube

  • Versionning : Git

  • Containers : Docker, Kubernetes

  • Infrastructure As Code : Terraform, Ansible

  • Collaboration : Jira, Confluence

  • Tests : Selenium

  • Système : Windows, Linux

  • Cloud : AWS, AZURE, GCP


Ce que vous apporterez à la Tribu ?

[Les compétences idéales] 

Diplômé.e d’une École d’Ingénieurs ou d’un Master 2 en IT, vous êtes passionné.e par le langage Python dans des contextes Cloud / DevOps et avez au moins 3 ans d’expérience en scripting ou développement sur Python 3 et ses librairies. Que vous veniez du Dev, des Ops, du DevOps, vous avez acquis de solides compétences en automatisation et amélioration continue.

Vous avez déjà une première expérience dans l’utilisation ou la mise en place d’outils de l’écosystème DevOps - CI/CD et vous souhaitez aller plus loin sur ces sujets.

[Cherries on the cake????]

  • Une expérience des frameworks Flask & Django et des outils d’industrialisation (Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker…)

  • Une expérience en utilisation ou implémentation de plateformes CI/CD avec des composants “Enterprise” (GitLab / GitHub)

  • Des connaissances et de la pratique en conteneurisation et sur un Cloud provider 

Et qu’est ce que Devoteam vous offre en échange?

  • Un CDI, pour se projeter ensemble sur le long terme

  • Un salaire attractif en lien avec votre expérience et les tendances du marché

  • Une base de travail en Ile de France et un accord télétravail permettant une meilleure flexibilité 

  • Des avantages comprenant mutuelle, prévoyance santé, CSE, mais aussi des compensations de vos frais internet et installations relatives au télétravail

  • Des challenges organisés tout au long de l’année avec de très jolis gains (voyages, matériels technologiques, accès à des événements….)

  • Un plan de carrière personnalisé avec des formations et certifications en lien avec votre trajectoire en bénéficiant des cursus, labs, formateurs du premier partenaire AWS en France

  • De multiples possibilités de mobilité, géographique mais aussi inter communauté, vous permettant d’évoluer en fonction de vos appétences technologiques ou métier mais aussi selon des projets plus personnels 

  • Un esprit de communauté fort autour de vos technologies de prédilection, au travers d’événements internes vous permettant d’interagir, célébrer et continuer d’apprendre

  • Une réelle possibilité de rayonner et partager vos connaissances et votre vision par le biais de conférences, meetups ou articles 

  • Plus de 30 clubs Happiness@Devoteam qui te permettent de partager et laisser libre cours à tes passions (running, art, football, musique, gastronomie, yoga, …)

Intéressé.e ????‍♀️????‍♂️?

N’attendez plus et postulez à l’offre!

La suite du process se déroulera en toute confidentialité et bienveillance: rencontre avec l’équipe Recrutement, Sales et managériale, avec au moins un rendez-vous en présentiel pour venir découvrir nos locaux et sentir de plus près la bonne humeur et l’énergie de nos équipes ????

Nous veillons à vous faire vivre des process de recrutement les plus dynamiques possibles et nous nous engageons à vous faire un retour sous 72h après chaque étape.

Le Groupe Devoteam oeuvre pour l'égalité des chances, pour la promotion de ses collaboratrices et de ses collaborateurs au mérite et lutte activement contre toute forme de discrimination. Nous sommes persuadés que la diversité contribue à la créativité, au dynamisme et à l'excellence de notre organisation.
Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

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Cloud Hybride Engineer H/F - Innovative Tech

DevoteamLevallois-Perret, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Cloud Hybride Engineer H/F - Innovative Tech

Description du poste

Vos principales responsabilités en tant que Cloud Hybrid Vmware Engineer

Voici une liste non exhaustive de vos missions au quotidien, nous vous faisons confiance pour les prendre en main et les enrichir à votre façon ????

L’analyse des besoins clients

  • Participer aux ateliers de cadrage des solutions afin d’étudier les besoins clients

  • Aider à la définition d’architectures de Cloud Privé et de Cloud Hybride sur la base de solutions VMWare

  • Participer à la conception et la mise en œuvre de solutions VMware Cloud Foundation avec vCenter, VSAN et NSX-T

  • Participer à la rédaction des documents d'architecture (HLD, LLD, DEX) et de préconisations

Le déploiement et l’automatisation des architectures VMWare

  • Mettre en place les outils d’automatisation

  • Déployer et industrialiser les architectures cibles

  • Mettre en oeuvre les solutions de monitoring adaptées à l’environnement client

  • Veiller à la sécurité et la fiabilité des environnements déployés

  • Optimiser les performances des différents outils et participer à la résolution d’incidents

  • Analyser et proposer des axes d’amélioration sur les architectures pour optimiser les composants

Participation aux opérations de maintenance

  • Optimiser les performances des infrastructures VMWare et participer à la résolution d’incidents

  • Gérer les utilisateurs, les groupes, les rôles et les autorisations

  • Gérer la maintenance continue, par exemple l'installation de Service Pack, les correctifs, les mises à jour de logiciels, etc.

Où réaliserez-vous vos missions ? Chez des clients grands comptes de la banque, de l’assurance, de l’industrie, du retail de la Défense, du luxe ou encore de l’énergie, porteurs de projets innovants.


Ce que vous apporterez à la Tribu ?

Consultant.e VMWare, issu.e d’école d’ingénieurs ou d’un Master 2 en informatique, vous êtes doté.e d’un excellent relationnel, d’un sens prononcé du service et de la qualité. Vous aimez travailler en équipe, et parlez couramment français et anglais.

Vous avez une première expérience professionnelle sur les technologies et les outils de la virtualisation (KVM, XEN et plus particulièrement VMWare Cloud Foundation, VSphere 6.5,6.7 ou 7, VRealize Automation, vRealize Orchestrator, VSAN, NSX-T, vMotion, DRS, SRM,...). 

Vous connaissez et vous vous voulez progresser sur : 

  • les architectures de stockage (NAS/ SAN/ DAS), 

  • les architectures réseaux et télécoms

  • les outils tiers (Terraform, Ansible, Veeam, SCCM, Citrix, PowerShell, …)

  • et vous avez un socle de connaissances confirmé en environnement Windows Server, Linux et Kubernetes

Vous souhaitez affirmer une trajectoire professionnelle vers des sujets d’automatisation d’infrastructure et de cloud privé ou hybride (AWS, Azure, GCP, OVH). 

Vous souhaitez développer votre sens critique en tant que consultant.e au regard des problématiques Cloud et des adhérences middlewares aux éléments sous-jacents des architectures du système d’information et des applications. 

[Cherry on the cake????]

Votre curiosité au sujet des risques liés à la sécurité des infrastructures virtuelles, des normes applicables (ANSSI, NIST, CIS,…) de cybersécurité serait un plus.

Et qu’est ce que Devoteam vous offre en échange?

  • Un CDI, pour se projeter ensemble sur le long terme

  • Un salaire attractif en lien avec votre expérience et les tendances du marché

  • Une base de travail en Ile de France et un accord télétravail permettant une meilleure flexibilité 

  • Des avantages comprenant mutuelle, prévoyance santé, CSE, mais aussi des compensations de vos frais internet et installations relatives au télétravail

  • Des challenges organisés tout au long de l’année avec de très jolis gains (voyages, matériels technologiques, accès à des événements….)

  • Un plan de carrière personnalisé avec des formations et certifications en lien avec votre trajectoire en bénéficiant des cursus, labs, formateurs du premier partenaire AWS en France

  • De multiples possibilités de mobilité, géographique mais aussi inter communauté, vous permettant d’évoluer en fonction de vos appétences technologiques ou métier mais aussi selon des projets plus personnels 

  • Un esprit de communauté fort autour de vos technologies de prédilection, au travers d’événements internes vous permettant d’interagir, célébrer et continuer d’apprendre

  • Une réelle possibilité de rayonner et partager vos connaissances et votre vision par le biais de conférences, meetups ou articles 

  • Plus de 30 clubs Happiness@Devoteam qui te permettent de partager et laisser libre cours à tes passions (running, art, football, musique, gastronomie, yoga, …)

Intéressé.e ????‍♀️????‍♂️?

N’attendez plus et postulez à l’offre!

La suite du process se déroulera en toute confidentialité et bienveillance: rencontre avec l’équipe Recrutement, Sales et managériale, avec au moins un rendez-vous en présentiel pour venir découvrir nos locaux et sentir de plus près la bonne humeur et l’énergie de nos équipes ????

Nous veillons à vous faire vivre des process de recrutement les plus dynamiques possibles et nous engageons à vous faire un retour sous 72h après chaque étape.

Le Groupe Devoteam oeuvre pour l'égalité des chances, pour la promotion de ses collaboratrices et de ses collaborateurs au mérite et lutte activement contre toute forme de discrimination. Nous sommes persuadés que la diversité contribue à la créativité, au dynamisme et à l'excellence de notre organisation.
Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

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Architecte Cloud Hybride H/F - Innovative Tech

DevoteamLevallois-Perret, France, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Architecte Cloud Hybride H/F - Innovative Tech

Description du poste

Vos principales responsabilités en tant que Architecte Cloud Hybride

Voici une liste non exhaustive de vos missions au quotidien, nous vous faisons confiance pour les prendre en main et les enrichir à votre façon ????

La conception d’architectures multicloud et  Cloud Hybride 

  • Accompagner et effectuer des études de choix de solutions techniques en fonction des besoins de nos clients et au regard du marché IT

  • Concevoir, valider et participer à la mise en œuvre des architectures de Cloud Privé et de Cloud Hybride, basé sur les technologies (VMware, Azure, OVHcloud, AWS, GCP, Red Hat, Kubernetes, …)

  • Etablir les modes de consommation des services et la gestion du cycle de vie de ces derniers

  • Etablir les plans de continuité et de reprise des infrastructures, services et applications

  • Anticiper la gestion financière des infrastructures et des services mis en oeuvre et les impacts sur la gestion contractuelle 

  • Définir et participer à la rédaction des documents d'architecture (HLD, LLD, DEX) et de préconisations

  • Organiser et planifier des comités de validation des architectures, assurer un reporting hebdomadaire

  • Concevoir et valider les services d'infrastructures : outillage d'exploitation, système (serveurs et fermes mutualisées), données (stockage, sauvegarde), middleware, réseaux, sécurité…

Le déploiement des architectures cloud

  • Organiser et participer à la construction des socles techniques (gouvernance, landing zone, architecture de références, sécurité, réseau, finops,...)

  • Déployer et industrialiser les architectures cibles

  • Définir et proposer les modes de migration des applications

  • Veiller à la sécurité, la fiabilité et aux cycles de vie des environnements déployés

Où réaliserez-vous vos missions ? Chez des clients grands comptes de la banque, de l’assurance, de l’industrie, du retail de la Défense, du luxe ou encore de l’énergie, porteurs de projets innovants.

L’accompagnement et la formation

Pour réussir ce nouveau challenge My Devoteam Academy vous proposera des actions de formation et des certifications avec nos partenaires, mais aussi un système de parrainage et un dispositif d’évaluation personnel régulier, notamment :

  • Évoluer dans un environnement agile et ambitieux grâce au développement continu

  • S’intégrer dans les communautés technologiques 

  • Contribuer à améliorer la base de connaissances internes, les assets techniques existants et les supports de bonnes pratiques

  • Déployer votre esprit intrapreneur et créatif en identifiant des projets de transformation digitale auprès de nos clients (avant-vente, réponse à appel d’offres…).


Ce que vous apporterez à la Tribu ?

Diplômé.e d’une école d’ingénieurs ou d’un Master 2 en informatique, vous êtes doté.e d’un excellent relationnel, d’un sens prononcé du service et de la qualité. Vous aimez travailler en équipe, and vous parlez couramment français et anglais.

Vous avez minimum 5 années d’expériences professionnelles en tant qu’architecte IT et maitrisez  tout ou partie des technologies suivantes : 

  • conteneurisation (K8s, Docker, Swarm, Tanzu, OpenShift,...)

  • VMware (VSphere, VSAN, NSX, KVM)

  • Cloud (Azure, AWS, GCP, Alibaba Cloud et OVHcloud)

  • stockage (NAS/ SAN/ DAS) 

  • les architectures réseaux et télécoms

  • les outils tiers (Terraform, Ansible, Veeam, SCCM, PowerShell, …)

  • et vous avez un socle de connaissances confirmé en environnement Unix, Linux et/ou Windows Server. 

Vous souhaitez affirmer une trajectoire professionnelle vers des sujets d’automatisation d’infrastructure et de Cloud Privé ou hybride (AWS, Azure, GCP, OVH). Vous souhaitez développer votre sens critique en tant que consultant au regard des problématiques Cloud, des adhérences middlewares aux éléments sous-jacents des architectures du système d’information et des applications. 

[Cherry on the cake????]

Votre curiosité au sujet des risques liés à la sécurité des infrastructures virtuelles, des normes applicables (ANSSI, NIST, CIS,…) de cybersécurité serait un plus.

Et qu’est ce que Devoteam vous offre en échange?

  • Un CDI, pour se projeter ensemble sur le long terme

  • Un salaire attractif en lien avec votre expérience et les tendances du marché

  • Une base de travail en Ile de France et un accord télétravail permettant une meilleure flexibilité 

  • Des avantages comprenant mutuelle, prévoyance santé, CSE, mais aussi des compensations de vos frais internet et installations relatives au télétravail

  • Des challenges organisés tout au long de l’année avec de très jolis gains (voyages, matériels technologiques, accès à des événements….)

  • Un plan de carrière personnalisé avec des formations et certifications en lien avec votre trajectoire en bénéficiant des cursus, labs, formateurs du premier partenaire AWS en France

  • De multiples possibilités de mobilité, géographique mais aussi inter communauté, vous permettant d’évoluer en fonction de vos appétences technologiques ou métier mais aussi selon des projets plus personnels 

  • Un esprit de communauté fort autour de vos technologies de prédilection, au travers d’événements internes vous permettant d’interagir, célébrer et continuer d’apprendre

  • Une réelle possibilité de rayonner et partager vos connaissances et votre vision par le biais de conférences, meetups ou articles 

  • Plus de 30 clubs Happiness@Devoteam qui te permettent de partager et laisser libre cours à tes passions (running, art, football, musique, gastronomie, yoga, …)

Intéressé.e ????‍♀️????‍♂️?

N’attendez plus et postulez à l’offre!

La suite du process se déroulera en toute confidentialité et bienveillance: rencontre avec l’équipe Recrutement, Sales et managériale, avec au moins un rendez-vous en présentiel pour venir découvrir nos locaux et sentir de plus près la bonne humeur et l’énergie de nos équipes ????

Nous veillons à vous faire vivre des process de recrutement les plus dynamiques possibles et nous engageons à vous faire un retour sous 72h après chaque étape.

Le Groupe Devoteam oeuvre pour l'égalité des chances, pour la promotion de ses collaboratrices et de ses collaborateurs au mérite et lutte activement contre toute forme de discrimination. Nous sommes persuadés que la diversité contribue à la créativité, au dynamisme et à l'excellence de notre organisation.
Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.

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Data Analyst with Python and SQL

MobicaWarsaw, Poland, Remote
agileBachelor's degreesqlDesignlinuxpython

Mobica is hiring a Remote Data Analyst with Python and SQL

Job Description

Join a team at the forefront of technology and innovation, committed to reshaping the landscape of internet connectivity. We're part of a pioneering company recognized for delivering fast, reliable, and fairly-priced internet services across the United States, leveraging the latest technologies and methodologies. Our mission centers on providing an unmatched online experience, marked by rapid service delivery, cutting-edge speed, and unwavering reliability.

Position Information:

As a Data Analyst within our dynamic team, your role is pivotal in enhancing the security and efficacy of our data management systems. You will be instrumental in conducting full lifecycle data analysis, from gathering requirements and designing algorithms to developing and optimizing our database pipeline architectures. Your insights will drive improvements and inform strategic decisions, ensuring our data processes align perfectly with business objectives.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and implement algorithms to transform vast datasets into actionable insights.
  • Develop, test, and maintain robust database architectures to support our analytical needs.
  • Collaborate closely with engineering leads, product managers, and architects to ensure the seamless execution of projects.
  • Engage in continuous learning to stay ahead of emerging technologies, assessing their potential impact on our operations and spearheading their integration.
  • Ensure the integrity and availability of data, actively monitoring system performance and recommending solutions to enhance data management practices.



  • 5+ years of experience working as Data Analyst
  • Proven expertise in SQL, Python, numpy & pandas and experience working with massive datasets.
  • Strong background in developing applications on Linux platforms.
  • Familiarity with Agile methodologies, emphasizing rapid development cycles and continuous improvement.
  • A Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Information Technology, or related fields.

You will be required to attend the team calls twice a week in the evening hours due to  PST time zone of the customer.

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Senior Software Engineer (Python, NodeJS)

Pure IntegrationPhiladelphia, PA, Remote
agileBachelor's degreenosqlsqlDesignapijavapostgresqlmysqlkuberneteslinuxpython

Pure Integration is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer (Python, NodeJS)

Job Description

We are seeking a Senior Software Engineer (Python, NodeJS)to join our growing team. You will be working on maintaining the Notifications and Voice Suggestions services and will be involved with the Arbitration Engine team in supporting the Software Engineering and Data Engineering work.

If you are a creative problem solver, enjoy translating high-level requirements into actionable solutions, and enjoy a fast-paced, dynamic environment, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

This position is a remote(in the U.S.) position, and will be a W-2 hourlycontract for the remainder of 2024 with possible extension.

The hourly rate is $64/hr. – $67/hr. and will be paid within this range based on work experience and skills. Candidates are also eligible for limited benefits such as health insurance, professional development, trainings, our referral bonus program, and our wellness program.


  • Analyze requirements, design, develop, and unit test code.
  • Design software architecture for multiple services.
  • Develop and design ML model training pipelines and integrate them into API-based services.
  • Resolve technical issues through debugging, research, and investigation.
  • Collaborate within the team and with external teams.
  • Facilitate the rollout of software releases.
  • Track and evaluate performance metrics.
  • Work on Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
  • Participate in on-call duties.
  • Ensure regular, consistent, and punctual attendance, including availability for nights, weekends, and overtime as necessary.
  • Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned.


  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field.
  • 7+ years of experience writing efficient code and serving as a technical leader.
  • Expertise in Python or other languages like Java, Golang, or JavaScript.
  • Experience with SQL or NoSQL databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Redis).
  • Strong background in working with Machine Learning models, including integration into API-based services and training.
  • Familiarity with Databricks, Pyspark, and optimizing Data Pipelines.
  • Knowledge of Data Engineering principles.
  • Experience in a self-sufficient DevOps team, responsible for software development and deployment.
  • Proficiency in CI/CD pipelines and AWS.
  • Familiarity with Kubernetes, Bash, Linux environments, and monitoring tools like Prometheus/Grafana.
  • Agile practices experience.

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Senior Software Engineer II

FlywireUSA Remote, US, Remote

Flywire is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer II

Job Description

The Opportunity:

We, at Flywire, are looking for an experienced Sr. Software Engineer II, ideally with a background in FinTech. Your primary responsibility will be to build and maintain the platform that supports the money movement of our industry leading payment engine moving hundreds of millions everyday. 

You will be joining a team in charge of designing new functionalities and improving the current capabilities to improve speed, cost and scalability of our product. Thus, a commitment to collaborative problem solving, pragmatic design, building quality products and to convey the sensation that the product is the responsibility of all the team is essential. You will be responsible for ensuring high quality code in a team defined timeframe. 

  • Write clean, high quality, testable, secure, maintainable and extendable code
  • Solve items such as challenging bugs and production issues within the development environment
  • Work on complex issues where analysis of situations or data requires an in-depth evaluation of variable factors.
  • Exercise judgment in selecting methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for obtaining results
  • Understand scalability and performance status and make improvement for scalability
  • Drive change and improvement in all phases of the development lifecycle
  • Partake in the recruitment process by identifying and exciting great talent
  • Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the applications
  • Contribute to the product vision by collaborating with Product Managers and stakeholders
  • Drive initiatives to lead projects as well as mentor team members


Here’s What We’re Looking For:

  • 8+ years of experience in Java
  • Experience in designing, developing and supporting scalable, performant and reliable web applications and distributed systems
  • Seasoned in techniques such TDD and BDD
  • Proficient working with continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD)
  • Understanding of relational databases 
  • Strong understanding of object-oriented fundamentals
  • Great understanding of the other disciplines in the cross functional team: QAs, Product and SREs
  • Outstanding verbal and written communication skills and the ability to collaborate with cross functional teams including product and support 
  • Experience in FinTech or the payment industry will be appreciated
  • The ability to deliver high quality code and learn quickly

Technologies We Use:

  • Java 
  • React
  • JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 
  • System management: Linux, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Sidekiq, AMQP, ElasticSearch,
  • Machine Learning
  • Cloud platform: AWS

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Looking for: Java Ninja Developer [mid]

Storware Sp. z o.o.Warszawa, Poland, Remote

Storware Sp. z o.o. is hiring a Remote Looking for: Java Ninja Developer [mid]

Opis oferty pracy

Warunki zatrudnienia: 10-16k netto na B2B.
Praca stacjonarna, hybrydowa lub zdalna. Nasz zespół to grupa specjalistów z różnych obszarów Javy. Mimo, że każdy team ma swój zakres działań, to wszyscy mają ten sam kierunek. Aktualnie poszukujemy specjalisty, który zasili zespół developerów. Decydując się na proponowane przez nas stanowisko „Javowca” przyda Ci się skillset :


????2+ doświadczenia w projektach komercyjnych jako developer
????Java 11+
????Hibernate lub JOOQ
????Unit/e2e tests
????Dobra znajomość wzorców projektowych oraz architektury mikroserwisowej

????Dobrze znasz angielski (minimum B2)
????Znasz Wirtualizację
????Znajomość TDD.

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Senior Full Stack Software Engineer - Cloud Applications

JitterbitSão Paulo, Brazil, Remote

Jitterbit is hiring a Remote Senior Full Stack Software Engineer - Cloud Applications

Job Description

Jitterbit is seeking a Senior Full Stack Software Engineer to join our Cloud Applications team. Jitterbit is an iPaaS (Integration as a Service) and API Management platform who has been recognized in the leader quadrant of Gartner for five straight years. Our customers use our iPaaS and APIM platform to solve mission critical business problems. What is our challenge? To make it easy to integrate our customers’ systems. In order to do this, we need to build and create a SaaS offering that is reliable, stable, and scalable for our customers. Do you have the design, architecting, and code-writing capabilities to take on this challenge? And can succeed in a big way?


The engineering team at Jitterbit believes that the quality of our code reflects directly on us as professionals. We are relentless about crafting a product that is innovative and delivers a memorable user experience; an experience that is fast and robust. As a key engineer on our team, you will collaborate with other engineers, product management, and operations. Our culture is fun, fast-paced, performance-oriented, open, and collegial. We are constantly pushing the technology envelope to the edge! We are very distributed and our culture is set up to make all of us very effective working remotely. We believe in hiring talent where it exists.


You will be helping us build, design, and architect awesome and new capabilities on our various Cloud Application products. We are looking for a senior full stack engineer. You will be working with Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, CSS3, Nginx, Tomcat, Kafka, Elasticsearch, MySQL, Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes; to name a few of the technologies we use in our Cloud Apps team. You will have full lifecycle responsibilities to create robust, scalable, and distributed systems that operate flawlessly 24x7x365. You will have an opportunity to learn new things. We’re always expanding into new areas, exploring new technologies and pushing the frontier of our platform.This is an exciting opportunity to work in a highly innovative environment with new technologies as we continue to extend our market leading position.



You are an engineer who can turn ideas into extremely reliable and scalable designs. You code in such a way that other engineers find your code easy to comprehend, modify, and build upon. You believe in the power of Integration and APIs to transform how systems are integrated and how applications are built.

You will be successful in this role if you:

  • Enjoy helping and mentoring others around you as you grow and become a successful engineer and developer
  • Have excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Are capable of working in a distributed team and able to excel in a remote culture
  • Are self-driven and able to work on key initiatives
  • Take pleasure in making things happen and listen to the input from peers
  • Are able to make data driven decisions
  • Are a believer in a best idea strategy regardless of where or who ideas come from

We are looking for:

  • 5-8+ years of experience in building large scale distributed applications.
  • Strong experience building multi-tenant SaaS applications
  • Strong problem-solving, debugging, and analytical skills with great attention to detail
  • Experience with Microservices and Cloud-based architectures/design patterns

Technical Skills and Experience:

  • Excellent JavaScript, CSS and HTML authoring skills.
  • Proficiency with Javascript, TypeScript, Java Node.js, or Go.
  • Familiar with application deployment via Docker and/or Kubernetes.
  • Hands-on experience with AWS services such as DynamoDB, S3, or CloudFront.
  • Bonus: Experience using DataDog APM and logging.
  • Bonus: Experience developing and releasing using CI/CD pipelines, such as GitHub Actions

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Senior WordPress Developer - Remote


A2 Hosting is hiring a Remote Senior WordPress Developer - Remote

Senior WordPress Developer - Remote - A2 Hosting - Career Page insurances

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Devops Engineer

MirantisPoznań, Poland, Remote

Mirantis is hiring a Remote Devops Engineer

Job Description

Job Description

We are looking for a talented DevOps Engineer, who is willing to work on the intersection of IT and software engineering, be passionate about open-source and be able to design and deploy cloud infrastructure built on top of open-source components.


  • Contribute to and extend observability solutions for Mirantis products 

  • Analyze requirements for the Mirantis products, propose and implement improvements in the monitoring toolset to address use cases

  • Work with geographically distributed international teams on technical challenges and process improvements

  • Contribute to Mirantis knowledge base

  • Continuously improve tooling and technologies set



  • Practical administration experience in Linux(RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu) as a server platform. Required experience with Linux OS itself as well as with production-level software and hardware.

  • Hands-on experience in Ansible, Puppet, or any other IT automation tools

  • Practical administration experience in virtualized environments based on KVM / Docker

  • Hands-on experience in Kubernetes administration

  • Hands-on experience with scripting languages

  • Ability to understand and troubleshoot code written in Python / Golang

  • English language on an Upper-intermediate level+

Will be a plus

  • Knowledge of OpenStack

  • Experience in onboarding applications to the cloud

  • Experience in Python / Golang programming

  • Experience in Prometheus stack

  • Experience in ELK stack

  • Experience in Grafana stack

  • Experience in any other monitoring solutions

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Software Engineer II - Advanced Engineering

Torc RoboticsRemote - US
agileBachelor's degreeDesignc++linux

Torc Robotics is hiring a Remote Software Engineer II - Advanced Engineering

About the Company

At Torc, we have always believed that autonomous vehicle technology will transform how we travel, move freight, and do business.

A leader in autonomous driving since 2007, Torc has spent over a decade commercializing our solutions with experienced partners. Now a part of the Daimler family, we are focused solely on developing software for automated trucks to transform how the world moves freight.

Join us and catapult your career with the company that helped pioneer autonomous technology, and the first AV software company with the vision to partner directly with a truck manufacturer.

What you'll do:
  • Responsible for software development, including but not limited to, algorithm development, software design, implementation, unit testing, vehicle testing and deployed software maintenance while following quality, build, deploy and test processes, safety and process requirements and guidelines. 
  • Responsible for executing full software development lifecycle activities using primarily C++ skills in Linux development environment using Lean-Agile methodologies.
  • Responsible to complete software assignments including but not limited to software design, implementation, unit testing, vehicle testing and deployed software maintenance while following quality, build, deploy and test processes, safety and process requirements and guidelines.
  • Assist in root cause analysis of issues found in testing and process automation steps.
  • Support team in identifying daily assignments and reporting progress at daily stand ups.
  • Support software and system level test plans and verification strategies to support ongoing feature development and bug fixes.
  • Designing and implementing systems responsible for data acquisition and analysis from remote vehicles in the field.
  • Responsible for ensuring software updates do not regress the software performance by utilizing simulation software and scenarios.
  • Passion for autonomy technology product area
  • Communicate well in a team environment being able to clearly articulate progress, design expectations and support needed to help the team accomplish goals.
What you’ll need to Succeed:
  • Considered very skilled and proficient in discipline; conducts important work under minimal supervision and with latitude for independent judgment
  • Demonstrates competences and technical proficiencies typically acquired through BS+ 4+ years of experience or MS+ 0-3+ years of experience
Hiring Range for Job Opening 
US Pay Range
$153,200$183,800 USD

At Torc, we’re committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. We celebrate the uniqueness of our Torc’rs and do not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, veteran status, or disabilities.

Even if you don’t meet 100% of the qualifications listed for this opportunity, we encourage you to apply. We’re always looking for those that are hungry, humble, and people smart and your unique experience may be a great fit for this role or others.

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Senior Infrastructure Engineer (Core)

Telny(Remote) LATAM

Telny is hiring a Remote Senior Infrastructure Engineer (Core)

About Telnyx

Telnyx is an industry leader that's not just imagining the future of global connectivity—we're building it. From architecting and amplifying the reach of aprivate, global, multi-cloud IP network, to bringinghyperlocal edgetechnology right to your fingertips through intuitive APIs, we're shaping a new era of seamless interconnection between people, devices, and applications.

We're driven by a desire to transform and modernize what's antiquated, automate the manual, and solve real-world problems through innovative connectivity solutions. As a testament to our success, we're proud to stand as a financially stable and profitable company. Our robust profitability allows us not only to invest in pioneering technologies but also to foster an environment of continuous learning and growth for our team.

Our collective vision is a world where borderless connectivity fuels limitless innovation. By joining us, you can be part of laying the foundations for this interconnected future. We're currently seeking passionate individuals who are excited about the opportunity to contribute to an industry-shaping company while growing their own skills and careers.

Are you passionate about building and scaling next-generation infrastructure? Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment where you can make a real impact? If so, then join our rockstar infrastructure team at Telnyx! We're building a cutting-edge, cloud-agnostic platform that spans continents and empowers our product teams to achieve amazing things.

In this role, you'll not only collaborate with a talented team to deploy and maintain our infrastructure provisioning automation, but you'll also have the opportunity to:

  • Shape the future: We value your input! You'll collaborate with engineering teams to identify pain points and continuously improve our internal architecture for scalability and resilience.
  • Become a cloud native expert: Deepen your knowledge of service mesh, container technologies, and CI/CD pipelines.
  • Level up your skills: Learn about every technology stack Telnyx uses and become a well-rounded infrastructure engineer.

You’d Be A Good Fit If You Have

  • 3+ years of professional software development and infrastructure operations experience
  • Strong experience in Kubernetes management and applications development. Better if you have managed on-premises clusters.
  • Proficiency on at least one programming language (Python, Golang, etc). 
  • Expert knowledge of at least one configuration language (Ansible, Puppet, Terraform, etc).
  • Experienced in shaping and improving CI/CD infrastructure design, architecture, and implementation support.
  • General knowledge of container technologies, linux networking and operating systems.
  • Candidates MUST have a good understanding of basic networking protocols like (DNS, HTTP, TLS). Knowing other networking protocols like BGP is a plus.
  • Knowledge of service discovery and service mesh architectures is a big plus.

Growth Opportunities: 

  • Act as a strength multiplier to product engineering efforts. 
  • Learn about every technology stack used at Telnyx.
  • Work at the intersection of the social and the technical, with growth opportunities in both.

Bring Your Authentic Self to Telnyx

Telnyx is committed to building a team full of diverse perspectives, various backgrounds and different minds. We believe diversity drives innovation. We are committed to building a culture where difference is valued and creating avenues of equity for underserved groups. While we are still a work in progress, we are actively seeking folks who are  passionate about building a place of belonging for everyone. 

We're looking for people with passion, grit, and integrity. We believe in transparency, proactivity, and mutual respect. We provide the high-grade tools that help you do your best work, and keep up the collaborative habits that help everyone stay in the loop. No matter where you're based or which team you’re on, you’re plugged in, supported, and helping to shape the future of communications. 

You're encouraged to apply even if your experience doesn't precisely match the job description. Your skills and passion will stand out—and set you apart—especially if your career has taken some extraordinary twists and turns. At Telnyx, we welcome diverse perspectives, rigorous thinkers and assumption challengers. Are you ready to join us?

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Junior Software Engineer


Susco is hiring a Remote Junior Software Engineer

Junior Software Engineer - Susco - Career Page

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Network Advanced Services Engineer (Wireless or Security)

AristaLos Angeles, CA, Remote

Arista is hiring a Remote Network Advanced Services Engineer (Wireless or Security)

Job Description

Arista seeks an Advanced Services Engineer to provide advanced technical, product and solution support, guidance, and assistance to account teams to address specific customer needs. In this position, you will be working as a technology expert in Wi-Fi and networking security to design, implement, and support (troubleshoot) the Campus and Datacenter Networking deployments within a number of customer infrastructures. The ideal candidate will also have a level of comfort communicating across all functions within Arista, as well as with clients and partners.

Considering alternative locations as well: San Diego, CA, Phoenix, AZ or Las Vegas, NV

Essential Functions of the Job:

  • You will provide advanced technical and solution support for Arista's Data Center and Campus networking deployments for our enterprise and commercial customers
  • Translate complex business requirements into the according Network solutions
  • Provide customer advice regarding architectural questions, product prerequisites, product features, etc.
  • Define and review customer architectural network designs and make recommendations for deployment
  • Assist customers in deploying and operating Arista’s Network solutions
  • Migrate or interconnect to/from Cisco, Juniper, Aruba, Palo Alto and other vendors to Arista infrastructure
  • Assist with configuration build-outs including creating network Devop's framework.
  • Drive the proof of concepts (POC) and in-depth testing to validate design scenario
  • Provide bug scrubs and code recommendations
  • Provide interface to TAC and internal development teams and the customer
  • Establish and maintaining strong relationships with key partners
  • Attend key partner events, training sessions, and provide ongoing training with the customer teams globally
  • Maintain professional relationships with teammates, partners, and clients
  • Deep listening skills, customer empathy, humility, and competence are key attributes we seek in a candidate.
  • Some travel may be required within assigned territory


Required Skills and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or equivalent and above
  • Network Industry Certification preferred (e.g. CCIE R&S or CCIE Security)
  • 5+ years of experience working in security or wireless including 2+ years working in a sales or consulting role
  • Demonstrated experience in Network Consulting Engineer or as an Advanced Systems (AS) Engineer preferred
  • Expert knowledge in the networking infrastructure areas: TCP/IP protocol stack, IP Routing, BGP, VxLAN/EVPN, Wi-Fi and Networking Security
  • In-depth knowledges in at least one area of Data Center or Campus related technologies - Native Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Cloud Security and Linux tools
  • Background in Perl, Python, Scripting for creating network automation is highly desired
  • Excellent customer service and verbal communication skills
  • Excellent written and presentation skills and the ability to do related documentation and ticket tracking of opportunities/meeting follow-up

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Data Engineer

ImpervaHybrid Remote, Vancouver, Canada

Imperva is hiring a Remote Data Engineer

Thales CPL and Imperva have combined forces to become the largest data security vendor in the world and to jointly develop cybersecurity products for the largest companies around the globe. The joint offering allows covering all aspects of data security for our customers in a way no other vendor can compete with, and makes the Thales and Imperva brand the strongest in the market worldwide!     
We are committed to fostering and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The collective sum of our employees’ individual differences, life experiences, self-expression, and raw talent directly influences our culture, reputation, our customers’ success, and our business performance.   

Imperva develops cybersecurity products for the largest companies around the globe. We store and collect huge amounts of security-related data from in-house systems and various cloud platforms, and analyze it using a variety of tools ranging from Fast Fourier Transforms to Machine Learning algorithms. We are a tight team that enjoys an informal work environment – we’re open to (and respectful of) a variety of personal quirks and styles. We work hard and then we have fun in various social activities.   
This is a Hybrid position located in Vancouver.     
Position Summary    
What would you be doing as a Data Engineer   
Work with many different databases and cloud vendors, including AWS, Azure IBM, GCP   
In this role, you will map data from different sources into structured database entries, making it more appropriate and valuable for further analysis. You will be on a team of people responsible for supporting 80+ (and growing) types of databases. You will research how to extract data from these sources and decide how to automatically transform it by writing configuration code for our Gateway product. The Gateway is a sophisticated ETL engine written in C++ with configuration done via JSON files. The majority of the work is done from the linux command line.

Critical traits 
- Have a technical aptitude   
- Detail oriented   
- Methodical and consistent   
- Able to understand & follow technical directions   


Minimum Qualifications  
  • Previous experience with scripting (Bash and Python)   
  • Previous experience working within Linux environments   
  • Familiarity with source control, in particular git and github   
  • Previous experience with SQL, NoSQL and Cloud Databases   
  • Previous experience with MongoDB   
  • Previous experience with ETL process and Database Integration   
  • Experience with technical documentation (writing and/or verifying)   
Other Assets  
  • You want to make a difference   
  • You love using technology   
  • Ability to learn quickly – you’ll work with a variety of technologies and you will need to
    figure it out 
  • Your friends describe you as independent and reliable 
  • You thrive in a versatile and dynamic team environment   
  • Always ready to help others and be helped   
  • You have the ability to resolve technical challenges and comfortable with ambiguity   


Join us in shaping the future of data security. Apply now and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to building innovative and robust solutions for the challenges of tomorrow!     
The anticipated annual base salary range for this position is CAD $88,000 – $100,000. The salary offered will be determined based on the candidate’s experience, knowledge, skills, other qualifications, and location.     
Our Company:  

Imperva is an analyst-recognized, cybersecurity leader—championing the fight to secure data and applications wherever they reside. Once deployed, our solutions proactively identify, evaluate, and eliminate current and emerging threats, so you never have to choose between innovating for your customers and protecting what matters most. Imperva—Protect the pulse of your business. Learn more:, our blog, on Twitter.


Imperva offers a competitive compensation package that includes base salary, medical, flexible time off, salary continuance for adoption or birth of a child and more. It’s an exciting time to work in the security space. Check out our products and services at and career opportunities at
Legal Notice:  

Imperva is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, protected veteran status, medical condition or disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Senior DevOps/Build Systems Engineer

ProgressHybrid Remote, Sofia, Bulgaria

Progress is hiring a Remote Senior DevOps/Build Systems Engineer

Progress is an experienced, trusted provider of products designed with customers in mind, so they can develop the applications they need, deploy where and how they want and manage it all safely and securely. We take pride in what we do, always valuing the whole person—at work and in life. Our diverse life experiences enrich our culture because people power progress.  

Our platform is the backbone behind billions of people worldwide chatting, flying, presenting, banking, gaming, shopping, and learning. If you're ready to make an impact, our Build and Release Engineering team is looking for talented individuals to join us in India and Ireland. 

What You’ll Do: 

As a vital member of our Build and Release Engineering team, you'll: 

  • Implement and enhance the entire life cycle of services, from design and inception to deployment (on-premise and cloud-based), operations, and refinement.
  • Provide support for services before they go live through system design consulting, software platform development, capacity planning, and launch reviews.
  • Maintain live services by measuring and monitoring availability, latency, and overall system health.
  • Collaborate with internal and external teams on release management activities, including the development of automated deployment and testing tools.
  • Work within an agile team, ensuring proactive communication of status and timely completion of deliverables.
  • Propose and implement continuous improvement activities.
  • Standardize and document common DevOps procedures.
  • Contribute to the development of new features and bug fixes on Progress's custom build services.
  • Practice sustainable incident response and conduct blameless postmortems, guiding ticket resolution for key applications and platforms.
  • Assist the team in diagnosing and correcting build failures.
  • Act as a mentor and learner within a team of world-class engineers.
  • Collaborate with project stakeholders, including product management, UX, other teams, and customers.

Who You Are: 

We're looking for someone with: 

  • Strong experience in software development using Ruby or Python.
  • Familiarity with CI/CD software such as Buildkite or Jenkins.
  • Proactive troubleshooting skills for build failures.
  • Proficiency in bash scripting.
  • Knowledge of Linux system internals.
  • Comfort with cloud-based platforms and tools like Terraform and Docker. Kubernetes experience is a plus.
  • Experience managing AWS or Azure environments.
  • An independent self-starter with a passion for learning through experimentation and research.

We'd be happy to chat if this sounds like you and fits your experience and career goals. What we offer in return is the opportunity to experience a great company culture with wonderful colleagues to learn from and collaborate with and also to enjoy: 

  • Generous remuneration package
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan Enrollment
Vacation, Family, and Health   
  • 30 days paid annual vacation
  • An extra day off for your birthday
  • 2 additional days off for volunteering
  • Premium healthcare and dental care coverage
  • Additional pension insurance
  • Well-equipped gym on-site
  • Co-funded Multisport card
  • Daycare Center for your little ones onsite
  • Flexible working hours and work-from-home allowance
  • Free underground parking with a designated space for bikes and electric scooters
And most importantly, great company culture with wonderful colleagues to learn from and collaborate with!   
Apply now!   

Together, We Make Progress

Progress is an inclusive workplace where opportunities to succeed are available to everyone. As a multicultural company serving a global community, we encourage a wide range of points of view and celebrate our diverse backgrounds. Our unique combination of perspectives inspires innovation, connects us to our customers and positively affects our communities. It is only by working together and learning from each other that we make Progress. Join us!

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Senior Website Developer

DaxkoBirmingham, AL, Remote

Daxko is hiring a Remote Senior Website Developer

Job Description

Join our dynamic team as a Senior Website Developer and spearhead the customization and development of our cutting-edge website platform and associated projects. In this pivotal role, you will collaborate closely with our talented UX/UI design team to craft bespoke and semi-custom websites and products. Working in synergy with fellow developers and designers, you'll ensure the seamless completion of projects to meet our clients' unique needs. Furthermore, you'll engage directly with account managers and clients, ensuring timely project development and delivery. If you're passionate about innovation and thrive in a collaborative environment, we want you on our team!


  • Strong teamwork and independent work skills in fast-paced environments, adept at meeting deadlines.
  • Ability to manage multiple projects concurrently and prioritize tasks effectively.
  • Proficiency in clear documentation, both for codes and processes.
  • Commitment to staying updated on industry trends and acquiring new technical skills.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including client interaction.
  • Exceptional organizational skills, attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite or related software.
  • Understanding of digital marketing concepts.
  • Over 4 years of WordPress development experience, including headless setups and SSH/SQL proficiency.
  • Mastery of WordPress hooks, filters, custom post types, and taxonomies, with familiarity in Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
  • Extensive experience in custom theme development and plugin creation.
  • In-depth knowledge of APIs and Gateways.
  • Over 3 years of frontend development experience in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Experience in large-scale enterprise builds within fast-paced environments.
  • Capability to execute the full software life-cycle development process, from architecture to maintenance.
  • Completion of a development bootcamp or equivalent coursework.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in development, communications, business, or relevant field, or equivalent industry experience.

In your day-to-day, you will:

  • Utilize front-end web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end web development (WordPress, PHP, MySQL) skills to support and complete projects.
  • Use some light server administration to support website hosting of projects (Windows, Linux, Apache).
  • Train and mentor team members on development projects and skills related to development and processes.
  • Utilize project management skills, such as timeline management, resource coordination, and communication, may be required for specific custom website development projects.
  • Participate in regular project ownership of development projects to ensure a supportive lifecycle.
  • Continuous work with UX designer to build custom website solutions on the WordPress platform.
  • Proofread & edit website content as needed or as directed by customers.
  • Update digital media on customers' websites, editing images when necessary.
  • Respond to tickets regarding text & image changes for existing customer websites.
  • Ensure that websites and projects are completed and launched within a set timeframe.
  • Ongoing troubleshooting and resolution of issues/bugs on websites/projects.
  • Collaboration with Customer Success Teams to provide excellent customer service to website and digital marketing customers.
  • QA websites/projects for development issues and best practices from other developers/designers prior to launch.

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Software Development Engineer II, Nav API

MapBoxRemote, United States

MapBox is hiring a Remote Software Development Engineer II, Nav API

Mapbox is the leading real-time location platform for a new generation of location-aware businesses. Mapbox is the only platform that equips organizations with the full set of tools to power the navigation of people, packages, and vehicles everywhere. More than 3.9 million registered developers have chosen Mapbox because of the platform’s flexibility, security, and privacy compliance. Organizations use Mapbox applications, data, SDKs, and APIs to create customized and immersive experiences that delight their customers.

What We Do

The Navigation team develops and operates web services powering virtually all of Mapbox’s strategic navigation initiatives in consumer, automotive, and logistics. This is a highly multidisciplinary team, with work spanning distributed systems on AWS to geospatial localization, traffic telemetry, and mapping. 

Read about Mapbox Navigation on our blog:

What You'll Do

As an Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing and operating significant areas of our routing services. In this role, you can expect to:

  • Solve complex guidance scenarios that don’t have good solutions today
  • Develop best-in-class guidance experiences that make routing enjoyable, not robotic
  • Provide highly customizable guidance solutions for large OEMs as well as very niche customers with unique use cases
  • Build the tools others will use to unlock incredible mapping and navigation solutions never seen before

What We Believe are Important Traits for This Role

  • Experience engineering modern C++ and Linux server applications in a commercial or open-source development environment, or equivalent performance-critical systems experience with Go, Rust, or the JVM.
  • Knowledge of operating systems and distributed systems (e.g., fault-tolerance, consistency, service discovery, etc.)
  • A rigorous approach to problem solving, using experiments and data analysis to drive quality of service improvements
  • Willingness to go beyond your comfort zone and develop new skills across the full range of our stack
  • Located in the Eastern Time Zone

What We Value

In addition to our core values, which are not unique to this position and are necessary for Mapbox leaders:

  • We value high-performing creative individuals who dig into problems and opportunities.
  • We believe in individuals being their whole selves at work. We commit to this through supportive health care, parental leave, flexibility for the things that come up in life, and innovating on how we think about supporting our people.
  • We emphasize an environment of teaching and learning to equip employees with the tools needed to be successful in their function and the company.
  • We strongly believe in the value of growing a diverse team and encourage people of all backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and sexual orientations to apply.

Our annual base compensation for this role ranges from $143,000 - $213,325 for most US locations and 5% to 10% higher for US locations with a higher cost of labor. Job level and actual compensation will be decided based on factors including, but not limited to, individual qualifications objectively assessed during the interview process (including skills and prior relevant experience, potential impact, and scope of role), market demands, and specific work location. Please discuss your specific work location with your recruiter for more information.

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Mapbox is an EEO Employer - Minority/Female/Veteran/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity


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Senior C++ Application Software Engineer (f/m/div)

Bosch GroupOvar, Portugal, Remote
5 years of experienceDesigngitc++dockerlinuxpython

Bosch Group is hiring a Remote Senior C++ Application Software Engineer (f/m/div)

Job Description

Your contribution to something big: 

    • Design, code and unit-test the software
    • Document the requirements and design
    • Decompose the design into user stories and tasks and estimate using planning poker
    • Translate product/system requirements into component level requirements
    • Plan the order of development in Sprints, focusing on achieving continuous integration
    • Making sure you and your team operate according to Agile/scrum principles
    • Keep abreast of technical developments in own field through study of literature and technical contacts
    • Strong drive for continuous improvement
    • Lead others by example - act as a servant leader
    • Practices lean software development


What distinguishes you:

    • You have a university education in computer or software science at Bachelor level or higher
    • You have at least 5 years of experience in C++
    • You have fluent English language skills (verbal and written)
    • You are able and willing to work at least 2 days per week at the Ovar office
    • You are willing to work in Eindhoven/Netherlands 1-2 weeks per time several times per year
    • You have an understanding of the SOLID-principles and how to apply them in software design
    • You have experience with embedded CPU architectures (ARM microcontrollers, Xilinx Zync)
    • You have experience in using Linux and FreeRTOS
    • You have experience with CM tools like SVN and GIT
    • You have experience in OOAD
    • You have experience using Docker
    • You have experience with wired communication protocols, TCP/IP, RSTP and Ethernet
    • You have specific knowledge of relevant design & modeling methods like e.g. UML
    • You have an understanding of core OS concepts like multi-threading, memory management, power management
    • You have a proactive and eager mindset to get the job done, helping others
    • Being able to decompose complex task and estimate work
    • You can look, realistically, outside the box
    • You have a helicopter view, capable of finding an appropriate solution to complex problems
    • You have a broad interest in Software Development and are familiar with additional programming languages
    • Experience with peripherals such as UART, SPI, i2c/i2s, GPIO, interfacing with FPGA is a plus
    • Experience with Yocto and SCons toolchain is a plus
    • Experience in Python programming language is a plus
    • Experience in C# programming language is a plus
    • Experience in Safety critical systems is a plus

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